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Unique Flavors & Effects – How Do You Breed for Terpenes?


New member
Hey everyone,

I’ve been diving deep into cannabis breeding lately, and one thing that keeps blowing my mind is how much terpene profiles can shape a strain—not just in terms of flavor and aroma, but also the overall experience. We all know about THC and CBD, but terpenes like myrcene, limonene, and pinene can totally change the game when it comes to effects.

For example, I’ve noticed that when I cross a fruity, limonene-heavy sativa with a skunky, myrcene-rich indica, the result isn’t always predictable. Sometimes, the offspring take on unexpected traits, and dialing in those terpene expressions feels like an art form.

I’d love to hear from you all:

  • Do you actively select for specific terpenes when breeding? If so, what’s your approach?
  • Have you found certain terpene combos that create a truly unique effect?
  • What environmental tricks do you use to enhance terpene production?
Let’s swap some knowledge—I’m sure we all have stories of surprise phenos and terpene-packed plants that blew our minds. Looking forward to your thoughts!



Well-known member
Thanks for the post friend. Very interesting topic. I'm not a breeder and I would love to hear about methods breeders use too.


New member
The Leafly Marijuana terpene narrative is a myth spread by community infiltrators. (There's not that many pharmaceutical companies growing Marijuana so I'll let you figure out who)

Weed smells like carboxylic acids and their esters, not terpenes.

Outdoor weed is better because of caeliferins etc. Protein lipid signaling.


New member
Most Cannabis flavors are hexanoate or butanoate related. If you smell skunk it's probably butane thiol. If you smell peach it's likely pentyl butanoate. Pineapple is ethyl hexanoate, blackberry propyl hexanoate. Hay/grass is hexanol. You wouldn't want to taste terpenes in weed. They are gross, the result of bad breeding and a bullshit narrative to mislead Israeli researchers away from the medicine in the plant. Literally, the terpene myth was to waste a competitors time and money.

The conclusion of the millions of dollars wasted studying terpenes in Cannabis: We were lied to, it's not terpenes we should have studied, now we are a year behind and have no budget.

Fuck the terpene narrative. Right up its perfumey deodorant flavored asshole.

Hexanoic acid is the precursor to the major cannabinoids (thc/cbd), and butanoic is required for minor cannabinoid synthesis. Root zone health is heavily fortified by butanoic associates. Taking clostridium butyricum will make your farts smell cheesey, and will reinforce the leaky root cells allowing pathogens through causing your inflammation and perpetual Medicaid waste (God bless big pharma, the church didn't take enough from the people, left them with their damned health).

Pot growers must wait for a company like BioAg to bring this readily available soil borne product to market, lol. (They haven't figured out how to rewrite the language yet, to obscure all these cheap natural products they bottle and lie about.)

Not everything in Cannabis is hexanoic or butanoic though. OGs are acytlayed. Haze is another exception, being an octyl cyclopropane associate. Purp is another "unique" profile (never met a breeder who uses that word) , derived from an aminobenzene acid, very distinctly so.

Obviously Cannabis is diverse. Breeders have seen it all. I bred a pure myrcene strain for a large criminal organization, back when the pharma shill was claiming myrcene as the source of purp flavor and couch lock. Back when getting grants to test theories you've already debunked and never believed in was cute. There is zero couchlock in myrcene, zero purp flavor; only grape lollipop smell. I also bred pure caryophyllene strains (both isomers), which are the only Leafly terpenes that actually do anything.Today no one will smoke G13, the only useful terpene-centric strain ever purposefully created. That's 3 decades now we've known terpenes are not contributing to cannabis, that the myth continues.

The monoterpene narrative is literal nonsense. No one ever believed it. Rec quality was long ago established by retronasal flavor according to endless user data. Terpenes are not flavor active. It's huffing chemicals and pretending it's fruit.

You should be disgusted by the people who pushed the terpene narrative, started fake terpene companies, sprayed all their shitty California weed with terpenes, renamed it, sell it to kids, and tried to patent YOUR weed strain based on those shitty spraypak terpenes. Fuck those/that people/person! Strain theif. Cannabis fraud.

Weed MIGHT smell like limonyl acetate (boiling point 428°) but it will NEVER smell like limonene (boiling point 348°) unless you've sprayed the shit. Like they do in Cali. These essential oil terpenes are a waste of energy for the plant to produce and are not pleasant on the pallet. Other than caryophyllene, which no one wants, they have zero positive function in Cannabis. I don't care how much Fauci science Leafly publishes, terpenes were a lie from day uno.

Everyone today is wondering why the weed isn't as good, or why so many strains can "smell good but not taste good" (sure bud, the smell of grape skins and lemon peels under hydraulic press is sooo enticing)..

Well in the 90s, when I was producing the nation's Cannabis, and California was taking credit for it, we were focused on reality, not false narratives created to help the incompetent Cali growers steal and patent your Midwest/south weed.

Putting these fatty acids in your soil; hexanoic, butanoic, acetic, propanoic, arachidonic, etc will affect the flavor and effect of your marijuana immensely. Pour a gallon of vinegar in your soil and raise the ph back with calcite lime. Voila you will have immensely better weed than if you didn't. Unless you're growing that new fangled terpene weed I guess.. Where getting high is about pretending.

Every reputable soil lab is capable of PLFA analysis. (Avoid consultants who use microscopes, they are frauds and grifters.) In California they must test soil for terpinolene and pinene, I dunno what the fuck those guys are trying to do now. Oh wait, it's "Synganics". That's the new Cali buzzword after "crop steering". They just keep inventing new shit in California don't they?

The nutrient/pesticide/pharmaceutical industry thinks they can put esters straight into the sweetener, contaminating the plant, rather than adding precursors for the plant to make it's natural esters. That sweetener shit is GROSS. Botanicare Sweet, Floranectar Floralicious, Sugareez, Sour Deez, all that goofy shit is laughable. Cannabis esters are not fruit scrap esters, and sure as shit not fruit scrap terpenes. They are molecules very similar to man-made candies; and are actually safe and enjoyable to vape.


Them Cali/Ganjier "terpinolene" boys are so pissed that they can't patent their junky ornamental strains based on their bullshit essential oil terpene narrative. Imagine walking into a patent office with the shit they grow in Cali lol. "Is this the Snoop Dogg Kush, or the Mr Beast Haze, they both smell like plastic chemical bullshit sprayed with lemon peel"

Topics like cannabis breeding, and terroir, and strain-specific fertilizer could be openly discussed if it wasn't for the Cali frauds/leeches claiming they invented all the Midwest-grown weed, that they bought [from themselves?] at shitty music festivals (where majority of people who arent there to sell drugs are their to be scumbags, usually looking for a rape or two.)

Tldr: Terpenes are bullshit, therefor whoever started the terpene narrative was oozing bullshit. You will NEVER be able to spray some fucking shitty weed with terpenes and patent it, California.

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