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Uruguay going all out!


Guest 18340


MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — Uruguay's national government said Wednesday it hopes to fight a growing crime problem by selling marijuana to citizens registered to buy it, and will send a bill to Congress that would make it the first country in the world to do so.
Under the plan, only the government would be allowed to sell marijuana and only to adults who register on a government database, letting officials keep track of their purchases over time.
Minister of Defense Eleuterio Fernandez Huidobro told reporters in Montevideo that the measure aims to weaken crime in the country by removing profits from drug dealers and diverting users from harder drugs.
He said the bill would be sent to Congress soon, but an exact date had not been set.
"We're shifting toward a stricter state control of the distribution and production of this drug," Fernandez said. "It's a fight on both fronts: against consumption and drug trafficking. We think the prohibition of some drugs is creating more problems to society than the drug itself."
Uruguayan newspapers have reported that money from taxes on marijuana sold by the government would go toward rehabilitating drug addicts. The government did not provide details.
There are no laws against marijuana use in Uruguay. Possession of the drug for personal use has never been criminalized.
Media reports have said that people who use more than a limited number of marijuana cigarettes would have to undergo drug rehabilitation.
Some Uruguayans wondered how successful such a measure could be.
"People who consume are not going to buy it from the state," said Natalia Pereira, 28, adding that she smokes marijuana occasionally. "They're going to be mistrust buying it from a place where you have to register and they can typecast you."
A debate over the move lit up social media networks in the country, with some people worried about free sales of marijuana and others joking about it.
"Legalizing marijuana is not a security measure," one man in the capital of Uruguay wrote on his Twitter account.
"Ha, ha, ha!" joked another. "I can now imagine you going down to the kiosk to buy bread, milk and a little box of marijuana."
The idea is to weaken crime by removing profits from drug dealers and diverting users from harder drugs.
"The main argument for this is to keep addicts from dealing and reaching (crack-like) substances" such as base paste, said Juan Carlos Redin a psychologist who works with drug addicts in Montevideo. "Some studies conclude that a large number of base paste consumers first looked for milder drugs like marijuana and ended with freebase."
Redin said Uruguayans should be allowed to grow their own marijuana because the government would run into trouble if it tries to sell it. The big question he said will be, "Who will provide the government (with marijuana)?"
"If they actually sell it themselves, and you have to go to the Uruguay government store to buy marijuana, then that would be a precedent for sure, but not so different than from the dispensaries in half the United States," said Allen St. Pierre, executive director of U.S.-based National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, or NORML.
St. Pierre said the move would make Uruguay the only national government in the world selling marijuana. Numerous dispensaries on the local level in the U.S. are allowed to sell marijuana for medical use.
Possession of marijuana for personal use has never been criminalized in this South American country and a 1974 law gives judges discretion to determine if the amount of marijuana found on a suspect is for legal personal use or for illegal dealing.
"This measure should be accompanied by efforts to get young people off drugs," ruling party Sen. Monica Xavier told channel 12 local TV.
But other drug rehabilitation experts disagree with the planned bill altogether. Guillermo Castro, head of psychiatry at the Hospital Britanico in Montevideo says marijuana is a gateway to stronger drugs.
"In the long-run, marijuana is still poison," Castro said adding that marijuana contains 17 times more carcinogens than those in tobacco and that its use is linked to higher rates of depression and suicide.
"If it's going to be openly legalized, something that is now in the hands of politics, it's important that they explain to people what it is and what it produces," he said. "I think it would much more effective to educate people about drugs instead of legalizing them."
Uruguay is among the safest countries in Latin America but recent gang shootouts and rising cocaine seizures have raised security concerns and taken a toll on the already dipping popularity of leftist President Jose Mujica. The Interior Ministry says from January to May, the number of homicides jumped to 133 from 76 in the same period last year.
Overburdened by clogged prisons, some Latin American countries have relaxed penalties for drug possession and personal use and distanced themselves from the tough stance pushed by the United States four decades ago when the Richard Nixon administration declared the war on drugs.
"Out of all the drugs that are used for psychoactive effect, this is the least toxic, and the least potential for harm," said Lester Grinspoon, associate professor emeritus at Harvard Medical School.
"It may take some time to find a regulatory system that everyone can be comfortable with," Grinspoon added of Uruguay's proposed sale of the drug.
"There's a growing recognition in the region that marijuana needs to be treated differently than other drugs, because it's a clear case that the drug laws have a greater negative impact than the use of the drug itself," said Coletta Youngers, a senior fellow at the Washington Office on Latin America think tank. "If Uruguay moved in this direction they would be challenging the international drug control system."


Well-known member
Will it realy happen and are they going to get away with it ?

With a position like that, Uruguay would become a Ganja monopole.

I'm all for some Country getting a Ganja monopole, but won't prolly some other country's get Jealous?

