im all about quality, growing lots of small tasty mold free buds appeals to me, after seeing big buds the size of ale bottles ruined by rot this year
I have found a lot of small compact buds to be rain/mold resistant .
Nice Leb Mary Jane G
im all about quality, growing lots of small tasty mold free buds appeals to me, after seeing big buds the size of ale bottles ruined by rot this year
the small buds stacked up the stem are sexy im all about quality, growing lots of small tasty mold free buds appeals to me, after seeing big buds the size of ale bottles ruined by rot this year
the blue family are tough plants ive found and excellent to smoke
looking good as ever buddymate - from what distance on the approach can you smell em?
I went to a plantation this evening,immediately after working all day on a plot,I could differentiate the sickly sweet boquet of the strain on it which differentiated it from the fruity/shit scent of the work plot from maybe 50? yards.from what distance on the approach can you smell em?