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:::::::USA Set to Reschedule Cannabis::::::: HHS Releases Recommendation Documents:::::::


ICMag Donor
Steroids when when abused can cause more serious health issues than cannabis.



ICMag Donor
Showdown going down right now in the Indiana Senate on the Craft Hemp Flower bill which was amended to prohibit low-THC hemp extract products containing more than 0.3% OF ALL isomers and precursers of hemp-derived THC.

The bill does set age restrictions to 21 years and older which is the overall goal of the bill and the changes were done to get unanimous support to allow the bill to pass.


Senate Bill 478

I move that Senate Bill 478 be amended to read as follows:
1 Page 21, line 41, delete "A" and insert "(a) Except as provided in
2 subsection (b), a".
3 Page 22, between lines 4 and 5, begin a new paragraph and insert:
4 "(b) This subsection does not apply to the holder of a liquor
5 dealer's permit issued under IC 7.1-3-10-4 that is also a craft retail
6 hemp establishment.".
7 Page 27, after line 42, begin a new paragraph and insert:
8 "SECTION 14. IC 24-4-21-3, AS AMENDED BY P.L.190-2019,
10 JULY 1, 2025]: Sec. 3. A person may distribute low THC hemp extract
11 in Indiana only if the distributor has a certificate of analysis prepared
12 by an independent testing laboratory showing:
13 (1) that the low THC hemp extract is the product of a batch tested
14 by the independent testing laboratory;
15 (2) that the independent testing laboratory determined that the
16 batch contained not more than three-tenths percent (0.3%) total
17 delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), tetrahydrocannabinol
18 (THC), including precursors of THC, by weight or volume,
19 based on the testing of a random sample of the batch; and
20 (3) the cannabidiol percent present of the low THC hemp
21 extract.".
22 Page 28, line 31, strike "delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)," and
23 insert "tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),".
24 Page 28, line 32, delete "weight." and insert "weight or volume.".
25 Page 30, line 32, delete "delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)," and
26 insert "tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),".
27 Page 30, line 33, delete "weight," and insert "weight or volume,".
MO047808/DI 107 2025
1 Page 32, line 1, delete "delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)," and
2 insert "tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),".
3 Page 32, line 2, delete "weight." and insert "weight or volume.".
4 Page 33, delete line 11 and insert "means the harvested
5 reproductive organ, whether immature or mature, of the female
6 Cannabis sativa L. plant containing not more than three-tenths of
7 one percent (0.3%) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), including
8 precursors of THC, by weight or volume, in a form that is intended
9 to allow THC to be introduced into the human body by inhalation
10 of smoke.".
11 Page 33, delete lines 12 through 16.
12 Page 33, delete line 24.
13 Page 33, line 25, after "(2)" insert "contains not more than
14 three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
15 including precursors of THC, by weight or volume;
16 (3) contains no other controlled substances; and
17 (4)".
18 Page 37, delete lines 33 through 42, begin a new line block indented
19 and insert:
20 "(1) purchases tobacco, an e-liquid, or an electronic cigarette;
21 (2) accepts tobacco, an e-liquid, or an electronic cigarette for
22 personal use; or
23 (3) possesses tobacco, an e-liquid, or an electronic cigarette on
24 the person's person;
25 commits a Class C infraction.
26 (b) It is a defense under subsection (a) that the accused person acted
27 in the ordinary course of employment in a business concerning tobacco,
28 an e-liquid, or an electronic cigarette for the following activities:
29 (1) Agriculture.
30 (2) Processing.
31 (3) Transporting.
32 (4) Wholesaling.
33 (5) Retailing.
34 (c) A person less than twenty-one (21) years of age who:
35 (1) purchases a product that contains THC, including low
36 THC hemp extract, craft hemp flower, or a craft hemp flower
37 product;
38 (2) accepts a product that contains THC, including low THC
39 hemp extract, craft hemp flower, or a craft hemp flower
40 product, for personal use; or
41 (3) possesses a product that contains THC, including low THC
42 hemp extract, craft hemp flower, or a craft hemp flower
43 product, on the person's person;
44 commits a Class C infraction.".
45 Page 38, delete lines 1 through 6.
46 Page 40, line 14, strike "delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)," and
MO047808/DI 107 2025
1 insert "tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),".
2 Page 40, line 15, delete "weight;" and insert "weight or volume;".
3 Page 41, line 5, strike "delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)," and
4 insert "tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),".
(Reference is to SB 478 as printed February 12, 2025.
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ICMag Donor

