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Ulkokasvatus 2023


Nice offdahook, you are the GOAT.

Can you tell us a little bit more info about the crosses, growth, mold resistancy, yield, taste, effects?


Well-known member
Goat dung and chickenshit has been predominantly what's gotten them there indeed Danilo ;)

All history of these crosses have been well (photo) documented here in Ulkokasvatus along others and me during the years.
Goes back to 2012 here on IC, so that's a bit of a long read to sift through.

Extremely good mold resistance in these Early varieties, also because by the time they are budding out, our temperatures will be too cold for mold to thrive any longer.

Growth: These will show first pre flowers by August 1th, and then they'll finish up their buds at an incredible speed during the 2 months thereafter.

Yield: I've never grown sinsi with these, so I could not know what they would yield in sinsi format.
I'm also not weighing the seeded bud or the remainder kief ever, so your guess would be as good as mines. I just love to breed, and I get what I get.
I don't care to know exactly what I get, because it's pointless to me.

Taste & Effects: I'm not someone to toot my own horn, so you'd need to listen to what others are saying about it who have been growing similar seeds from similar batches.
Finn section's been pretty dead this year, so I've shifted my efforts towards the Swedish section instead.
There's a few Swedes there who could probably give you their unbiased opinion about the taste and effects of these strains.
You could probably get your questions regarding the Earlies best answered by @Parameter or @Lambsbread over at the Swedish section...
@BadTicket & @northstate123 here in Finn-section could probably answer your questions regarding the Autos.
@gumzgi would probably be familiar with both as well Autos & Earlies...
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Active member
In a week I think it's ready. Unfortunately, a funeral took place right next to my plant and the workers threw the earth from the pit over it, trampled it and tore more than a third of it. Fortunately they did this without realizing it was cannabis😏😖. But this trauma delayed it and also affected the weight of the harvest. It survived but could not fatten the buds any more. I hope, however, that the quality will be as good as last year.

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