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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


hugh an evilb--welcome----hugh dig big holes --if u can put good quality soil in ---add fish bone an blood meal--chicken manure pellets---many more things can be used---nice sunny spot south east to soutg faceing if possible--if u can water them it realy helps if not use water crystals as well as news paper shreded---get plants up to a foot or more then plant---and away u go---evil yes u can and they work real well---strain depending----read as much as u can all the questions u ask the awnsers are hear some wear--from soil prep to strains--read read read im still reading and learning 6 years later--never stop learning---but its not rocket science ether-------nice one harold----rain realy cumming down real good for me as the water crystals that are in ground will be doing there job---i was gonna go out today a dig---ill give it a miss----stay safe all
got a ?i had sum soud d xogkush from jlp and sum dsd[strberry diesel] resivoir seeds that have been under 24 hours light, i droopped the lights 2 18\6 and everything started blooming so i am at i think 35degrees on the coast ....i took them out of their 3 to 4 gallon pots and planted onto 15 to 65 gallon planters ... my ? is they look to be florishing outdoorswith a photoperiod of 14 h 15 min light and only 9hrs 45min dark ...... but there blooming away all 30 of them dsd and s-dogmy ? is how far along do they need to be b4 wooring bout reveg i have read all 24 pages of this and did see the answer anywhere n there all my cheeses r still veging under the same regiment of light ....drelow 51\50


Hi All ,

hugh420 you may be interested in this thread from your island http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=165942

stick with us as well coz all outdoor uk threads will gladly share info .

Welcome EVIL .

drelow , where are you ? at 35* i reckon your way south below UK .

Stay safe all . BGB

Hope you all uk outdoor with plants out are watching the weather coz we have had heavy rain & a widespread groundfrost is forecast over much of britain tonight , every thing is damp & it may hit hard .


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Little ones

Little ones

Hi there guys!:tiphat:
Here´s just a couple of pics of my 1st oudoor batch.
I had around 80% sucess at germ:dance013:not bad i think.
I got some DCF beans (Lalandia and Pot mixes), some wild crosses courtesy of esbe and wam, thx again!
And 3Pakistani ryders from WOS:comfort:
Because i got my growing cabinet empty, yesterday disgusted with the damn mildew i´ve chopped everything, i was thinking of giving these girls a week indoors under 250W enviro.
Does it sounds a good idea to you guys?

Couple of pics



Peace and Sun:blowbubbles:


Active member
paulo - great idea... even longer if you can... getting them as big as possible before they go out is one of the best ways to ensure success!



New member
alright lads all new to this outside groweing put 5 blue cheese out last week ,and on saturday they all popped up appy days but the weather looks grim 4 the next week im down south have been told to put plastic bottles over them at night to keep them warm an toastie all the very best to one an all take care gary


hello lufc10, ive heard good things about the blue cheese, she finishes a bit late but the taste and quality is excellent... maybe where you have them in pots they should finish quicker.

harry :)


getting them as big as possible before they go out is one of the best ways to ensure success!

The deer & rabbits like them that way to .

Welcome to the mad bad world lufc10

Stay safe all . BGB


getting them as big as possible before they go out is one of the best ways to ensure success!

rippers and police like them that way too


Active member
The deer & rabbits like them that way to .

Welcome to the mad bad world lufc10

Stay safe all . BGB

rabbits are a big big pain. if they get into my grow.. they eat one leaf and leave the rest, chew through the stem killing the plant and then dig up and scatter the soilmix. a good fence stops them, infact i dont think i will ever not use a fence, its too much risk not to.
never had a problem with deer, not as many of them around i guess.
Yeah I`m on it... taken some cuttings last week gonna vegg for a couple then get out on my bike to find a nice sunning shaddy spot - keep up the good work


Active member
Hey everyone :)

Been reading back and there are many great posts!! Its cool to see everyone making plans and being busy!

My 'lowryder island' is well prepped and ready to roll. I rekon i can get 40 plants in there and also have 20+ 10 liter pots that will have plants in them...should be fun :D This will all start in the next couple of weeks.

I did wanna run some more Leb x Kush and other 'normal' plants but won't bother this year. IMO the Leb x Kush is a winner! I think BGB and Zed had some buds...what did you guy's think of it?

Welcome along all the new handles...this is gonna be a wicked year for all i hope :smoker:

Peace all, TPS :)


Old friends pay a visit

Old friends pay a visit

I think BGB and Zed had some buds...what did you guy's think of it?
:comfort::dance013::):laughing::ying::blowbubbles::wave::jump::thank you:

were you been knicker island ? :moon:

Stay safe all . BGB

ps; anyone know how to contact an t-abhac ? i can`t pm him .


