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upgrade to a 1000wt HPS beneficial for my set up? or not????



OK its about time for a upgrade to my current room

its been turning out great bud for a good 3 yrs now in its current state...so I'm a bit leary about messing with whats been working so well for me

my flowering room size is 3ftX4ft with as much height as I care to use (I currently use around 4ft of plant grow space)
here's my current flowering room light set up

flowering room is currently a hodgepodge/mix of light types
400 wt HPS on top
400 wts worth of flour tubes around the sidewalls...(5 dual 4ft shop lights, holding 2 40wt bulbs each, of mixed colors (warm, cool, sun, plant) standing lengthways)
150wt HPS in the doorway aiming in

so you can see my current set up is a mess of wires, and its time to replace some of the bulbs...so instead, I'm thinking about gutting all the current lights in the room and just hanging up 1 1000wt HPS

though I'm not sure on how much I would benefit...since my current set up has a very wide mix of light colors, even if it is just cfl side lighting


(check out my gallery or one of my grow logs for more info on what I've been pulling from my current perpetual harvest set up)
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If you have a 400 then get another and put them side by side for more area coverage annd can put them closer than 1000hps


I'd do that also...but Ive never had lights in that small of a space before. I do know that the heat from a 1000w would be insane! I had 2000w in a 13 x 12 room once and I had to buy a portable a/c just to keep the temps down in the low 70's.


Basement Garden Gnome
1000 watts in 3 x 4 Space

1000 watts in 3 x 4 Space

I've seen people put 1000 watters in Cabnets, Refrigerators, Places I never thought 1000 W Could go.
If you have the Ventilation it's not that hard.
Depending on if the Hood is Air Cooled or a Bat Wing. A 400 watt Bat Wing gets very hot too. and your not going to get the coverage of say even 600 watts Air Cooled.

This is a HARD Question Maddog. I like different color spectrums in the flower room. But then you read about the New Bulbs and they Have That Already. Hortalux or what have you.

Just my thoughts MD but I tyhink like an Air Cooled 1000 watter ( If it can be kept cool), would give you tighter buds in that space. Ever think about 600s?
I have 1000 watter 2 600s and 400 watt bat wing. I never use the 400 anymore, can't get it close enough and 600s Rock, Air Cooled. 1000 watts however........ I like them a lot. But then I do Burn the Tops sometimes if they get too close.

This is a question that will be asked for many many more years I think. Unless those New Digital Ballest Take off! Now check those out Maddog,lower Heat and Electric use.

Good Luck cause I know your Growing abilities have little to with your Lights! Your a damn good grower and what ever you deside to do will Rock the House down.
Grow on Maddog!!!!



thanks for the well thought out responce sinful

the heat is my biggest fear/enemy...though what I currently have, also puts out quiet a bit of heat

I guess the only way I will find out for sure, is to go ahead with the upgrade and see what happens for myself......

luckily the cold wheather/winter is starting in my area...so the heat should be easier to control for the next few months

....I would really like to see what my current vegging Sour Wonder clones from the mom in these pics, will do under a bigger system

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GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Sinfuldreams said:
...Now check those out Maddog,lower Heat and Electric use...

And, I've heard, higher average lumen output because the current is steady rather than a pulse of common ballasts.

I wouldn't go up to the 1000 for a space that size. A 600 is the best in my oppinion. Much higher lumen output than 400's and not nearly as much heat as the 1000's.

GreatLakes THC :wave:


don't forget I have alot of headroom in that closet...and can go up to 12ft high if needed

...and I'm really trying to get some nice 5-6ft+ tall untopped plants going in that room (remove the crete floor my current plants sit on)

.....oh well if it gets too hot I guess I can pull them out of the closet and start turning my 8'X12' spare bedroom into a growroom.... :sasmokin:
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The HighLander

Active member
Hey there maddog99, some nice looking plants there bro!! :smile: The 1000 will make a big difference, as long as you can get rid of the heat. If you can add a light mover, it helps out. I have a 3 x 7 x 8ft tall with 1000w. Good luck :smoker:



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
maddog99 I'll make this one easy for ya.

same strain same beans:

400 watts:

1000 watts:

I'm running a a/c cooled vented hood with intake air at 69 degree's and it's also on a mover:

As long as you get the heat out the diffrence is more than double both in growth rate and total yield, but the heat can be a bitch and kill'em quick if anything goes wrong. But it's worth it trust me.