I think RF Kenedy Jr. is an intelligent advocate and will be on the side of cannabis consumers. He has been an advocate for health freedom and vaccine safety for years, and I agree with a lot of what he has to say.
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ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
Indiana legislative deadline for bills to pass committee was monday, so cannabis reform measures were not discussed this year. Only when cannabis reform amendments were presented by Democrat advocates was the issue brought up at all. The reform amendments were usually considered non-germane (unrelated) or amendments which violate a rule against including language from other bills which have already been introduced, so they wouldn't have been allowed anyway. Its good they brought it up and had some level of discussion on the record, although it usually wasn't pretty, and no doctors or patients were involved in hearings.

One reform amendment which was presented on the house floor was ruled out-of-order non-germane. The ruling was appealed and the House of Representatives voted unanimously to sustain the ruling.

Bills passage from one of the 2 legislative bodies is the end of the week. Its a dead issue at this point, unless the language is included in another existing bill.

Senate Bill SB478 Craft Hemp Flower had amendment intoduced to legalize adult use cannabis and was heard and voted on in committee! The bill was moved to the end of the day of the Courts and Criminal Code committee hearing and there was nobody else really in the room, and it had been a long discussion of other topics earlier and everyone was kind of tired after rigorous debate.

There are potential health concerns, but the harms of prohibition are too great to continue the policy against our citizens.

Chairman of Courts and Criminal Code Senator Freeman brought up that there could be lawsuits similar to what happened with "Big Tobacco" and everyone will be saying "What have you done to our citizenry."

Most of the representatives are good people and want to make the right decision, they just don't have the information in front of them.



ICMag Donor
Indiana Senate passed the "low-THC Hemp Extract"age restriction bill today.

There is another bill Senate bill SB 478 Craft Hemp Flower which will receive a hearing likely tomorrow which would make CBD hemp flower legal, but it would also define it to make all products have to be 0.3% THC including precursers and isomers by weight or volume. After some thought, the bill will allow for any flower or edibles which fall under the 0.3% THC but the vapes which have higher concentrations may become prohibited if passed.
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ICMag Donor
There should be educational information available about the signs and symptoms of overexposure to THC. Depending on whether it is short-term exposure or long-term exposure, there are differences in potential side effect issues. Long-term exposure has signs and symptoms to watch for which indicate a build up of THC and they could recommend a tolerance break.
Consumers could be encouraged to be active and make healthy choices promote whole-body wellness and be less likely to have negative side effects.

Recommendations about how to moderate THC products use and properly dose for your needs would be helpful for consumers to reduce negative side effects.

Put a warning label on it and an age restriction to 21 years and older and be done with it. Feds have been neglectful for the American public.

There may be lawsuits soon because Hemp has been legal for so long without regulation or safety guidelines.


ICMag Donor
Yeah it would be great for us to have it all perfect right now, but we know we are watching the balances of justice being weighed. These are the birth pangs of God's Kingdom and heaven is what matters. God is with us and there that's what really matters. Watch, observe, and obey, all will come to pass.

Everything is working for good and building us up in one way or another. God fights our battles. Keep your head up. Be thankful. Watch.


ICMag Donor


Well-known member

Wisconsin as a whole state, I believe is still considered "red". It's capital, Madison, is very "blue". Unless things have changed, historically, the Wisconsin legislature is Republican controlled and they've shot down any chance of legalization. I'm betting they'll do the same this time around. In fact, I think Wisconsin is one of the most hard-core in the U.S. at this point in regards to their strict anti-cannabis laws.

Michigan has been legal for years. Minnesota has now been technically legal for several years, but due to massively controlling and inept bureaucracy, there's still not a single retail cannabis business open (other than a few Native American reservations). Minnesotans who would want to drive to Michigan to buy cannabis largely avoid doing so because they have to go through Wisconsin to get there. Legal for them to buy in Michigan, Legal for them to have and use in Minnesota, but they'd get nailed to the wall if they were pulled over on the way back home in Wisconsin.


