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I Have a 1 Pound CLS with a dewax/ chilling chamber followed by a 1 micron sock filter, my question is, Is there any advantages to using the recovery pump for injecting the butane into the material collum? My system is only setup for floods with a showerhead currently i just have my tank upside down and run it into the material tube just with the system vacuumed down , and I'm using the TRS21 for the recovery process only , I have a bigger 3 pound system and i'm thinking for that one it would better using the pump because it takes decent amount of time for the tank to empty, If i wanted to use the pump to inject how would i hook it up like would i go about doing it properly Solvent tank into the in port of the TRS21 out port to a coil in DI/Iso to the material tube?


You can't pump liquid with that pump.

You need a tank with two ports, one vapor, one liquid.

You vac your column and collection chamber down to full vac, send a little solvent to it, let it vaporize, then recover that vapor with your recovery pump and pump it back into the vapor side of your solvent tank. That will force more liquid out of the liquid side of your tank and into the column and on to the collection chamber. This is called 'push-pull'.


that won't work for me because of the dewax chamber, before the collection base and filter there's a ball valve that's closed so the solvent and oil chill before it's filtered so how do i use the recovery pump to inject?

You can't pump liquid with that pump.

You need a tank with two ports, one vapor, one liquid.

You vac your column and collection chamber down to full vac, send a little solvent to it, let it vaporize, then recover that vapor with your recovery pump and pump it back into the vapor side of your solvent tank. That will force more liquid out of the liquid side of your tank and into the column and on to the collection chamber. This is called 'push-pull'.


New member
I keep all my solvent and material in dry ice the whole time. I turned my Ecogreen can upside down at room temp and that gives me 40psi continuous. Pump it where ever to push liquid into the next stage. If the system pressure equalizes, you can't push anymore, so close the valve and the cryo liquid solvent will pull pressure down below 0 in seconds. Then you go again.

(I also have a one pound basic passive CLS, and use 70/30 isobutane.)

Old Gold

Active member
that won't work for me because of the dewax chamber, before the collection base and filter there's a ball valve that's closed so the solvent and oil chill before it's filtered so how do i use the recovery pump to inject?

You'd need to reconfigure by separating the dewax chamber from the column/collection. Either through a bottom drain port or from a dip tube, do the "push-pull" previously described, then transfer the solution to the empty, cold dewax chamber. In the time taken to precipitate waxes, you might need to wipe down the collection pot again for good measure, before filtering and dumping back into it.


that won't work for me because of the dewax chamber, before the collection base and filter there's a ball valve that's closed so the solvent and oil chill before it's filtered so how do i use the recovery pump to inject?

I'd suggest running a line directly from your solvent tank to your collection pot so you have clean, dry vapor to pump back into the solvent tank. You can use this method anytime you need to push more solvent out of the tank. Also useful for redistilling your solvent.