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Using Dyna Gro in coco


Hey Lowman, it make sense about EC with cal/mag. Now i get a full of pictures. Hopefully i will have a great result with coco grow soon :D Thank you for helping. I appreciate it.

Happy growing and peace

Good advice from Lowman. Just finished the harvest of the first full batch on DG. It is working better than GH and H&G with my local water. DG isn't the answer to everything, but it is working well for me. The trick is to find out what will work well in your area. Good Luck and have fun.



Oh yeah MrBill1969 Ive already got familiar with DG from last year with soilless, peat moss/perlite i got unbelieveable result with huge yield no question. So i just want do the different soilless like coco. Thats why I asked if its fine to use DG for coco beacuse I noticed some fertilizers in the store that design for coco only. Yes sir, I hope i will have successful with coco grow soon :D Thanks.

Happy growing and peace



For you guys running DG in Coco, which one are you using for Veg and which for BLoom?

I am new to coco and currently using "grow" for veg with "protekt" and botinicare's "cal-mag plus" (I use soft tap water)

I will be using "Bloom" in place of grow for flowering. I also have "Mag-Pro" but havent really used it as the cal-mag and base nutrients seem to take care of the plants Mg needs. It looks like a good bloom fertilizer by itself and I might experiment with it this run.

I have been using soil until I decided to go with coco and after trying a couple different nutrients (Fox Farm, MaxiBloom) I tried DynaGro and havent looked back.

I can use less, maintain a more stable pH and cut out the supplements and "boosters" that other brands seem to require.
I am new to coco and currently using "grow" for veg with "protekt" and botinicare's "cal-mag plus" (I use soft tap water)

I will be using "Bloom" in place of grow for flowering. I also have "Mag-Pro" but havent really used it as the cal-mag and base nutrients seem to take care of the plants Mg needs. It looks like a good bloom fertilizer by itself and I might experiment with it this run.

I have been using soil until I decided to go with coco and after trying a couple different nutrients (Fox Farm, MaxiBloom) I tried DynaGro and havent looked back.

I can use less, maintain a more stable pH and cut out the supplements and "boosters" that other brands seem to require.

Switched to using the DG GROW in Flower and my buds are blowing up insane. Also adding a bit of Silican and 2ml Calmag. Keeping PPMS under 650 and all is beautiful at the moment.


Wether or not you need cal-mag depends on two things.

1. If your nutrient formula contains insufficient calcium & magnesium


2. You are using distilled, RO, or "soft" tap water

Tap water generally contains enough ca & mg to sustain plants but if your tap has low ppms (soft water) or you are using another "empty" water, youll need to add back the cal/mag.

Most city tap water ranges from 150-300ppm. 2.5mL/gal Botinicare cal-mag + got me to around 150ppm.

I needed it with DynaGro but I have since switched to Maxibloom. MB seems to contain enough Ca & Mg for me to not need cal-mag anymore.
I used to use dyna for a short time after I tried house and garden. Both did ok. I went to the head formula and never looked back. I ended up putting the bottles on craigslist for free and I haven't seen them since. They don't suck, head is just easier and more dialed. Should be considered the standard for coco imo.


DG works well in both hydro and soilless. Just got done reading through some of HB's side by side grows with DG pitted against AN, GH and H&G; DG beat out AN by a good margin and bested the second two as well, although H&G was very close. He also did a run with DG 7-9-5 and the Foliage Pro 9-3-6 as an experiment regarding high P foods during flower. The Foliage Pro ended up yielding slightly better than its counterpart that had three times the Phosphorus. Pretty awesome to see the FP rocking it from seed to harvest and coming out on top. HB is very familiar with his strains and has his rooms dialed right in...he also has a vested interest in doing the best he can so there's no tanking one side of the room for the sake of pandering to a particular company. He was a staunch GH guy until someone suggested he give DG a try. He's given others the opportunity but none so far have taken the title. Great ferts at a very reasonable price.


New member
So Foliage Pro from start to finish and nothing else? I am in coco. Trying to figure out a good Dyna Gro feed. Not sure if I need the Mag-Pro or Cal-Mag with DG and the coco. I know it may be unusual but I am doing a recirculating top feed drip system. Any suggestions on use of DG in Coco would be greatly appreciated.
I used to use dyna for a short time after I tried house and garden. Both did ok. I went to the head formula and never looked back. I ended up putting the bottles on craigslist for free and I haven't seen them since. They don't suck, head is just easier and more dialed. Should be considered the standard for coco imo.

I may be retarded but the HEAD formula seemed confusing to me. Maybe that thread just got too large. I would love to hear someone just give the basic breakdown of how much of what per gallon. LOL
Been using Dyna Gro Bloom for a few years in coco....

All in all very good...

Prefer a 1 part nute formula to others (like 6/9 or even the A/B mixes). With 6/9 and the A/B mixes that call for you to put in A, wait 15 minutes, then add B, it's hard for me to know what the final EC is going to be while mixing. I don't want to bother...

With a 1 part nute, whether it be Dyna-Gro or Maxiloom, you add nute until you reach your desired EC...much simpler to me.

When I used RO water, it took my PH down a little bit low (like 5.0), with a 50/50 mix of tap/RO, it usually put me right in that 5.7-5.9 range which I like a lot.

