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Un grow de toamna


Well-known member
Hola amigos.
Din start, vreau sa le multumesc lu explo si zona_verde pentru inspiratie si informatii fara de care acest mic proiect n-ar fi avut loc <3

De retinut ca acesta e un test-grow si accept recomandari, ca pe viitor sa ne uitam la growuri din ce in ce mai profi <3

Cort: 100x100x180cm - MarsHydro
Lumina: Philizon 450W
Pamant: Worm Humus - Biobizz, Bat mix - Plagron. 1/3
Seminte feminizate: 1 White Widdow, 2 Pineapple Express, 2 Girl Scout Cookies - Barney's Farm
Ciclul de lumina: 18/6

Din 15 seminte in total, 10 puse la germinat, am avut 6 germinate cu succes (dar au fost temperaturi extrem de mari si n-am simtit ca merita incercarea)
Am ramas cu 5 boabe.


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Well-known member
Hola amigos.
Din start, vreau sa le multumesc lu explo si zona_verde pentru inspiratie si informatii fara de care acest mic proiect n-ar fi avut loc <3

De retinut ca acesta e un test-grow si accept recomandari, ca pe viitor sa ne uitam la growuri din ce in ce mai profi <3

Cort: 100x100x180cm - MarsHydro
Lumina: Philizon 450W
Pamant: Worm Humus - Biobizz, Bat mix - Plagron. 1/3
Seminte feminizate: 1 White Widdow, 2 Pineapple Express, 2 Girl Scout Cookies - Barney's Farm
Ciclul de lumina: 18/6

Din 15 seminte in total, 10 puse la germinat, am avut 6 germinate cu succes (dar au fost temperaturi extrem de mari si n-am simtit ca merita incercarea)
Am ramas cu 5 boabe.
Multumesc pentru postare, o sa merg cu tine. Iubește configurația ta. Fii în siguranță.


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Hola amigos.
Din start, vreau sa le multumesc lu explo si zona_verde pentru inspiratie si informatii fara de care acest mic proiect n-ar fi avut loc <3

De retinut ca acesta e un test-grow si accept recomandari, ca pe viitor sa ne uitam la growuri din ce in ce mai profi <3

Cort: 100x100x180cm - MarsHydro
Lumina: Philizon 450W
Pamant: Worm Humus - Biobizz, Bat mix - Plagron. 1/3
Seminte feminizate: 1 White Widdow, 2 Pineapple Express, 2 Girl Scout Cookies - Barney's Farm
Ciclul de lumina: 18/6

Din 15 seminte in total, 10 puse la germinat, am avut 6 germinate cu succes (dar au fost temperaturi extrem de mari si n-am simtit ca merita incercarea)
Am ramas cu 5 boabe.
Good luck im sure explo and zona verde will keep you pointed in the right direction :wave:


Well-known member
Good luck im sure explo and zona verde will keep you pointed in the right direction :wave:
Thank you DARKSIDER, I'm definitely going to need it! Althought, I do have ...high hopes :smoke:
Multumesc pentru postare, o sa merg cu tine. Iubește configurația ta. Fii în siguranță.
Creeperpark, the fact that you translated what i wrote from romanian to english and back to romanian again, makes me even more motivated to show you some weed-momas here, respect brotha <3


Well-known member
Here's a root photo and a group one, yey! We're 4! 4 out of 5 was really lucky, so i'm a happy boy especially considering the maximum diversity....3 strains! yey!


Here's some photos after i've moved them in their new home (hopefully they'll like it)




The gang

I've lowered the lights to like 50cm from the top of these ladies. I'm just experimenting with this, maybe I won't sun burn them.
Temperature is 27C and Humidity 54%.
Extractor is set on level 3/10, just to take out some moisture out, just trying to mimic something natural. It's pretty cozy in there, like a light summer breeze. That's it so far :)

...dupa 5 minute mi-am dat seama ca am scris tot in engleza :))) folositi google haha :))


Well-known member
Merge comandat de la ei, au cateva soiuri ce trag cu ochiul insa, parerea mea, meritam altceva. Din pacate, seedboutique nu mai exista si acolo chiar gaseai ce trebuie. Eu n-o sa mai comand de la barney's la anul dar fiind pe graba, merge.

Bine-ai venit sensei verde:cool:


Well-known member
Pana prin anii 2020 (posibil pandemia sa fi fost de vina, seminte ințepate etc) din 20 de seminte de la barneys germinau 18-20. Acum am o rata de 6-7 din 10 seminte (mai multe sortimente). Daca nimeresti un strawberry de exemplu rata a fost de 2-3 seminte din 10! Dubios!


Well-known member
11 days have passed by and these are the results


White widdow doesn't like my setup


Pineapple Express x2


These ladies have dirty panties on and they're starting to smell!
So, I've installed the smell filter and here it is

Added 1ml of Plagron PowerRoots to 1L of water
I've been feeding them 250ml of water daily and they seem happy. More will be added since they're not as little anymore.

26C and 36% RH

Sya in 10 days homies! Have a nice weekend!


Well-known member
7 days have passed!
I haven't trained them or cropped them and they look bushy to me, wich is exactly how I wanted them to look like. All in all, healthy little plants. Too bad i can't veg them a week or two more.


1 ml / 1L - power roots, pure zym and sugar royal. I'll be using green sensation when I flip the switch on the lights. I give them almost a liter daily, they thirsty momas!

Temp is 25C with 45% RH


Well-known member
Cu ce nutrienti vrei sa mergi mai departe?
Greensanzation nu este suficient pentru ca ai o sticla mica. Ai nevoie de nutrienti de crestere, inflorire, cal/calmag, silick rock si ceva pentru ph (daca o sa fie necesar).