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US state of Georgia set to allow medical marijuana


ICMag Donor
Miami (AFP) - Georgia looks set to become the 24th US state to legalize marijuana for certain medical uses, part of a growing movement in the country.
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal -- who has said he is in favor -- now needs to sign off on the bill after it was approved Wednesday by legislators in the southern state.
The law allows for possession of marijuana oil that has a low content of THC, a substance that affects the central nervous system, when it is used for the treatment of eight specific diseases including cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and epilepsy.
It "provides relief from pain and hope for a lot of citizens in our state," said Republican legislator Allen Peake, cited by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Peake said he hopes 17 families who moved to Colorado, which has legalized marijuana, will return to Georgia after they left the state to have access to drugs they say help seizure disorders.
US senators earlier this month introduced the most comprehensive legislation on medical marijuana ever brought before Congress, a bipartisan effort aimed at ending federal restrictions on the increasingly accepted treatment.
A total of 23 states have already legalized marijuana for medical use.
Colorado, Washington state, Alaska, Oregon and the US capital have recently passed laws legalizing it for recreational use.
Nonetheless, marijuana remains strictly illegal under federal law.


Thats not good news at all. The excuse to grow an extensive amount of marijuana (needed for oil production) to act as though severe medical patients would be released of illness is a slap in the face. Nathan Deal is setting up his "friends" to make millions before he decriminalizes marijuana or even addresses it to the public. Everything was done behind the scenes.


Active member
CBD only MMJ is a total fake-out. Only people with seizure disorders benefit rather than all the other people who can use high THC MMJ as an analgesic & mood elevator.

It also fakes out the uninformed among the electorate- "But we already have MMJ!"

Not really.


New member
Its a move in the right direction. At least the patients have the option to get their meds out of state and aren't having GW forced down their mouths.


Active member
This bullshit "move into the right direction lie" I'm fucking sick of it. Get it through your heads people. Hemp oil only is not a step in the right direction
Its a step into a fucking bear trap


No Jive Productions
having just moved from tennessee after more than 15 years underground there what i see in the deep south is a bunch of republican manoeuvring to remove the issue from the 2016 ballot by pre-emptively passing minimum use, highly restrictive legislation so that they can say to the public that "we don't need to deal with this issue any more as we already have legal cannabis for medical purposes."

they especially fear constitutional amendments and they do not want to be seen as opposing pro medical cannabis legislation at election time.

the recent election in florida scared the living shit out of the conservatives in the south.

the amendment almost passed and everyone there knows it will next time. so the conservatives now have a choice to make. do they oppose it and lose seats in the state assemblies or do they pass weak, do nothing bills to dupe the general public into believing the issue is done and retain power?

tennessee, alabama, georgia, florida are all pushing these weak bills at the people hoping to appease just enough of the electorate to prevent the people from taking control of their own lives.


Active member
Someone get tHis man a cookie. That's what I call hammer on nail. Finally some one who sees what is happening. Now time for the rest of you to wake the fuck up. Its battle time.
having just moved from tennessee after more than 15 years underground there what i see in the deep south is a bunch of republican manoeuvring to remove the issue from the 2016 ballot by pre-emptively passing minimum use, highly restrictive legislation so that they can say to the public that "we don't need to deal with this issue any more as we already have legal cannabis for medical purposes."

they especially fear constitutional amendments and they do not want to be seen as opposing pro medical cannabis legislation at election time.

the recent election in florida scared the living shit out of the conservatives in the south.

the amendment almost passed and everyone there knows it will next time. so the conservatives now have a choice to make. do they oppose it and lose seats in the state assemblies or do they pass weak, do nothing bills to dupe the general public into believing the issue is done and retain power?

tennessee, alabama, georgia, florida are all pushing these weak bills at the people hoping to appease just enough of the electorate to prevent the people from taking control of their own lives.
Exactly, they are only allowing it for 8 serious medical issues and sure they sign into legality cBD oil, which other have stated is just an appeasement. You also have to understand the way the southern governments work. They are signing into existence a law that says you can posses high CBD low THC medicine...but where the hell are you supposed to get it? How are you supposed to produce it? No protection there
having just moved from tennessee after more than 15 years underground there what i see in the deep south is a bunch of republican manoeuvring to remove the issue from the 2016 ballot by pre-emptively passing minimum use, highly restrictive legislation so that they can say to the public that "we don't need to deal with this issue any more as we already have legal cannabis for medical purposes."

they especially fear constitutional amendments and they do not want to be seen as opposing pro medical cannabis legislation at election time.

the recent election in florida scared the living shit out of the conservatives in the south.

the amendment almost passed and everyone there knows it will next time. so the conservatives now have a choice to make. do they oppose it and lose seats in the state assemblies or do they pass weak, do nothing bills to dupe the general public into believing the issue is done and retain power?

tennessee, alabama, georgia, florida are all pushing these weak bills at the people hoping to appease just enough of the electorate to prevent the people from taking control of their own lives.


Georgia's law will limit THC at 5 percent, and patients will be able to obtain up to 20 ounces under strict supervision of the state and their doctors.

5 percent, eh? What's getting allegedly signed on Friday is a tweaked version of an earlier bill that included fibromyalgia as the ninth issue that could be treated in the new law... That was their big point of contention at the apparent conclusion of two years of intense debate? Meow...


Never trust politicians, they represent the big international corps, not the citizens of the US of A.

The politicians have really been dogging us in AK in an attempt to undermine the MJ bill we passed.


