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US to Stop Medical Marijuana Raids!


Billions are made in the drug war . This will never stop The gov will claim its going after cartel members and it will be legitamite medicinal users who actually suffer. The med system in cali is fuked . Anyone and i mean ANYONE over 18 can get a medicinal weed card . How long do you think this will be tolerated . Doctors get rich , club owners get rich and the price of true highquality weed goes up. The gov will not stop prosecuting marijuana users until they can make money off of its legalization , Through a sativex or marinol type of drug that they can make billions of of. Ive been in the medicinal marijuana game inb cali since 1999 . Inthe begining they allowed 99 plants per person , now in my county its 30 and almost every other county only allows 6 plants . This is why for the most part its abused by people trying to make money , The gov is pulling thewool over americas eyes with there false legalization talk. LEGAL :dueling: ILLEGAL


Just Call me Urkle!!

Sounds like another loophole to charge people with and let them deal with
it in court. Whos going to use medical marijuana for what shield? Are people
going to set up an outdoor grow to cover up their tweek lab? Maybe plant
some poppies imbetween the ganja plants? Like many others, I am
HOPEFUL YET SKEPTICAL. The federal govt. has far too many larger issues
that warrant their attention to be dealing with cannabis. Until cannabis
is rescheduled and left to the states to govern, I wont be holding my breath...

I don't like they are still going to fuck with patients if "THEY" feel they aren't really sick or don't have a serious ailment, which makes me worry am I one of them cuz I'm being treated for depression,anxiety, and appetite stimulation? I always hear "all we see are 20 somethings going in there" So where will they draw the line??


If the federal government recognizes mmj friendly state laws as reasonable, doesn't that mean they believe marijuana has some accepted medical use? Shouldn't they be required to reschedule marijuana due to it's widely accepted medical applications? It would be a noteworthy step in the right direction IMO.


Active member
Can you say California Cannabis Incorporated?

Well just so you know the IRS can!



Active member
Well just so you know the IRS can!


LOL - That's bad ass man.

My wife and I are really trying to figure out how we'd be able to pull off a move out to cali. Med laws here are very strict. Sounds like a good way to make a nice little life out in cali.


I know here in Washington State there's a vending machine inside a building that all i need is a Card you get Yearly when u sign up or resign up and it lets u in the Door. Still nothing like Cali. though where u got crazy amount of selections and u can buy cloes. But back to the vending machine all u need to get in the door to the small hallway type place and then there's a vending machine with sometimes 2-5 different kinds, Normally just 2 Kinds and the 2 they always have i dont like, But there were 10 different kinds a couple times that where better then what they usually have but still not as good as my legal homegrow. Well i dont feel legal for some reason even though u should be. Plus I got 2 People with cards who live here and 1 person im his Caretaker since hes getting really old, soon im gonna send hit up with a sav setup where he barly even has to move or lift anything heavy, but back to the vendering bachine $50 for a 3.5g eigth though for all there flavors, once some where $60,$65,$70 and i was like damn they were good but nothing like my RM SD, witch to me is kinda ridiculous. $100 for an eighth 7grams should be some of the best shit out there, i can get stuff just as good if not mostly better for way way cheaper. Bud that's just me. Wish we had some Dispensaries here like Cali for I could just go pick up some clone since im totally signed up and legal, I have chronic pain and dont want to go to back to getting prescribed the Methadone or Oxycotton plus instant release Per 30's. Witch work good but just they are really addicting so i quit taking them and got my card finially, If i really wanted money though shit i could go back and get those prescribed.. $60 for one OXY 80mg tablet! Thats a good $6000 a month easily.. crazy i dont do that, Some people even pay 80-100 Around here. I can get them for $40-45 but i dont from my buddy,. Methadone works the same but WAY longer and u cant snort it like OC, A lot of people don't like it cause they get sick the first time or two they take it but to me its better addiction wise and easier to lean off since it last all day not just a couple hours like OC after a while, But with Methadone u need to be sure to eat good before u take it for first times or get prescribed Promethazine its just a Nausea Pill so if u have a week stomack or u make get sick and puke, I always ask for promethazine 50mg tabets taken 2 times daily really only need 1 but those make u never puke unlesss your really sick. But enough pill talk. lol


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I take Hydromorhine now and I also need to take the promethazine our I will get sick. I have my card here in Oregon and I'm hoping I can stop taking the pills or at least cut the amount I have to take. Pills suck


I'll believe it once the law is in the books.

Until then, the Feds will continue to use this law to bully and harass harmless patients, their families and sequester assets.

Let's face it, the DEA/Feds are the real Drug King Pins. And like any other drug lord, they will do anything to eliminate the competition.

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