It's located under THREAD TOOLS as subscribe to thread...Croissant said:also how do I bookmark a thread?
thebandit777 said:Really thanks, i did it myself bro, i have already been through that, but i do understand why you say what you say....
But i did it myself....
thebandit777 said:Thaks OG Organic, I am happy with this last round and more happy with the Funk in my Jars....
The Sour D is one of my favorite, it has such a clean high and a very Obvious Flavor of just straight Funk....
I just found these pics of the Quirkles at another Flowering room, and i am like what the Fuck, just taco of Trichs, I have to share these with you all...
Quirkle B
Chem D
What is Original???? Don't we all just love the plant reguardless of the Politics.....
Thanks A lot Og-O for all your kind support bro, your positivity is true and you always have something to offer.....
Peace yo!
guineapig said:Awesome thread packed full of some amazing pics......congratulations bandit!!!!
Truly spectacular......keep this thread alive, as it has the pot-ential to be one of the all-time greats....
kind regards from guineapig