Well-known member
but due to massively controlling and inept bureaucracy, there's still not a single retail cannabis business open
sounds a lot like Virginia. legalization passed easily, but the GOP took control a couple of years later & have refused to move forward & set up legal sales, etc. just dragging their feet in a losing effort to prolong a senseless war. this is JMHO.


ICMag Donor
Yeah its interesting even with the govorner's support, how the legislature doesn't take up the issue. Same situation in Indiana with medical cannabis, Braun said several times how cannabis is a valuable medicine and reform measures should be discussed. Except for a few activist Democrats bringing up the issue in insubordination, the issue NEVER surfaced.

Today in the Indiana Senate there were doctors present from Indiana University (IU) Medical Health Hospitals, but the craft hemp bill was not discussed because they only had time to go through bills to amend as its the last day.

The craft hemp bill will legalize cannabis hemp flower and extracts with 0.3% THC and will be an opportunity to bring up the medical value of cannabis. Tomrrow is the last day to pass a bill and it is close to the end of the list unless they hear them out of order. No chance for further amendment after today, but there likely won't be much discussion on the amended SB 478 craft hemp flower bill , but just an up or down vote and a few quick comments.


Well-known member
sounds a lot like Virginia. legalization passed easily, but the GOP took control a couple of years later & have refused to move forward & set up legal sales, etc. just dragging their feet in a losing effort to prolong a senseless war. this is JMHO.

I think Minnesota legalized it in August of 2023. Several Native American tribes decided to just go ahead on their sovereign land and open their own recreational sales and their own growing operations. Other than that...not a single actual license issued and from what I read they think it may be a year or so from now before it's a reality. Crazy.


ICMag Donor
Republicans seem to be stuck without adequate information because the Democrat-controlled federal Justice Department and DEA are limiting research on cannabis and maintaining Schedule 1 status in CSA.

In my opinion this is a political tool to try to gain seats for the Democrat party because voters want to correct the issue, so they will have to vote Democrat to achieve cannabis reform. Republican voters don't want the Progressive form of government though, and Conservative Republican leadership has decided to wait until the federal government makes more information available to legislators until reform measures are taken. Also federal statute prohibits cannabis as a medicine or for any purpose currently, claiming cannabis is a dangerous substance.

HHS and FDA have reviewed the scientific information and sent a memo to the DEA in 2023 requesting cannabis be moved to Schedule 3. Not sure why legislators don't request the information which the review was based on.


ICMag Donor
Again, DEA Adminstrative Rulemaking court hearings for rescheduling have been delayed and the Administrative DEA Judge has canceled them until allegations of DEA bias in selection of witnesses to give testimony can be investigated.

Once Cannabis is eventually moved to Schedule 3, research will begin and it will prolong the issue until research is completed and US Congress decides to hear a cannabis reform bill. Not sure though if DEA Administrative Rulemaking is able to continue due to allegations of evidence of illegal communications and bias against DEA.

Some of the communications revealing bias were on social media and are available to see. I think they were posted earlier in the thread.


ICMag Donor
All reform authority is given to the Judicial Branch courts right now, in the hands of A judge, delivering all the power to them and away from the elected government.

Ever wonder why people don't vote?

Thankfully we have good police officers and others making good judgements out there, trying to buffer the violence against the people. Families and children are under threat, thankfully there is some mercy from the people who's duty is to enforce these oppressive laws.


ICMag Donor
Wisconson is a sate known for beer-making from what I have heard. I know someone form Wisconsin and he would brew beer, several people have said its pretty popular up there. Interesting the issue isn't being taken up.

Cannabis is a safer alternative to alcohol.



Well-known member
Republicans seem to be stuck without adequate information because the Democrat-controlled federal Justice Department and DEA are limiting research on cannabis and maintaining Schedule 1 status in CSA.
dude...are you time-traveling? or is your sarcasm so good that i just don't see it? all the information in the world is available, but it doesn't say what the GOP want to hear. "Democrat-controlled federal Justice Dept." LOL! please, stop it! :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO: