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Unofficial Glossary for New Growers

Can someone please explain how to post pictures amd videos? Also rules on trading or taking donation? Also how to go about sending genetics in. I'm trying to figure all this out but having difficulties. This isn't the first time being on this forumn i just couldn't figure things out soo it lost the appeal for me. I'm determined this time and any help would greatly appriciated. Thanx in advance!


New member
This post will hopefully explain to new growers some of the terminology and expressions we use here at IC Mag, and other growing sites. It should by no means be considered complete and all-inclusive, as we're constantly coming up with more. However, this should help you out with some of the more common ones.

Whew, I'm beat, not to mention a wee-bit high. I know I missed some guys, so chime in and I'll add them to the list! Plus, I'm sure I messed something up, so I know I can rely on you guys to correct me :D

White Beard

Active member
Many thanks for the effort!

I agree sorting would be good.

I think sorting by hydroponic, botanical, genetic would be good.

Everybody needs the botanical stuff, hydroponics is its own list, I would think, and breeders seem a natural for their own list, too.


Well-known member
Lock out inquiry

Lock out inquiry

Very often find myself coming back to this one.

Was looking for "lock out" today but didn't find it here. Would any one care to enlighten me?
Lockout is when the plant confuses one nutrient with another. When a plant is exposed to excess nutrients with a strong atomic weight, it can override or block another nutrient with a smaller atomic weight from being used. The nutrient sequence is very important because of this. Each nutrient has a role to play while in sequence. When the sequence becomes broken due to an imbalance, a lockout of important nutrients happens. 😎


Well-known member
Here's a new term for cannabis growers. The term " Squeezing " comes from trying to do too much in any subject of growing that causes harm when the intention is to get more. Pushing CO2 to levels that are unhealthy or fertilizing to the point of toxicity, using too much light that burns the plants, and putting stuff in the soil that is not needed. "Squeezing" has its roots in greed and attachment to opinions and will most likely come back and bite one on his or her ass if not careful.

Here's a common phrase: "Trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip". 😎
What does being a perfectionist mean?

People with perfectionism hold themselves to impossibly high standards. They think what they do is never good enough. Some people mistakenly believe that perfectionism is a healthy motivator, but that's not the case. Perfectionism can make you feel unhappy with your life. Google
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Well-known member
You can't fool Mother Nature​
Mother Nature has already figured it out completely. If I grow within those guidelines there will always be abundance. If I try to squeeze more out of her than she has then I ask you?
Who is the real fool? 😎


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Added picture to help those in need :good::wave:
