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Ulkokasvatus 2011



Mitenköhän nopeasti kananpaska merilevä -seos liukenee pintamullista onko mitään arvauksia tai kokemuksia tai..



Näyttääkö ovela ratsastajat viellä sukupuolta kun aika monessa alkanu kasvaa tuosta ympyröidystä kohtaa semmosia juttuja, vai kasvattaako se oksaa siitä?


Vittujen kevät sentään on punkit iskeny ulos meneviin taimiin onkohan mitä tehtävissä neemin lisäksi? Kannattaako noita istuttaa ulos edes?

Mites sellasen budin polttaminen missä on punkkeja, ainakin olllut. Varmaan lähtevät kävelemään kun kasvi kuivaa. Pistin lautaselle joskus budin mikä oli saastunut ja neemiä lautasen reunoille :D


New member

Näyttääkö ovela ratsastajat viellä sukupuolta kun aika monessa alkanu kasvaa tuosta ympyröidystä kohtaa semmosia juttuja, vai kasvattaako se oksaa siitä?

Kasvattaa oksaa siitä, mutta jos on oikein nopea af niin se saattaa alkaa näyttää sukupuolta jo, ja nimenomaan myös tuossa kohtaa.

Aika iljettävän näköinen velli sulla on siinä multana. Varo ylikastelua !
Onnea kasvatukseen enivei.


Active member
Kävin spotilla eilen ja kaikki plantut hengissä! Nyt DR ja S60 siemenet itämään ja viikon päästä toinen erä. Nyt sataa mutta toivotaan lisää aurinkoa!


Iskin ekat 10 itänyttä simppua novan kookokseen ja seuraavana päivänä sieltä 9 jo puski pintaan. Laitoin huumassa 15 itänyttä lisää ja mitään ei ole tapahtunut viiteen päivään kun niitä ruukuistu kaivelin? Nyt ekasta satsista on 3 nuupahtanu. Mitäs vittua?

Turvotin kookoksen kiehuvassa vedessä. Onko kookos pilalla vai mitä teen väärin? Pakko kylvää uudelleen multaan tai jää muuten tämän kesän tanskalais kokeilut pois kuvioista. Vituttaa istutella näitä moneen kertaan! Muutenki lähtö myöhässä. Prkl!


Kävin spotilla eilen ja kaikki plantut hengissä! Nyt DR ja S60 siemenet itämään ja viikon päästä toinen erä. Nyt sataa mutta toivotaan lisää aurinkoa!

Mä laitoin tänään kans S60:t itämään. Pitää miettiä viel et pitäskö huomenna pistää viel jotai lisää. Nyt alko tää autoflower-vaihe! :) Olis neljää eri autofloweria, nii on valinnanvaraa ainaki!


Dr. Narrowleaf
Tervehdys narkkaritoverit! :tiphat:

Tänä vuonna varman päälle meiningillä. Suorakylvökset
itivät jo yli kuukausi sitten, kestävimmät autoflowerit viety noin pari viikkoa sitten. More to come!

Tänä vuonna on erittäin mielenkiintoinen kattaus old schoolia ja hybridejä thanks to some good people, you know who you are!

Käytössä ensimmäistä kertaa salainen ase, joka vie mut paikkoihin. Ei kuse tänä vuonna siihen, ettei saa kasveja ulos :D


Active member
DR:llä olivat jo tänään idänneet, katotaan nyt miten se S60 käyttäytyy...toiv ei oo vaan haippi.

Tuco Ramirez

Active member
Tänä vuonna ei nyt ollukkaan muuta ku pelkkiä autoflowereita... no ens kesänä sit muutakin. Siinä muutama, loput ottaa aurinkoa ikkunalaudalla. Jebou!


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Well-known member
At one of my spots the wind had blown away my hay stalks and some insect or little bird had nibbled off most of the first support leafes of the seedlings that I had planted 15th of may, but the naturally apearing sprouts surrounding the spot that already had 4 true leafes plus tips were untouched and thriving well.

I immediatly put 200 more seeds germinating and planted them out to cover up for the loss.

As a matter of fact, all the sprouts that came up naturally before 24th of april, and all the sprouts on all spots that have been put out on the 24th of april have been remained untouched and are looking promising.

Looks like it that earlyer out is better for some reason in relationship to plagues.

Maybe it is because since this early in spring, insects haven't become active yet and since seedlings are beeing hidden under hay with no other wild plant sprouts around, birds still won't be looking for them.

