I dont know about UFOs, but im from Tx and you can take that bullshit somewhere else.stinkfinger said:Steers and Queers....And religous fanatics..I bet all the "UFO" witness's are from the same church(or cult). OMG I saw something I dont understand, must be f ucking aliens. LMFAO!!!!
nycdfan042 said:yea its well known..there is a name for it...some people have this sleep disorder...where you wake up with a paranoid feeling that something is there..but you cant move or talk....sometimes you can even open your eyes momentarily...
Relapse said:When you sleep, your muscles are actually paralyzed so that you don't act out your dreams and hurt yourself. When people have this occur they are waking up before their body lifts this paralysis. This is also why some people say it felt like someone was sitting on their chest.
GMT said:If this is the thread to post your wierd thoughts on the universe's boundries, then I believe we may merely be in one possible timeline of all possible timelines, none of which actually exist beyond the the reality of possability. The whole "multiverse" is merely a quantum bubble whereby one of the possible timelines (or "realities") will come into being once the final outcome is measured by an external observation. Which of these timelines comes into reality, will be decided upon by which of them reaches the outcome which will produce the observation which must be observed by the extrnal observer at the point of measurement. This means that in effect I am supporting the creationist point of view, but in a way that also supports the evolutionist point of view. God may not have been born yet, and will not create the universe until he observes the outcome of it. I therefore don't think that God has any bearing on the number of planets which may contain life. Those who claim to know that God only put life on this planet though are wrong on many statements whithin that one statement. Clearly, the probability is that there will be life on many planets out there. The odds are that many of them will produce intelligent life. Many of those will end up finding a way to travel to nearby planets. But I dont think that the UFOs seen by people on our planet at the present point of time have travelled from another planet, or even another reality. I believe them to be created right here on earth. The technology available, does not prevent us from making these remotely controlled craft, the fact that they are not commercially viable though for anything other than military applications, does mean that we are unlikely to be informed about them. Therefore they will remain U flying obects, rather than Recognised flying objects, in the same way helecopters and aeroplanes are everyday.