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UK Cheese x Northern Ligthts.


cxnl's been my fave along with blue meanie for two yrs +,.Ive grown it more than any other without a doubt.
The chem d (or the sister) is one I wouldn't like to be without either.Nor the Purple Kush.



New member
gotta love the nelly, i still have one lurking although ive swapped most of the m for that blue meanie cut. its a touch better imo.


Yea i'd agree on that,and i think most would.But lovely nl#5 grape taste with the cxnl.
Draws me everytime.

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
I found a bit of information on another forum from someone called jakstak who's confirmed exodus, I think he also posted on here when brightside was first talking about cheese, either way looks like he may have been the one to create the nelly:

Jakstak said:
Hiya cf will get to meet ya one day

Kinda still on topic , i had a mistake few grows ago and ended up seeding the cheese with a nirvana northern lights, im wondering if theyd be any use?



Wont be crossed with nl#5 though piff! [as i remember 10 yrs ago+?] The northern lights of sensi-seeds today yields massive but is NOT the #5 same with nirvanas nl.
Recall sensi's nl#5 x haze STILL being true at that time-ish though.

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
NL#5 is a funny one, originally when Nevil started The Seed Bank in the 80s he aquired some NL#5 in seed form from the USA which he found his NL#5 mother in.

He then released crosses, the most popular being NL#5 x NL#2 and NL#5 x Haze C. The Seed Bank then became Sensi Seeds in the early 90s and the same crosses were sold. Most of the NL5 we saw over here then would have been NL#5 x NL#2. When Nevil got busted he lost the NL#5 mother, or it just gave up and died, I can't remember which. Either way Northern Lights was never the same again from Sensi.

has any 1 tried the nebz cut cheesexnebula very stinky hard to control the odour i had her 4 a while gave the cheese a real nice edge ive smoked nelly a couple times just didnt get chance to grow her out
Hello mate, that post was made in 2005, does that tie in with when you got the cut? (ie after '05)


yeah think i got my cut couple years after that.
mine came straight from exodus boys, or acenzion as they were known then, now they are leviticus. they said the cheese cut goes for cheaper than the cxnl (they sold cuts btw).

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Cannabispassion, Did the Cheese x NL grow any different all them years ago??

The last crop of Cheese x NL I seen grown was by far the best weed I have ever smoked, I didn't grow it, a close grow buddy grew it in coco.

I made him Plant it out, and gave him the cuttings I'd taken, and then occasionally moved/turned the plants about the room for him.

I'm not sure if perhaps it has lost some sort of 'Heterosis' or Hybrid vigour and maybe or some of the NL influence it may have once had??

The guy I got the cutting from said that it lost the NL Taste over the years he had been keeping the cutting.

What do you say on this Hypothetical taste loss? (you must have grown a few Kilo's back in the early days)?

(This last grow of the Cheese x NL made better cheese than the cheese clone and gave aromas and scents that we have not had from the cutting before).

I can't see much NL in the clone as far as single main colas go, but can see the difference it makes in the finished product, (More Neon Coloured, Acetone Scented/berry terpine profile buds) Not Musky,,

The description is spot on I think with the SSSC Catalogue for the NL#5xSK#1.

What ever is in its linage makes it a great plant to smoke and keep around to grow time and time again..
when i first smoked it, it had a distinct smell that is not present now, it seems to have swayed to the side of the cheese.

i believe that sometime different parts of the plants are leaning towards the different geneotypes in the cross. ie, the tops are more cheese dominant, the bottom branches are nl dominant.

i have heard people say when they have grown a strain, that the tops lean towards one side of the cross and the bottom buds lean towards another side of the cross. eg; blue berry x bubblegum, the top tastes/smells/has the high of bubblegum, the bottom branches taste/smell/has the high of blueberry. this is a made up example. the strain in question was a 4 way cross called chesswood.
oh yeah, what i was trying to say was maybe by taking your cut from a certain part of the plant you are inadvertantly contributing to the genetic drift.

the other smell that used to be in cxnl reminded me of a type of flower. i used to smell the flower near my old flat, but i could never find it. everytime i smelt it walking about it reminded me of the cxnl. i think it was maybe honeysuckle of wisteria but thats just a ramdom guess. i think co2 may help with the extra smell (another random theory), do you ever use that or know anyone who has used co2 on their cxnl?