My two cents.( just trying to be educational here, hoping others can take advantage)

Previously I always stuck to the "15th of may out" system and it's just this year that I kicked them out this early, so also for me this is verry interesting to see how things devellop.

Up till now and on assumption that others were always right, I always thought that later planted out seeds or pre grown plants would get an advantage over earlyer sown seeds. hum hum. Sorry to say but this prooves them all WRONG ! (wink aimed at my personal guru ;) :D )

At least with autos here in North, allthough I' d readily admit it to be working well in case of early flowering plants anywhere else. But that ofcourse is of no surprise.

(auto's will make a rootball in pots wich is of disadvantage in their later development outdoors when pregrown, not to mention the set back they get of at least a full week from all the stress when transplanting them to an alien environment.
They only got a short time to live in wich they will have to show it all.) ;)


Dr. Narrowleaf
As a matter of fact, all the sprouts that came up naturally before 24th of april, and all the sprouts on all spots that have been put out on the 24th of april have been remained untouched and are looking promising.

Same here, or not here but on the spot anyway :D Sprouted 23. of April and doing good. A few dried up though, the spring was exceptionally dry.


Well-known member
High five comming right at ya Thule! :)

Besides, who' d be needing those bastards that even can' t handle a bit of drought...? duh! ^^



Fuck, ovelat kasvattaa palleja nyt? Harmittaa koska kaksi isointa ja parhaimmin kasvavaa kasvattaa noita.



Well-known member
Not aimed at you prowler, but maybe some noob could take advantage of it...

"Edit", No interesting read to advanced growers. Old timers please move on. ;)

It's some info I lately tried to write but got lost.

My Diesels are verry fast to germinate. If I d' germinated them for 48 hours, many would have got a 1 inch long "tail" already, wich becomes a disadvantage when sowing out.

1.5 days would be optimal.

Most seeds will then still be closed but "activated", just starting to "crack", or are about to put their root tip out.

Note that seeds shun liquid moist to germinate, it will deprive them of oxigine.
High humidity will do.
Therefore my favorite system is to take COTTON of any kind, the type women use to remove their makeup will do fine, not the circular patches but the slabs.
Cotton diapers and towels will do too, or band aid as well.

We ve been testing all kinds of germinating ways on some forum once, and we unanimously decided that cotton wat the best medium to do this.

The roots will be bigger, more white and more healthy apearing.

This advantage will serve them to create and maintain a headstart in compare to other germinating ways.

Action > Take COTTON slab, towel, diaper or band aid.
Whatever, as long as it is cotton and soak it wet a bit. Now squeeze out all the moist with all power you have, (between a vice with 2 planks works too ;) :D) and if it still feels too wet you could even let it dry up still a bit.
It should feel slightly humid just, not even(dripping) moist for best results.

Drop seeds on cotton and spread them evenly, then fold over to sandwich seeds inbetween.

Cover in plastic bag or foil, and Store at 24/25 C (usually high up in the room or on top of the fridge)
Keep pitch dark for 1.5 days, by either wrapping it in aluminium foil, store in cupboard, conseal inbetween 2 plates, or whatever floats yer boat.

I would not want aluminium foil to contaminate the slabs with aluminium oxide, hence, the plastic foil or bag is a good plan to wrap around first before you put alu.

Plant out on the spot after 1.5 days using a planter gauge that 's been set at 1.5 cm deep.

For Auto's it's still not to late to start but the chance of mould becomes higher If you wait longer.

Getting seedlings to come up well in the outdoors is a bit tricky since it depends a lot on temperature, wind and rain.

The idea is to get them In soil that is good wet from under but only slightly moist in the upper layer.

The moist down under will go deeper over time and the seedlings roots will go in persuit.

A spot that's been watered in toroughly well ,some 2 days before seeds are beeing planted... will not have to be watered artificially anylonger for 2 weeks thereafter.

(exept for extremely hot and windy spring days)

If the water line is 60 to 90 cm deep under the surface of the soil, no watering AT ALL will be required for their entire lifespan. provided you got a well compressed type of soil (preferebly holding clay down below) and not some airy or previously turned over type of plot.

But if the ground water level it is deeper then that, you better go checking it out every once in a while.

Outdoor can be tricky, but over time you'll become creative and comprehensive, thus learning how to respond differently to different situations.


Active member
Joskus pitää muistaa että viljelemme rikkaruohon eli ei ole aina niin nuukaa, sain alussa suorituspaineita kun luin niin paljon netissä jne.
OTH: Tämä ei ole kritiikkiä sua kohtaan -neuvojasi ovat hyviä ja päteviä- mutta sellainen yleinen mietintä.

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