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UK Police force gives cannabis users green light to grow drugs



Only in the uk? Bet its all bullshit funny how no one else in the world has this uk only "rare condition"
Il lay money on it that this bloke was a BIG drinker and an ex drug abuser, but thats just my tuppence

Doctors in Britain have noticed a significant rise in patients suffering from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), a widely “unrecognized” condition that makes heavy cannabis users severely ill.
Alarming symptoms of the illness include severe stomach pains, vomiting and nausea.

Those diagnosed with the rare syndrome have to bath nearly five times a day in hot water just to ease their pain.

There have been two known occurrences of the condition in the UK involving patients who visited accident and emergency services multiple times, while cases worldwide are “increasing acutely.”

Professor of gastroenterology at Birmingham City University, Dr Sauid Ishaq, warned the condition must be taken more seriously.

“This is a highly unrecognized condition, resulting in numerous unnecessary admissions. There is an urgent need to highlight this,” he told the Mail Online.


Well-known member
Highly unrecognised made up condition.... If it exists at all , it is probably from smoking soap bar or glass weed


do a new petition then,"what is the real harm of alcohol in our society"f.e. Put the same people sign it,and let s hear what they have to say....:biggrin:


Well-known member
Substantial scientific evidence shows cannabis is a harmful drug that can damage human health. There are no plans to legalise cannabis as it would not address the harm to individuals and communities.
The latest evidence from the independent Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs is that the use of cannabis is a significant public health issue (‘Cannabis Classification and Public Health’, 2008).
Cannabis can unquestionably cause harm to individuals and society. Legalisation of cannabis would not eliminate the crime committed by the illicit trade, nor would it address the harms associated with drug dependence and the misery that this can cause to families.
Legalisation would also send the wrong message to the vast majority of people who do not take drugs, especially young and vulnerable people, with the potential grave risk of increased misuse of drugs.
Despite the potential opportunity offered by legalisation to raise revenue through taxation, there would be costs in relation to administrative, compliance and law enforcement activities, as well as the wider costs of drug prevention and health services.

Thoughts anyone........

Fuckin wankers... Let us grow our herb in peace without fear of the door coming off and start targeting all the proper fuckin addicts smoking whites and b's and the man there selling that poison.
Start doing something about these fiends who are able to support a £500-£1000 a week habbit by doing street robberies and commiting burglaries.
I dont know about where the rest of you guys live however round here theres always used heroin needles in the streets and phoneboxes, bits of tinfoil laying around, its fucking disgusting. Espescially the bastards who dont cap the needles after theyve used them then go chucking them in peoples gardens, ive regularly seen these fucking fiends fishing down behind those green boxes looking for a needle when they dont have one looking to shoot up, its just wrong.
Dont even get me started on all the alcoholics walking round with cans of skol super glued to their hands walking in to the local shops asking everyone there if theyve got 40p or a pound so they can get another can.
I dont know about you guys but i sure know what causes more harm to our local communities and its definitely not your local weedman or the guy down the road with a few plants in his spare bedroom.
These tossers in government need to wake up and start tackling the proper issues, of course they dont live round these areas and have to see it everyday so its easy for them to turn a blind eye and just start talkin shit out their arses.
Sorry for the rant guys i just needed to get that off my chest.


Well-known member
Post of the month right there ^^

Those are the sad truths of the matter... Clearly the government are not at all bothered about harm caused by drugs. If that was the issue they would be addressing those problems.

As far as legalising weed goes, I think too many of mummy and daddy's investments in the pharmaceutical and oil companies would be hurt..... That's the real problem.

Space Toker

Active member
ok got to read this last page I admit, but yeah 2016 should be where the straw broke the camels back and by 2020 or sooner we in all but the most unsesnsible of nations should enjoy legal herb. Of course that it was this oppressed for this long is profoundly mindbobbling on the surface of things but not so surprising considering all the lobbies and special interests and big pharm and all big business and all such shit but it seems to be sliding down one hell of an awesome slippery slope now and it is inevitable just a matter of when now. I hope the dream that vanished almost 20 years ago and the fire in our hearts that keeps us all going can all fight to the final championship of the herb and ourselves and all humanity. Go 2015-16 initiatives, and if we all work hard full national legalization by 2020 or sooner and world legalization shortly thereafter besides the most repressive places and hope they catch up to the curb soon. We are all one and all brother and sisters in some greater cosmic epic plan and I hope we all live long enough to realize the full potential! Thank you my friends as all of you are!

Space Toker

Active member
I just said basically the same thing I did earlier without realizing it first didn't I? well it deserved reinterating at any rate! :D thanks and forgive me all at the same time. we are all contradictory creatures, all hypocrits at one or many or constant point in our life but we are all sensient and aware and alife so we all have hope. I hope this makes sense tomorrow or I will have to hunt it down and edit it! :D

power puff

Active member
Good luck, I don't believe in legalization, but sometimes when I read the newspaper I have hope.... but that doesn't last to long, because "they" always come up with some bullshït to convince "the people" that cannabis is dangerous......

The Netherlands came from pretty liberal towards cannabis to a total mess nowadays, more illegal than ever to cultivate.... Eventually they probably will turn towards the supply of Government grown cannabis to the shops, and prosecuting homegrowers harder than ever.


The Netherlands came from pretty liberal towards cannabis to a total mess nowadays, more illegal than ever to cultivate.... Eventually they probably will turn towards the supply of Government grown cannabis to the shops, and prosecuting homegrowers harder than ever.[/QUOTE]

If it ever gets legalized here it won't be so we can grow our own either. They will probably put a limit on the thc content because it causes people to go insane lol and bring out some government authorised low thc strain and tax the crap out of it. Then people who get caught growing stronger illegal strains will be banged up.