I added less than 1 ml per gallon of cal/mag and flirt around with various root enhancers, H202, SM-90, P/K boost, drip clean, and/or zymes from time to time, but as a whole Dyna Gro is a solid single part all in one nute....While that sounds like a lot, as a whole it's pretty much Dyna Gro with a tiny Cal-mag

Having said that, I am switching to the Veg and Bloom Dirty that everyone is raving about. Turns out being way pricier than Dyna Gro, but I like playing around and am seeing sick results from users and am getting good personal advice from the company owner. On Amazon it is saying Dyna Gro is discontinued and my local shops haven't carried it for a while (they prefer more expensive stuff geared exclusively towards marijuana). I'm not sure if that's true, but I didn't want to risk getting an old expired bottle or anything. At the end of the day, if I yield 1 extra zip or save an hour here and there using veg + bloom dirty, it pays for itself.

But I'd never steer anyone away from Dyna Gro...great stuff
Been using Dyna Gro Bloom for a few years in coco....

All in all very good...

Prefer a 1 part nute formula to others (like 6/9 or even the A/B mixes). With 6/9 and the A/B mixes that call for you to put in A, wait 15 minutes, then add B, it's hard for me to know what the final EC is going to be while mixing. I don't want to bother...

With a 1 part nute, whether it be Dyna-Gro or Maxiloom, you add nute until you reach your desired EC...much simpler to me.

When I used RO water, it took my PH down a little bit low (like 5.0), with a 50/50 mix of tap/RO, it usually put me right in that 5.7-5.9 range which I like a lot.

I added less than 1 ml per gallon of cal/mag and flirt around with various root enhancers, H202, SM-90, P/K boost, drip clean, and/or zymes from time to time, but as a whole Dyna Gro is a solid single part all in one nute....While that sounds like a lot, as a whole it's pretty much Dyna Gro with a tiny Cal-mag

Having said that, I am switching to the Veg and Bloom Dirty that everyone is raving about. Turns out being way pricier than Dyna Gro, but I like playing around and am seeing sick results from users and am getting good personal advice from the company owner. On Amazon it is saying Dyna Gro is discontinued and my local shops haven't carried it for a while (they prefer more expensive stuff geared exclusively towards marijuana). I'm not sure if that's true, but I didn't want to risk getting an old expired bottle or anything. At the end of the day, if I yield 1 extra zip or save an hour here and there using veg + bloom dirty, it pays for itself.

But I'd never steer anyone away from Dyna Gro...great stuff

We are doing a Dirty vs Dyna Grow side by side right now actually. Totally neck and neck.

The HUGE pros to the Dirty is that it PH's to about 5.9 automatically. The downside is the huge cost of it and how much of a mess it leaves in your reservoirs. Id prefer the original Veg+Bloom to be honest.
Awesome side by side to do!

original veg and bloom in coco? Have you done that?

I'm going with Chris's recommendation to use dirty in coco with my .2 EC 7.7 tap water. Not ideal h20 I know, but best I can currently do currently.

Dirty is bringing ph to 5.9....are you using RO water for both and getting that result?

Got a link to the side by side?
Awesome side by side to do!

original veg and bloom in coco? Have you done that?

I'm going with Chris's recommendation to use dirty in coco with my .2 EC 7.7 tap water. Not ideal h20 I know, but best I can currently do currently.

Dirty is bringing ph to 5.9....are you using RO water for both and getting that result?

Got a link to the side by side?

yea its RO and i haven't added any Cal Mag yet.

For the Foliage Pro I do add about 3ml of Cal Mag as well.

No pics and haven't posted it online. Just doing it for us so we can find out if we have a better option
I dropped the dirty and have gone back to DG. Using bloom but am picking up some foilage pro for veg/early bloom.

With the dirty, my PH rose every day in my res and it dirtied up my res pretty bad. DG leaves me with a more stable PH day after day and mixes perfectly and instantly.

So you use foilage pro the whole way huh? No DG bloom???
I dropped the dirty and have gone back to DG. Using bloom but am picking up some foilage pro for veg/early bloom.

With the dirty, my PH rose every day in my res and it dirtied up my res pretty bad. DG leaves me with a more stable PH day after day and mixes perfectly and instantly.

So you use foilage pro the whole way huh? No DG bloom???

We ditched Veg+Bloom as well. Too expensive and really didn't perform. Also killed 2 of our pumps.

Running FP all the way to week 7 now and it's been great. Just make sure you are adding your mykos and stuff early on and plenty of carbs to feed them. I also add .4ec of CalMag with every feed to week 6. You will be happy.

This next run im actually stopping the FP at week 3 and running MAxibloom the rest of the way. Will see how that goes.
Yeah I use mycos....usually Great White but I have some +Life to get rid of now that I may throw in there :)

Of course I use the dyna gro Protekt for stem strength and as a ph up.

I keep Botanicare cal mag around and use maybe 1ml a gallon.

A little koolbloom powder for the very end. Sm-90 here and there in veg/early bloom.

What carbs do you use? I used to use blackstrap molasses, but I like to mix a big res and it got/smelled nasty after being in there for a while. Is there a good carb to use that will stay fresh in a res for a little while?
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Yeah I use mycos....usually Great White but I have some +Life to get rid of now that I may throw in there :)

Of course I use the dyna gro Protekt for stem strength and as a ph up.

I keep Botanicare cal mag around and use maybe 1ml a gallon.

A little koolbloom powder for the very end. Sm-90 here and there in veg/early bloom.

What carbs do you use? I used to use blackstrap molasses, but I like to mix a big res and it got/smelled nasty after being in there for a while. Is there a good carb to use that will stay fresh in a res for a little while?

I like molasses but you have to use it right away. If you cant use it right away id stick with something like Carboload or an equivilent.


New member
Are you using CalMag all the way through with every feeding? I am running a recirculating top feed drip system in to straight coco using Protekt and Foliage Pro and RO water. I have MagPro and CalMag sitting on the shelf. Just trying to connect with other DG users and figure this out. Thanks!

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