cant re Member
plants will have the same genetic profile in every cell of its tissue from top to bottom. for it to express different genes from different parts i would think is very unlikely.
its more likely that your lower buds were lacking as much development because they had less light.. or because alot of hormones are produced at the tops of the plants. genetic drift is proven in other plants but its enviroment dependent (from research ive seen recently)-and the whole plant would be exposed to the same enviroment anyway.

roll it large

have you seen the c x nl grown in rockwool?

looks different and has more vigour

i think sifted is right on the environmental conditions but also the medium it's grown in

the kalishnapple is a classic example asto how she performs In different mediums

soil grown has a higher calyx to leaf ratio than when grown in coco

and in rockwool it's dons a more indica appearance with increased bud density nd resin production

probably the same thing going on with all the sour diesels too

same with the psycho d aswell Ive seen mega foxtailing on jgp's cut in coco but look atit grown in soil with organic nutes


Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Co2 isn't needed to grow cannabis indoors, maybe in a glasshouse with all the expired air.

Increasing co2 has little benefit over twice as much air movement, It will obviously change the phenotype slightly.

That plant that you could always smell but never find? Was it not your filter that needed changing?

I have seen cannabis grows using the unis Co2 kits but it made little difference to final yield.

It makes all the difference though when growing tomatoes commercially under glass.

This last CxNL grow was just a basement grow and the room can't get hot.

Chesswood,, I have heard of that strain from some old guys who said it was too potent, takes like 3 days to come down off.
An old hippy died hoarding it didn't he as the legend goes.

Siftedunity I think it can happen, I have a Fagus sylvatica 'albomarginata' that likes to grow all Fagus sylvatica.

It happens because 'albomarginata' was a random mutation that was a-sexually propagated and sold. The form, or cultivated variety is not stable, it reverts, but pruning out the green growth keeps it's true variegated form. (Real Gardening)

Not Environmental Genetic. (unless you have a slide or some relevant research to show me proof otherwise). Sclerenchyma is bad for cannabis cuttings IMHO.

I also think that the Media will create a different phenotype RIL.. CxNL will do 30+oz a plant per 600 on a NFT tank, it tastes crap makes you feel bad after a few days of smoking it's massive massive swollen Hydro calyx.


cant re Member
Siftedunity I think it can happen, I have a Fagus sylvatica 'albomarginata' that likes to grow all Fagus sylvatica.

It happens because 'albomarginata' was a random mutation that was a-sexually propagated and sold. The form, or cultivated variety is not stable, it reverts, but pruning out the green growth keeps it's true variegated form. (Real Gardening)

Not Environmental Genetic. (unless you have a slide or some relevant research to show me proof otherwise). Sclerenchyma is bad for cannabis cuttings IMHO.


if it reverts then it most likely its a temporary reaction to stress and by removing all the green growth you are stressing it again?

it you took a clone from it then showed the same characteristics then it would be true sign of possible genetic drift.

like i said to you there is information that drift is possible but ive not seen research of this in canna but i have seen research of it in another species of plant.
Sclerenchyma- i dont know what you mean? why is it bad for cannabis?

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
This is how it is done siftedunity, you need to read some better books, I mean that in no disrespect.

Albomarginata is a cultivar that is not commonly seen. The main difference with the species is its irregularly white-margined leaf. The habit is the same as the species but slower. The soft bark is smooth and grey and may be damaged when exposed to open sun light.

The leaf is slightly smaller than of the species, circa 4 - 8 cm and has a curved margin. In hot and sunny periods it may be scorched. 'Albomarginata' has a yellow-brown autumn colour and an inconspicuous inflorescence. The nuts appear in autumn.

Anyway this is a cannabis forum..

What plants you been reading about?? You talk about plant cells yet know f all about ground tissue and the cells that make up every plant type on the planet.

Under what hypothesis do you think that the revert most likely its a temporary reaction to stress I am pretty sure theat the RHS know a shit load more that you ever will know about genetics sitting on your arse. It is this type of uninformed information that ruins the name of the good cannabis community siftedunity.

Your on Ignore dude,, I ain't got time for this I been reading a book milarkee.