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US to Stop Medical Marijuana Raids!


Active member
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has stated that the federal government's policy towards medical marijuana has changed. He now says as long as people comply with state medical marijuana law, there is no reason for the Feds to get involved anymore.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said:
The policy is to go after those people who violate both federal and state law, to the extent that people do that and try to use medical marijuana laws as a shield for activity that is not designed to comport with what the intention was of the state law. Those are the organizations, the people, that we will target. And that is consistent with what the president said during the campaign.

Read the L.A. Times Story


I'll believe it when I see it...
Hopefully the sick and suffering can have their medicinal cannabis now without getting their houses trashed and getting the shit beat out of them.maybe the government will wake up to the MANY benefits of this,including revenue from taxes.... Agriculturally hemp can save the world from the devastation of man's ignorance and stupidity.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The policy is to go after those people who violate both federal and state law, to the extent that people do that and try to use medical marijuana laws as a shield for activity that is not designed to comport with what the intention was of the state law. Those are the organizations, the people, that we will target. And that is consistent with what the president said during the campaign.

Sounds like another loophole to charge people with and let them deal with
it in court. Whos going to use medical marijuana for what shield? Are people
going to set up an outdoor grow to cover up their tweek lab? Maybe plant
some poppies imbetween the ganja plants? Like many others, I am
HOPEFUL YET SKEPTICAL. The federal govt. has far too many larger issues
that warrant their attention to be dealing with cannabis. Until cannabis
is rescheduled and left to the states to govern, I wont be holding my breath...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If the head of the DEA doesnt listen to Holder than Obama will fire his ass, along with anyone else in the organization who has a problem with it. head of the is not an elected postion, it is appointed. Obama is pretty strict on his people in my opinion.

Even if things do change we still have to be wary of things going backwards once obama leaves office. That is if americans let it.

As americans we need to completly exile the neo-cons from politics to keep them from driving us back to the dark ages.

I like to hear multiple view points, but not from the neo-cons. They are a bunch of holier than thou, self absorbed, greedy crooks. That belong in jail
Even if things do change we still have to be wary of things going backwards once obama leaves office. That is if americans let it.

As americans we need to completly exile the neo-cons from politics to keep them from driving us back to the dark ages.

I like to hear multiple view points, but not from the neo-cons. They are a bunch of holier than thou, self absorbed, greedy crooks. That belong in jail

i think they are too deeply rooted.

but i also think this is the chance we've been waiting for.


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
there already lookin to change/amend the caregiver status here in CO.

caregiver will not be a grower who just provides medicine. as a care giver you need to make meals, visit, take um to the store, bathe um, stuff like that. you know, like a actual caregiver.



Active member
I personally think that this is the best thing to happen to the medical marijuana movement in years. I know several people that actually need medical marijuana(not just oh my back hurts I think I need a prescription doc), but for Parkinson's disease, and Spinobiphida, that have been afraid to grow their own on account that they couldn't live in jail, let alone prison. This will now free them from their worries about it, and they will now be able to produce their own medicine(which I personally find therapeutic on it's own), instead of having to rely on their shady drug dealers who are only out for a profit, and that don't really care what goes into the final product. It is great to live in a country that is starting to care about it's people, and to see the government start to make good decisions based on fact, instead of what The Decider thinks is right


Active member
PS- I am not ragging on anyone that has actual back problems-just the a**holes that abuse the system by claiming to have hard to disprove symptoms, and the docs that hand them out to people like a cure all. They are the only reason that I could imagine that this movement could change course for the worst.


feels good to read such great news.....here in the deep south usa its hard to imagine fl as a med mj state...but hey i didn't think obama would win fl either so there still is hope. what a joyous day it will be when i can provide medicine legally for my 2 termanily ill friends and not have to worry about having my door being kicked in!

Tony Danza

I agree with gemini. This thing with the Dea and raiding will never stop. They wont listen to anybody.

With an attitude like that, defeat is a certainty.

The new dea head is about as pro-pot as a major metropolitan police chief could be. He put weed at the very bottom of the the Seattle PD's priority list, and seemed to want to work with medical users rather than against them.

We got a long way to go, but for once in my life, Washington looks like it may be willing to at least take a few steps in the right direction.

Optimism has a chance, Cynicism doesn't want one.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If LA Ca can sale pot from a vending machine I can see great things happening very soon.


see us code, title 21, sections 802(16), and 841(b)(1)(D). particular cultivar in question still prohibited.

rep. barney frank has introduced bill in house every year for at least 10 yrs. if capable of being repealed, will be done in this congress. as the law stands, still on books.

exec branch cannot unilaterally declare statute void. separation of powers. but, in deference to exec, may not fully enforce.

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