We need to keep marijuana profits rollin in for our domesticaly unemployed. Weed is the last thing we should outsource.
I have a definite hostile attitude if you are an illegal alien growing on public lands.
1st off they are illegal and should be back in mexico so anything they do here I am against.can you go to mexico and get any goverment services or grow bud?no and why would you bother?
the damage they do to public lands is significant in that taxes are wasted to interdict them.the land clearing,garbage,and other activities I would be upset at even if they werent growing.nothing pisses me off like being in the ocean or mountains and seeing garbage lying on the ground or in the water.that is what really upsets me,and having been to mexico I can care less for their garbage strewn country.
I would say if you grow on public lands try to reduce your impact or footprint,clean your garbage up or bury it effectively.I would wish that we all cherish our public resources by leaving them the way we found it, having done trail repair work cleaned my fave beach every morning,and I wish everyone would do a little to improve the environment they live in.
Keep the illegal money in the hands of Americans. Because unlike the illegal immigrant cartel grows, American growers will actually reintroduce the cashflow into the American economy. We aren't out buying massive stockpiles of weapons or using the money to bribe government officials.
Overgrow the Cartels!
Keep the illegal money in the hands of Americans. Because unlike the illegal immigrant cartel grows, American growers will actually reintroduce the cashflow into the American economy. We aren't out buying massive stockpiles of weapons or using the money to bribe government officials. We pay our car notes, our mortgage, buy our groceries, and use our own AMERICAN cannabis. All the while we hurt nobody in the process. Electricity companies, hardware stores, hydro shops, grocery stores, craft stores, ALL BENEFIT FROM AMERICAN CANNABIS GROWTH.
Overgrow the Cartels!
"To some authorities, the new laws are essentially licences to grow money. Growers say that with a $US100 investment in enriched soil and nutrients, almost anyone can cultivate a plant that will produce almost a kilo of marijuana that can sell for $US9000 in hundreds of medical marijuana clubs or on the street."
sorry about your plight; what about the 14-20 week extension on unemployment just passed?I'm an unemployed american and keeping it green here is probably the only thing saving my ass from the gutter right at the moment since my unemployment compensation just unexpectedly bit the dust. Hey I had a good run of it though, can't say I didn't play that card a little too long so I'm not bitching. Fuck the cartels.
Oh yeah I also put my money back in to my local economy, pay my vehicle payments, somebody elses mortgage, work my ass off on whatever side work comes my way, take care of my kid and keep my dog fed. And the ironic thing is since I studied environmental science I'm actually using my schooling more taking this long shot than I have in a while and it's an assload of good clean fun.
I'm a real bastard LEO ya better stop me from 'funding the terrorists' before it's too late...oh wait since I'm fucking unemployed I guess I haven't been paying taxes lately. Never mind, I'm cool.
one more time
their weed sucks anyway that shit smells like cat piss whenever I see it around here I have to go down an alley and puke. and along the same lines it looks like somebody took my cat box and bricked the contents for a couple hundred bucks a pound...hmmm...maybe i'll go down to mexico and start pushing that...kitty can earn her keep
i dont even know what shwag is like! dont think you could even get some up here if you WANTED to.... someday id like to though...*laugh.Once people see what real weed is they never go back to schwag by choice.