Active member
having just moved from tennessee after more than 15 years underground there what i see in the deep south is a bunch of republican manoeuvring to remove the issue from the 2016 ballot by pre-emptively passing minimum use, highly restrictive legislation so that they can say to the public that "we don't need to deal with this issue any more as we already have legal cannabis for medical purposes."

they especially fear constitutional amendments and they do not want to be seen as opposing pro medical cannabis legislation at election time.

the recent election in florida scared the living shit out of the conservatives in the south.

the amendment almost passed and everyone there knows it will next time. so the conservatives now have a choice to make. do they oppose it and lose seats in the state assemblies or do they pass weak, do nothing bills to dupe the general public into believing the issue is done and retain power?

tennessee, alabama, georgia, florida are all pushing these weak bills at the people hoping to appease just enough of the electorate to prevent the people from taking control of their own lives.

Well said. Thank You.


Active member
gotta start somewhere, folks...:)

I'll agree with that, but it's important to understand that this is designed to be a blind alley. They'll hold out as long as possible, at least until their big money friends find a way to get the inside track.

They're snake bit, anyway, but the drama isn't over yet.


Well-known member
I'll agree with that, but it's important to understand that this is designed to be a blind alley. They'll hold out as long as possible, at least until their big money friends find a way to get the inside track.

They're snake bit, anyway, but the drama isn't over yet.

agree. big money will ALWAYS have the inside track, but that does not guarantee that they will win in the long run. they are riding a bull that can't be ridden, but their money depends on hanging on as long as they can. their big money friends may find out that folks don't buy from people they don't like. as long as it is eventually legalized for possession, it will turn out okay, because there will be no way to prove where it came from, I don't believe. you can buy a quart of legal moonshine & refill it from your still after you drink the legal shit. the big takeaway is that if it is legal, pigs smelling smoke will not get them a search warrant...


Active member
agree. big money will ALWAYS have the inside track, but that does not guarantee that they will win in the long run. they are riding a bull that can't be ridden, but their money depends on hanging on as long as they can. their big money friends may find out that folks don't buy from people they don't like. as long as it is eventually legalized for possession, it will turn out okay, because there will be no way to prove where it came from, I don't believe. you can buy a quart of legal moonshine & refill it from your still after you drink the legal shit. the big takeaway is that if it is legal, pigs smelling smoke will not get them a search warrant...

i believe you problem is that you think that in the future of fed legalization will include smoking flowers. I assure you that will not be the case unless we do some serious fighting.


Thats not good news at all. The excuse to grow an extensive amount of marijuana (needed for oil production) to act as though severe medical patients would be released of illness is a slap in the face. Nathan Deal is setting up his "friends" to make millions before he decriminalizes marijuana or even addresses it to the public. Everything was done behind the scenes.

that's gonna make hard for the growers in ga to get their foots in the door. have you guys heard of halcycorp organics


Well-known member
i believe you problem is that you think that in the future of fed legalization will include smoking flowers. I assure you that will not be the case unless we do some serious fighting.

smoking the flowers is, without question, the quickest way to get the THC into your system. any cancer doctor that deals with chemotherapy patients will tell you this. taking a pill for nausea induced by chemo is a losing proposition, as you will puke it up before it gets into your blood system. the future of legalization HAS to include ALL delivery forms...

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Synthetic CBD has never been illegal in the US except in CT, until this new enlightened progressive era.

the term 'low THC oil' means an oil that contains not more than 5 percent by weight of tetrahydrocannabinol and an amount of cannabidiol equal to or greater than the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol.
or who manufactures, distributes, dispenses, sells, or possesses with the intent to distribute low THC oil shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten years, a fine not to exceed $50,000.00, or both.
any person who sells, manufactures, delivers, brings into this state, or has possession of 160 or more fluid ounces of low THC oil shall be guilty of the felony offense of trafficking in low THC oil and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as follows:
(1) If the quantity of low THC oil is at least 160 fluid ounces but less than 31,000 fluid ounces, by imprisonment for not less than five years nor more than ten years and a fine not to exceed $100,000.00;
(2) If the quantity of low THC oil is at least 31,000 fluid ounces but less than 154,000 fluid ounces, by imprisonment for not less than seven years nor more than 15 years and a fine not to exceed $250,000.00; and
(3) If the quantity of low THC oil is 154,000 or more fluid ounces, by imprisonment for not less than ten years nor more than 20 years and a fine not to exceed $1 million.
Sounds kind of harsh for trying to help people obtain a non-toxic non-psychoactive medicine which is not legally made available in any way in the state by the law, except for the study. Pure crystalline CBD is uncontrolled, then? The most likely explanation instead of a kickback conspiracy is that the states are doing the minimum they can to shut people up, in the absence of federal approval.

that's gonna make hard for the growers in ga to get their foots in the door.

Don't hold your breath waiting for GA to be like CA any time soon. Money needn't be a factor. Control - expect control. The south is going to keep being the south for some time to come. They and other states for instance still have the old sodomy laws on the books, even if the courts won't allow their application, for now.

smoking the flowers is, without question, the quickest way to get the THC into your system. any cancer doctor that deals with chemotherapy patients will tell you this.

By and large, the medical industrial complex can't wrap its head around smoking medicine. Look how long it took just to get vaporizing in any form, with nicotine of course. Doctors, insurance companies, employers, police, government - they're not turning Rasta mon - bias against pot has not yet gone away.