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Two killed in botched robbery of marijuana grow in California


Active member
expect no logic from CPS. They are just parasites protecting their jobs.
Google baby Bree. Cps took a 6 month old over the possibility of a home invasion here in Michigan.

Shoulda killed em all and buried em out back.

Right. They are like the prison guard unions. The more people they lock up/take custody of, the more money they make.


Sam, Linkage between a myself as a pacifist and Hitler ? Wow, really ?

Yeah I went over board to show a point, but I notice you did not answer my questions you just avoided them. Pretty typical.
I did not know what you would do if faced with armed invading home thieves, so I asked.
I may be wrong but I was taught that all evil needs to flourish is for good men to look the other way. Do you disagree?
BTW I did not link you to Hitler, I said that Hitler was a death you might be positive about, maybe not, I do not want to put words in your mouth, I just could not believe his death was not acceptable and worth applauding? Do you feel different?
And where is that society that you want to live comfortable in? You know the one that does not find it acceptable to applaud the death of anyone? Is it real? Where is it? I think you just made it up.


Active member
I am wondering if the homeowners knew the "DEA agents" were fake, or if they were shooting at what they thought were DEA agents. I have no problem, either way. They are both criminal gangs, IMO. I am guessing they knew they were fake DEA agents by the way they spoke, using slang and gang terms, etc.

That's the first question that popped into my mind too?


Active member
I am wondering if the homeowners knew the "DEA agents" were fake, or if they were shooting at what they thought were DEA agents. I have no problem, either way. They are both criminal gangs, IMO. I am guessing they knew they were fake DEA agents by the way they spoke, using slang and gang terms, etc.

Probably figured it out from the lack of tactical gear or weapon selection for the rippers. I'm sure the DEA gears up pretty heavily for that kind of deal & that all their weapons are shiny & new, standard issue. Berettas. Remington 870's. AR-15's. Def not funky gangland hardware.


Well-known member
The one who is ready to kill em all and bury em out back, not understand the concept of pacifism ?
the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable under any circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.

"pac-i-fism - allowing the wolves to out-vote the sheep on what to serve for dinner." :biggrin: no thanks...


Well-known member
Probably figured it out from the lack of tactical gear or weapon selection for the rippers. I'm sure the DEA gears up pretty heavily for that kind of deal & that all their weapons are shiny & new, standard issue. Berettas. Remington 870's. AR-15's. Def not funky gangland hardware.

yeah. one guy with an old Mossberg & another with a revolver? SHOOT, and be damned quick about it! :biggrin:


Active member
yeah. one guy with an old Mossberg & another with a revolver? SHOOT, and be damned quick about it! :biggrin:

That's the thing. You don't have much time to figure out what's going on, and are probably in state of shock too.
The Feds do a lot of screaming and yelling "down on the ground", "don't move", etc. Maybe the rippers weren't loud enough.


Probably figured it out from the lack of tactical gear or weapon selection for the rippers. I'm sure the DEA gears up pretty heavily for that kind of deal & that all their weapons are shiny & new, standard issue. Berettas. Remington 870's. AR-15's. Def not funky gangland hardware.
Really? Really? You think at a time like that they are appraising hardware??? Oh my fucking god!!!! U are a tool!!


Do u have reading comprehension problems? Or are you being intentionally obtuse?
my point. But I used less words Sam ;)

Yeah I went over board to show a point, but I notice you did not answer my questions you just avoided them. Pretty typical.
I did not know what you would do if faced with armed invading home thieves, so I asked.
I may be wrong but I was taught that all evil needs to flourish is for good men to look the other way. Do you disagree?
BTW I did not link you to Hitler, I said that Hitler was a death you might be positive about, maybe not, I do not want to put words in your mouth, I just could not believe his death was not acceptable and worth applauding? Do you feel different?
And where is that society that you want to live comfortable in? You know the one that does not find it acceptable to applaud the death of anyone? Is it real? Where is it? I think you just made it up.


How fun to look at you, where marijuana is legal! As can be perfectly legal to protect their plantations by different methods! We will never see this! We prosecution begins with any number, the police are corrupt, the authorities profitable solder people vodka! Begins dementia, and most deaths and alcoholic moguls pay good tax coffers! can only look neater and smoking

Thanks for reminding us that although things are far from perfect here, they could be a whole lot worse.

Given the immense amount of death and destruction caused by the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, it is hard to understand how otherwise intelligent and reasonable people can condone legal alcohol and tobacco and illegal cannabis.


The one who is ready to kill em all and bury em out back, not understand the concept of pacifism ?
the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable under any circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.

Big difference between what should happen and what does happen.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell


I am wondering if the homeowners knew the "DEA agents" were fake, or if they were shooting at what they thought were DEA agents. I have no problem, either way. They are both criminal gangs, IMO. I am guessing they knew they were fake DEA agents by the way they spoke, using slang and gang terms, etc.

Perhaps all the tattoos on their faces and necks gave them away?


Active member
Really? Really? You think at a time like that they are appraising hardware??? Oh my fucking god!!!! U are a tool!!

Neither one of us was there, so we don't really know how it came down, do we?

The possibilities are near endless. The rippers were somehow unconvincing in posing as DEA or the shootout likely would not have occurred, for a lot of reasons.

The Devil is in the details. Hardware. Uniform. Language. Procedure.

All the shooters left alive are going down, for something, anything the cops can pin on them. Sure as sunrise.


$$ ALONE $$
The one who is ready to kill em all and bury em out back, not understand the concept of pacifism ?
the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable under any circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.

Impossible. War and Conflict are started because someone wants something they cannot have.
Ive turned the other cheek several times. But keep poking and prodding and you'll bring out the beast in me. One strike can be forgiven. Keep striking me and take advantage of a righteous heart.... and the Wrath of God will pour out of me. :tiphat:


$$ ALONE $$
These thugs were probably pounding on the door yelling police and dea and shit, rather than kicking it in or using a battering ram.
Gave the homeowners ample time to strap up. 2nd big mistake.
1st one obviously... "the idea" in the first place.


So, it is ok to murder them all, and bury them out back, but Pacifism is wrong ?

Absolutely. Let us hear the Word of the Lord:


Exodus 22:2

Property Laws
1If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.
2If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. 3If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. 4If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep; he shall restore double.

According to The Scripture you can either kill them or sell them off into slavery :laughing:
Thought I had posted already , I am 66 , the killing has been going on for 40 years in California , it won,t stop till weed is legal , grown in the Sacramento Valley like everything else and the little porch monkey thugs growing it for a living get a job ,and I don,t give a flying Fish Fart what all you little shits think none of you I reckon has payed the price this old dumb ass has payed for indulging in the killer moat , none of you