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Ur Favorite Beer?


Well-known member
got a new (for me) one. Redds Hard Apple cider, peach flavor. tastes exactly like the old soft drink, with enough alcohol to make it worth drinking. no carbonization, no bubbles, no burping. love it!:tiphat:


Active member

Really enjoy these ...lmao havent had beer since 06......ilike a nice bottle of red wine
Cpl glasses now a day seems fitting, and i live in northern vermont micro beer lovers mecca


Well-known member

Really enjoy these ...lmao havent had beer since 06......ilike a nice bottle of red wine
Cpl glasses now a day seems fitting, and i live in northern vermont micro beer lovers mecca
never could develop a taste for red wines. always enjoyed a good May wine, or German Liebfraumilch though. there is a wine out there someplace for every taste...:good:


Well-known member
favourite beer? This is tricky. Don´t think I have a fave but I do like a black one or ale. The ones I like best are also the more costly ones. :(
We also have micro breweries here but they´re also more costly.
In order to save more cash I have had to resort to the cheapest beer our supermarket has. To my surprise though, it is not half as bad as I had assumed :)


Well-known member
favourite beer? This is tricky. Don´t think I have a fave but I do like a black one or ale. The ones I like best are also the more costly ones. :(
We also have micro breweries here but they´re also more costly.
In order to save more cash I have had to resort to the cheapest beer our supermarket has. To my surprise though, it is not half as bad as I had assumed :)
you are lucky, lol. over here, the cheapest beer in the coolers would make a life-long alcoholic give up drinking...and quite a few of the more expensive ones would make them think hard on their choices in life...


Well-known member
you are lucky, lol. over here, the cheapest beer in the coolers would make a life-long alcoholic give up drinking...and quite a few of the more expensive ones would make them think hard on their choices in life...
hey, I didn´t say it was actually great! Just sort of drinkable when you´re desperate, lol
Now and then I treat myself to a black one in the can, NOT the bottled lol. Dunno how people can drink the bottled version or why they even produce it ...?
as far as I know the draught version is only available in the cans , right?


Well-known member
I think I might be done drinking all together. But a Bells extra special double cream stout has always been excellent. I was a big fan of Deschutes brewery obsidian stout and black butte porter. Back before the started being available nationwide. Still good but not like I remember. For a lighter beer I really enjoy kewanaw brewery red ridge (amber ale with blood orange), great flavor and super easy drinking in the sun.

I miss being able to drink all the good beer and wine. Now I seem way to aware of how it affects my system. I don't have time to wake up regretting yesterday.

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