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Active member
Spare bedroom,? Do the bedroom, set it up like wags and your good to go. Looks like you got some pretty nice results outa the closet so i think you would kick ass in the spare room. Wish i had a spare room.

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Active member
I forgot to mention that i run 2000 watts in a 5 1/2' x 6 1/2' x 8' walk in closet. Heat has been an issue at times but i moved the ballasts outside the room and have major exhaust, temps never go kigher than 85 degrees.

i also added a more powerfull intake and exhaust, it draws cool air from under the house and gets sucked out through the roof with the same 465cfm squirrel fan as the intake.

peace and good luck


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Active member
Personally, I'd go w/the spare bedroom setup. 1k watter, air cooled reflector or an air cooled tube setup, light mover, good ventilation. Myplar covering the walls. That's my setup. 5 - 6 footers, huh!!! Jah bless you. That's tooooo tall for me.
Success w/ya grow/setup

Stay safe


Watch em grow!!! :canabis:


Active member
maddog99- that setup is so so similar so i am very familiar with the problems you face.
it is really uncanny....it is almost exactly the same, with the 150 watt
boxy light aiming inwards and all!!! Unbelievable synchronicity.....

heat is the biggest enemy, but you already know that. closing the door often resulted
in heat build-ups that would cause extreme water loss after 6 hours....

the boxy 150 watter was really beneficial as a "cola spotlight".....i found it was useful
for this purpose because its beam-width was very narrow.....so i would
reposition a bit here and there and aim it at the most intense clusters of
floral growth......

i know for sure that a 1000 watter would have caused not only excessive heat
build-up but would be too intense and would burn some plants as a result
of hot-spots.....most of these reflectors aren't properly tuned so as to
minimize hot-spots.....

a CO2 system was a neat toy for me.....i found it useful for training the bigger colas
to the laser-drilled tubing and when you aimed that "cola spotlight" on
those trained colas.....WOW.....gargantor colas!!! :woohoo:

anyway i could go on and on so maybe you want to pm me because i don't want to
bore everyone else with the minutae of your setup.....but trust me when i
say it is like looking into a mirror with a time-machine.....or something....eh?

kind regards as always,
your pal GP :wave:


1000wt HPS upgrade has just been done......
:yoinks: you guys should have warned me to ware sunglasses :eek:

I just got myself a basic $200 bat wing system

...was really starting to get worried about the heat, after just about everyone here said to use a glass covered, fan cooled hood

pressed my luck...and figured I could always upgrade the hood at a later date if needed

so far the temp really hasn't spiked much more then my past set-up...though its only ran for 3hrs straight before my timer kicked it off for the night
I have a fan directly behind it blowing over the lamp...and another right in front taking the hot air out of the room
plus 2 fans below giving fresh air to my girls

...time to re-learn my how to grow in my room..and how close I can get them to the bulb before doing damage

I already had a room full of plants at various stages of flowering...hope they don't mind the change

I can't wait until I start moving my first full Vegged plants under the new light to see the real effects of the higher output
fyi: I have a 400wt MH Veg room
another fyi: the closet door to the flowering room...never gets closed (its in my spare bedroom that has the windows blacked out and door closed during lights off)

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guess my weekend is now set...stay and babysit the new set-up

...I'll be keeping a very close eye on the room temp for the next few days, and tweeking the set-up


Active member
can you spare 20 bucks for a laser thermometer? it will save you lots of trouble down the road.....

it looks like you've pressed your luck!! no whammys, no whammys.....(old game show joke).....hope all goes well....-gp


Laser thermometer?
Got pix? Whuts that some NASA shit?
Where can i get em?
