Whatever happened to the white romulan?
Whatever happened to the white romulan?
Hell yeah brother Kalyx!! I have a bunch of plans for sure...some were just cooked up today.
Just look at the love that I received today...DAMN!!! As if I wasn't busy enough right?? I asked for it and got it. I must get to poppin huh??
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Yeah, definitely busier than a 2 peckered rabbit... I could only imagine... I can't even keep up.... Definitely transplanting soon because im sick of feeling sorry for starving babies but no energy to save them!!
Funny that UI and I spoke about this today.
Good things coming to the aches and pains thread. Mind boggling, actually.
Lemon, Orange, Chocolate, Happy Go Lucky, Fire Cookies, the Mahayana project.... serious intent on some Sour, Chem, Diesel, and Blueberry projects that might surface randomly in the next year.
Wow - simply wow.
Enough to lose sleep on the possibilities. Not to mention everything current - life is good.
Well thank you, brother. I feel blessed to have such a genuine circle of gardening buddies (albeit small) and I'm honored that you're a part of things. Q U A L I T Y, not quantity, right!?
Too early in the morning to say something funny in reply....... so...... I appreciate the hell out of your friendship. I know you're trustworthy and have space..... so....... the rest is history. I'd send the vault to ya if I had to (albeit NOT small).
You say Blood Orange, I think Agent Orange and Orange Bud. Lemon Zinger (say you) and I think SLH, Super Lemon OG and Buddah's Hand.
Funny thing is that we're so similar our tendencies and flavor preferences.
Cheers to a wide open future and long lasting friendship.
Much fucking love to ya, UI!
Oh - and just for the record...one of the most giving men I know on or off the boards/forums. 'preciate the help through the recent hard times.
Aw shucks...thanks for the compliments bud. Good folks are hard to come by these days for sure. Now on to seeds...LOL. I got a pack of White Goji in the mail today. The White x Goji F3 Gonna be some interesting things in that pack.
Nice score there UI those White Goji are going to be amazing... so much magic to work with, so many projects going on. The magical collection just keeps on growing and growing in epic-ness what are you going to do lol?
You've always made me feel most welcome! Should pair nice with my Cali-O x Sour Bubble thanks for the tip!