Billions are made in the drug war . This will never stop The gov will claim its going after cartel members and it will be legitamite medicinal users who actually suffer. The med system in cali is fuked . Anyone and i mean ANYONE over 18 can get a medicinal weed card . How long do you think this will be tolerated . Doctors get rich , club owners get rich and the price of true highquality weed goes up. The gov will not stop prosecuting marijuana users until they can make money off of its legalization , Through a sativex or marinol type of drug that they can make billions of of. Ive been in the medicinal marijuana game inb cali since 1999 . Inthe begining they allowed 99 plants per person , now in my county its 30 and almost every other county only allows 6 plants . This is why for the most part its abused by people trying to make money , The gov is pulling thewool over americas eyes with there false legalization talk. LEGAL