hugh an evilb--welcome----hugh dig big holes --if u can put good quality soil in ---add fish bone an blood meal--chicken manure pellets---many more things can be used---nice sunny spot south east to soutg faceing if possible--if u can water them it realy helps if not use water crystals as well as news paper shreded---get plants up to a foot or more then plant---and away u go---evil yes u can and they work real well---strain depending----read as much as u can all the questions u ask the awnsers are hear some wear--from soil prep to strains--read read read im still reading and learning 6 years later--never stop learning---but its not rocket science ether-------nice one harold----rain realy cumming down real good for me as the water crystals that are in ground will be doing there job---i was gonna go out today a dig---ill give it a miss----stay safe all