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Ulkokasvatus 2024


Well-known member
Dindu nuffin




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New member

Suomi semiautohybriidi, lähti itteestä kasvaa ulkona kun sen huomasin toukokussa, viime vuoden sadosta tippui siemeniä spot on.
1-15.8 alkoi näkyä preflowers ja sorry gorilla grow lovers mutta päätin kaivaa ylös & kantaa kotiin mielummin ku se että ei kerkee kukkia valmiiks ulkona. Kuvat otettu 15.8 & 1.10, ei ole vielä valmis. Harvoin on näin hidas narttua. :)


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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³

Pleas meik purchaze now :D All moniez go towards my beer and pizza fund and also to deporting ODH.
1st guy to buy will get 20 seeds for the price of 10. SUPER AWESOME DEAL ONLY FOR YOU MY FRIEND

Or whomever buys the 1st packs, I don´t care!!!!1

Super mega deal! Limited quantities available.

Until I send more that is. But let´s say I don´t, YOU BETTER HURRY!!

Pleais and thanks to you very many times!


Active member
What is Auto Asian Haze Cindy ? @BadTicket
Did you use my strain.. Auto Asian Haze and made F2 seeds ?
Or did you use Auto Asian Haze and pollinated it with my autoC99 strain ?

When people send you seeds.. its ok to grow em and ok to make new strains.
Or if make F2 then save it to yourself.
Not put em to sell.
New strains like your strain x my strain.
Now i see you use my strains only.

At least you could put SH what strains you use and where they come and give me credit.

Ask next time is it ok to use and sell my strains.

I hope you get some Pitza put next time we take our slices with ODH


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Nuo on 2023 siiduista tehtyjä, ei sun lähettämiä.. Muistaakseni ainakaan. Oisin kyllä kysynyt lupaa, ettei siitä tartte suuttua :( Veikkaan että galleriassa noista projekteista kuvia menneiltä vuosilta.

Edit: C99xAH 2023. Joista osa vaan oli autoja alkuunsakin, SS galleriassa on kuvia projektista tosiaan, vähän huonosti labelia, mutta on kuitenkin.

Tosiaan aina on tullut kysyttyä lupia, jos muiden siiduja siiduiksi tekee. Juu.
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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Meanwhile, I would appreciate you PM me about this and ask, before throwing public accusations and/or jumping to conclusions. I´ve had the AH´s since 2011 or 2012, so if I do shit with em, doesn´t mean I stole em from you. And yes I have pictures to prove it, because I´m pretty awesome like that.

Jesus Christ, who the fuck you talking to, mayne? I´ve credited you in every damn picture I´ve taken of your strains, ffs. And yes, there are pictures to prove this too, and posts. So don´t give me that shit. The fuck?