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Ulkokasvatus 2020


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Season over here mang. Got 1st snow and frosty nights already :)
Snow melted tho, and now it's relatively warm again. But yea, getting dark..

Back to OD again come 2021, which let's hope will be better than 2020 has been.
Not just for growing but for everything, 'cause fuck 2020!



Well-known member
2020 for me... has been the best year for seeds EVER though.

Sheeze man, What the fuck am I gonna do with all those seeds ???

Mebbe someone could drop me a suggestion in pm ? I donno, I'm stupid... ;)


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
@Parameter; I don't think gumzgi is answering, but he is growing somewhere in South-eastern Europe, so what works for him there.... Might not be the best stuff for an Outdoor Viking anyways. That's if you're looking at this strain and wondering about growing it.

I could be wrong, but then that would be the 1st time, so most likely not :tiphat:


Well-known member
@Parameter; I don't think gumzgi is answering, but he is growing somewhere in South-eastern Europe, so what works for him there.... Might not be the best stuff for an Outdoor Viking anyways. That's if you're looking at this strain and wondering about growing it.

I could be wrong, but then that would be the 1st time, so most likely not :tiphat:

I see that you’re very confident ;)
I’m already waiting for ulkokasvatus 2021. It seems that the only thing you Finnish guys are better then us swedes are in growing and breeding CB.
Don’t let me mention ice hockey(now I pissed you off). Im joking.
För min del får ni gärna vara bättre på ishockey.
Take care and keep up the good work.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Worst thing about Swedes is that Inga from Sweden shit, followed by Roxette and ABBA. Fucking IKEA, and their shitty ass meatballs.

Best thing about Sweden is, or was, the Finnish drunkards living at Slussen. Well, after Peter Forsberg, who is pretty awesome.. For a Swede :tiphat: Also Nordman is pretty good, and my ex-GF had a nice Volvo. Dono if Volvo is still made in Sweden, or is it Chinese crap too, most stuff these days is.

Men i hockey, storebror vinner vanligtvis i litenbrorstrid, men det är en gång lillebror vinner .. Det är ett mirakel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeoMOnGn6Xo :tiphat: Hehe :)

(sorry for mistakes, my swedish is a bit rusty, and it's hard to form sentences with your weird swede-talking ways)

Juha Vainio - Slussenin Sissit (Guerrillas of Slussen)

RIP Slussen (1930 - 2016) or something like that ;)


Well-known member
Worst thing about Swedes is that Inga from Sweden shit, followed by Roxette and ABBA. Fucking IKEA, and their shitty ass meatballs.

Best thing about Sweden is, or was, the Finnish drunkards living at Slussen. Well, after Peter Forsberg, who is pretty awesome.. For a Swede :tiphat: Also Nordman is pretty good, and my ex-GF had a nice Volvo. Dono if Volvo is still made in Sweden, or is it Chinese crap too, most stuff these days is.

Men i hockey, storebror vinner vanligtvis i litenbrorstrid, men det är en gång lillebror vinner .. Det är ett mirakel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeoMOnGn6Xo :tiphat: Hehe :)

(sorry for mistakes, my swedish is a bit rusty, and it's hard to form sentences with your weird swede-talking ways)

Juha Vainio - Slussenin Sissit (Guerrillas of Slussen)

RIP Slussen (1930 - 2016) or something like that ;)
Meatballs are actually Turkish that the swedes stole.

Hahahaha, the drunk Finnish people around slussen!
Like you said, RIP slussen. I don’t understand the alcohol thing and Finnish people in Sweden... they should learn to smoke some weed. We had a great amount of Finnish immigrants during 1960-1980 but now I think it’s better to live in Finland compared to Sweden. You even have a good looking prime minister. Do you think she’s single ?

By the way, I remembered another thing that Finland is better in, and that’s fighting off Russians. I’m glad we have you guys otherwise we would be occupied by Russia.

Volvo is still made in Gothenburg but the owners are Chinese.

We had Forsberg and you had tamu sälenne.
Long live soumi ;)


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yea, Sanna Marin is her name, and agreed, she's pretty cute for a politician lady, and a social democrat. I could be wrong, but I think she's married..

And alcohol & Finnish people is the same in every country*, not just Sweden. Like our esteemed folk singer guy Irwin Goodman (RIP) used to say: "Drink while you still can". :artist:

*Any country minus Muslim countries where alcohol is illegal. And Norway, where you have to be a millionaire to afford more than 3 beers.




Dr. Narrowleaf
Du är en riktig diplomat DåligBiljett. :good:

Men det är redan februari och vi har ingen ulkokasvatus 2021 threåd? Vad maxar?


Well-known member
@Parameter; this is someone seed , made from an regular mix pack long time ago , it takes to long to grow , like 7/8 months from seed to harvest im not growin this anymore, ima grow autofloweers dis year


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Du är en riktig diplomat DåligBiljett. :good:

Men det är redan februari och vi har ingen ulkokasvatus 2021 threåd? Vad maxar?

Utomhus är för kallt nu, men du kan starta tråden om du vill.


Eller :ban:


Solen skiner idag, någon annanstans :(

@Parameter; this is someone seed , made from an regular mix pack long time ago , it takes to long to grow , like 7/8 months from seed to harvest im not growin this anymore, ima grow autofloweers dis year

Well, looks like I was wrong and gumzgi did answer. Only the answer was even worse than I suspected, for a Viking climate outdoor :D

But you gotta try some, to find some, so :):yes:


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Jos siinä vesi kiertää tarpeeks, eikä tuu mitään isompia pöpöjä tai ongelmia, esmes hallat jäädyttää vedet tai lataus ei riitä pilvisenä kesänä, niin miks ei? Ja eiköhän noissa joku hämäräkytkin/kytkin oo, tai vähintään joku MacGyver veivaa siihen ajastimen helpolla. Tai tekevät semmosia ehkä jo Kiinassa, eri malli vaan?

Mut jos tommosta pyörittää noin pienellä kennolla, niin samantien verkkovirralla toimiva?
Toimii varmemmin ja ajastimen saap seinään:tiphat:

Tai ostaa palaset erikseen ja veivaa ite samalla periaatteella toimivan, ei tossa oo mitään ihmeellisiä osia kuitenkaan. Ja miks tuota ajastaa tarttee, 24/7 suihkulähde vaan pörisee.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I think you mean NO Swedish, because their have been English in all finish outdoor threads....
It’s ok I love you guys anyways :D

Take care

Nope, I mean only in finnish, it's only Offthehook that keeps talking those weird Euro languages, other than that, most ppl behave. :skiiing: