I love when people give life advice on the forums and then violate that very same advice in their next post...
It's also so funny seeing some arrogant asswipe flail about when they get stung with facts that supersede all the horseshoe advice they've been flinging about for years...
Flatearthers, cause N=1 rules!
THIS is a picture from Prune's albums:
And he's going to sit there with his keyboard as his axe and his screen as a his shield...and talk straight shit.
^^That looks "flushed" to me if I ever saw it. Appears to be very well grown. However, since THIS picture is fro m 2016 and antiquated and so stuck in the old ways...
With all this new knowledge science has blessed us with - let us now recognize this picture for what it REALLY is...
Poorly grown weed full of leftover nutes in the flowers.
Your own words, Prune. THIS is what makes you a poser. Sorry to single you out, but, hook, line, sinker.