Something i thought of today & should have mentioned in my earlier posts . You know my love for organic tea feeds , well something i have done for 5yr or so is to soak my water crystals in a strong solution of liquid feed & mix the soaked crystals in the LOWER part of the pot . Idea was when the roots reach them the plants are big enough to absorb the nutrients from the crystals as they grow , there has got to be some form of fairly slow nutrient release as it works . This also saves wasting any liquid feed from flooding out of pot bottom .
I have NEVER had plant burn using Nettle Tea/Manure Tea/Fish-Blood-Bone tea & the same principle applies to powder N feeds if you mix say 3measures of powder in a small amount of water to add to crystals then add more water to swell them b4 placing in compost .

Stay safe all . BGB


iv done the water crystals with tomorrite ---ie i fill the bottels with water and tomorite then mix them to start it of---tip 10liters in plastic bag and tip the crystals in half hour later they have swelled and put them in ground-----good luck with the autos tps---gonna be doing fon again--i have 6 ak-indicas as well---i also have some of esbens sage disel rider--dont know if any are auto yet might kill the males and cross it with fon---getting a lot of akww that are autoing as well---there f2 now i think or f3 getting more and more----stay safe all


Oh yeah...

I'm off to Amsterdam mid-march for the first time with the GF :)

Do anyone have any must-see coffee shops? I really wanna toke weed that i wouldnt grow at home, such as the long flowering sativas...some tasty hash would be nice too!

Any help/advice would be great :)
look for the coffee shps where all the dutch are on out skirts,i found 1,cant remember the name,that says how good it is,on the last night my mrs done a whitey in the bar collapsed,took her outside she done it again and broke her fookn leg,lmao,had to go through customs with leg in plaster lol,haha were on my mrs case customs,so made it sweet for me,,ugetme...ps hollands health servise is wicked,,fast,treeted like royalty.)


good to see same old faces,and good to here no one had any dramas.here is some pics of some of what i done last year,first 2 outside leb kush,had some probs with mould bu:wave:t all in all,nice yeild and fair smoke,allso was doing nycd in side & out grew a monster outside 6ft and really wide in a massive pot,then stuck it under 600hps,,wooooo we,the last 2 pics are it,got 12 oz of sticky grapefruit smelling deisal..lovely,still kept clones going for this yr,hehe.allso bought some mazar blueberry cross seeds,got them going atm and some super skunk cuttings.going to do some outside mini style,found a good plot allso going to do more in same place,found a good place out in the wilds,theres water near,handy,and allso hidden well by prickly bushes,take me dog up there to piss around the place,keep preds away,going to give them nuts,,any other advice in keepin preds away,welcome..mini looks like he no,s the score..any tips wellcome..any way il keep you posted,,good to see you all.


BONGSMOKE , i gather you`re talking deer & rabbit ?
The only foolproof way is chicken wire cages fixed to stakes . 1 tip i picked up from a US thread was to dump the wire roll in a fire for a couple of minutes it darkens and takes off the shine .
Unless the plants are in a big pot or caged the rabbits will always have them , the only way to stop deer is a cage or a bullet . I have tried thin green garden wire stretched tight at 12ins or so high idea being it a deer has something against legs it spooks them , semi effective coz most time the bastards jump over it . 1 thing i am trying this year is 4pt poly cartons full of stale urine to sprinkle round plants . It`s supposed to work but is probably stuffed once we get heavy rain .
There is one guaranteed way & thats Lion Dung , some zoos sell it bagged through retailers or direct & it`s purchased mostly by gardeners but you will have to do a web search .& renew probably every few weeks as the smell will gradually reduce .

Typing 1 handed tonight (no i`m not on porno sites) something has upset the dog & she savaged my hand while stroking her so i told her sweetly that next time it happens she`s down the vets for the death jab . I`m really pissed off , can`t do any bloody work in the garden (mj pots etc) & car .

Stay safe all . BGB


Active member
jeez bgb, that's pretty hectic!

a little report on some very good herb i received from our compadré ch@ppers. his auto haze... it's very nice weed. the flavour is proper frankincense spicy, with a good heady stone. i'll take a pic or two a little later aswell.

have had a nightmare in the garden this season. i had one rogue MJ plant pop up in the auto bin where i did last year seed grow... it was on the third node and up on a table, and it still got savaged to death by a snail/slug... boooooo!! and now my 3 surviving chilli seedlings have keeled over and just dried up... my mom who's visiting says it's damping off... so it's gonna be a bought plant chilli grow once again! oh well :rolleyes:

i'm flipping not stoned on a saturday morning cuz my parents are here, but they mover into their holiday accomadation today, so no more of THAT lunacy :D

laters all