Ah well, Many of my neighbours in the village I live will become the richest ppl in my country too, since all are happily growing up weed by the kilo's from some little seed producer they got as a friend, so yeah, why not? :D


i don't trust any goverment and the people of Uruguay shouldn't either!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well I have been reading about these guys for along time now and as a Gov. goes these guys have been doing the right thing for their ppl or atleast they are trying which is far more then I can say for our Govs.
They gave laptops to all their kids in school and they made cannabis legal and now they are letting their ppl buy it .. BONUS lol...
I believe their motto is" liberty or death" so damn you can't go wrong with that ..lol... Plus they are telling the rest of the world to kiss my ass we will do what we do and you got to love this... I say GOOD FOR THEM!!!! Atleast they are moving in the right direction and they will be ahead of all others with this ..... headband 707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
too much regulation. being on a list and only getting 40 joints a month dont seem so good to me

Well I assume they are just starting out and they are doing for more then any of our Govs has ever done so for this I have got to give them kudos.. There is always going to be haters out there and you know we are going to hear it from the USA and Canabummer that they are not doing the right thing and on and on and maybe they need to get cut off from any cash they may get from them lol..
I say they are the only country moving in the right direction while the others try to convince us we are all law breakers and criminals while they make an amazing amount of cash locking us up. Nah these guys are the only ones breaking away first good for them.. stay real Headband 707:tiphat:


Registered Non-Conformist
Salutations to the Gov't of Uruguay.

I am sure every Uruguayan smoker has a friend who won;t be using all of their 40 J's a month. Be thankful to that Friend, "Thanks so much for your extras...!"


Well-known member
too much regulation. being on a list and only getting 40 joints a month dont seem so good to me
good point.
but still, if weed is more 'mainstream' then surely fewer people will get their doors put in just because a nieghbor smells something?


Active member
Ahhh nothing better than handouts from the Gov...How legal is it, if the Gov runs the show? And in come the stupid Americans who will like this. But when those dumb asses from America see this happen in America and how much of a stranglehold the Gov will have on it. The same fan boys will be complaining about how big gov controls it.

joe fresh

Active member
too much regulation. being on a list and only getting 40 joints a month dont seem so good to me

there will always be the black market...atleast no one will be getting arested for smoking weed or carrying

but i agree that it should not be the gov't handing it out...we in canada know how the quality ends up when we go this route

Comparison of Compassion Club cannabis with Health Canada's


Re: 30% of Health Canada's Medicinal Cannabis Customers are Sending Back the Government Pot

Comparison of Compassion Club cannabis with Health Canada's


Active member
^ wow lol....had no clue it looked like THAT. Oregeno? Shit looks like what the moolies would try to sell us on Maui when we were kids.


Registered Non-Conformist
Change often happens by degrees. Unfortunately, this seems to be how things work. I would like to see no gov't in control of any part of legalization... But, step by step is better than moving backwards.


Active member
Copied from another page :

The plan to control the production and sale of marijuana in Uruguay as a way to combat drug trafficking announced by the government excluded the provision of heroin to foreigners to avoid "drug tourism", clarified the authorities.

"We will not allow drug tourism. Holland made that mistake," said the secretary general of the National Drugs Council of Uruguay, Julio Calzada, told the newspaper El Pais. According to Calzada, "this is a very important definition in this plan," which is still in development stage and will require for implementation of a series of legal changes.

The announcement of the measure, which generated much controversy in the country and drew criticism from governments of the region is part of a package of 15 measures that launched on Wednesday the Uruguayan authorities to rising levels of public insecurity in the country, which associate in part to the consumption of cocaine base.

Calzada said in The Country is expected to private businesses or clubs sell cannabis to 30 grams of marijuana per month to users who register.

It is estimated that in Uruguay there are about 75,500 marijuana. On that basis, it is estimated that production will require about 28,000 kilos of cannabis a year to supply the market. Chances are that the State leases land to private owners who awarded production licenses, El Pais said.

Calzada emphasized supply controls: "We must assure the public that not a single gram of the drug will end on the black market. This is key not only locally but also regionally, we can not cause a problem for countries neighbors until they do not adapt their legislation. "

The secretary general of the National Drug Board said that legal marijuana is pure and the price will include tax policies will be used to finance preventive and rehabilitation of addicts.

"We intend to divide the markets for cannabis and cocaine base, and ensure that the marijuana user will not end the drug and switching to other substances. This is a policy designed from the axis of security, as did the Dutch, and from a health perspective" he said.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I hear the story was that ppl were calling in or writting in saying Praries product was too stronge and they wanted it weaker.. If this is true or not I have NO IDEA perhaps this is more of the Gov's BS to not let ppl have what they want .. I have been with so many ppl that say to me... " This bud is way too stronge for me do you have anything weaker"? LOL.. So I know there are many ppl out there like this ,,,, But that bud looks like shit imvho sorry Prairies headband 707


Registered Non-Conformist
As if each and every bud could be kept off the black market.. This is starting to sound ponderous.

Why all the negative talk about Holland..? What's so bad about the Netherlands..? High-Crime rate..? Cartels..? No.. What's the problem...? Besides the newly springing up Street Dealer trade in Limburg.. Sounds like they are pandering (ass-kissing) to other governments.

Sounds like the Coca Paste Trade in Uruguay is a problem, though...

Would not be long before Uruguay realizes some profits from Canna-travellers - But, I don't think I wll be flying 12 hours plus to smoke B-Grade..

Get-er-Done, or don't. Enough Drama.
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joe fresh

Active member
I hear the story was that ppl were calling in or writting in saying Praries product was too stronge and they wanted it weaker.. If this is true or not I have NO IDEA perhaps this is more of the Gov's BS to not let ppl have what they want .. I have been with so many ppl that say to me... " This bud is way too stronge for me do you have anything weaker"? LOL.. So I know there are many ppl out there like this ,,,, But that bud looks like shit imvho sorry Prairies headband 707

when they say too strong...i bet they are talking about the harshness of it, it looks to be some harsh mexishwag