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Two Heads in the swamp 2017

two heads

Well-known member
Hey Hamstring, thanks for dropping by. Not legal yet and I'm not sure they will make the Canada Day (July 1) deadline they promised. So, if not 2018, 2019 then. I'll definitely do 4 plants in my backyard once it's legal and then I'll probably set up a grow room for the first time in decades and run some long season sativas over the winter. I still can't quite believe it!


Well-known member
Awesome. Its been a log time coming right my brother. Always looking for strains to finish before October not being able expand the strains choices including sativas.

Man it sounds great I hope you take full advantage.

I picked up some Ace seeds Bangi Haze. You should check it out it may finish for you in the back yard. Its my first time with a sativa too. Not sure it will finish but wanted to expand my horizons.

Good luck to you and I hope you have a legal grow thread. It's a Two heads goes legal party baby!!!!


Indicas make dreams happen
Great looking plants and congrats on the harvest man. Are the plants in standing water like that at all times? I take it that root rot isn't an issue for you?

two heads

Well-known member
Yeah Hamstring, I'm interested in Bangi Haze as well. I think it could finish in time too. I forgot to add the other head is still out west and likely to stay. Thanks for asking after my old buddy.

JustSomeTomatoes, they are sitting in an inch or two of water a lot of the growing season and don't seem to mind it. I never see any signs of root rot when I turn the soil in the spring either. They don't like it if they're half sunk in the water but I've only lost everything once in over 20 years - a "Flood of the Century" that drowned them completely for several days. I will miss the swamp if I don't go back.


Indicas make dreams happen
Your thread is definitely inspirational. I have some swamp/marshland near me and for years whenever I'd go walking by it something always told me to try growing back in there. What I thought was common sense told me not to waste my time cause the plants will rot, but now I'm rethinking this. I really like low-maintenance grows and it looks like with the right setup the plants would practically grow themselves.

What advice would you give on soil/medium prep and what to look for in selecting a swamp site?
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Well-known member

You talking to right the right guy. Two heads knows his swamp growing . He taught this old guerrilla how to do it.

two heads

Well-known member
Sorry, long time since I checked in. JustSumTomatoes, I go over my swamp method in some of my older threads but here's the Reader's Digest version: I use ProMix and re-use it for several years but I amend each year with Osmocote, dolomitic lime and mycorrhizae, all of which I buy at my local Hydroponics store. I also add Aquasorb crystals the first year but not after that. I usually use Rubbermaid totes or plastic garbage pails. Last year I switched to smaller Root Pouches and may have paid for it. I aim for a set-it-and-forget-it garden as much as possible.

Hamstring - have you planted your Bangi Haze? I'm picking up some feminized Bangi Haze seeds tomorrow. I'm also getting more Critical + 2.0, which I continue to really like. They will be my two strains for this summer. I'm buying my seeds at a nearby First Nations reserve. I've been out a few times and it's a real taste of a freedom around herb we may never see under what's likely to be a pretty restrictive version of legalization. They also test out at the Rez and I just got the results of my Critical + 2.0 today:
THC-A: 19.2%
Delta-9 THC: 1.4%
Total THC: 20.6%
Total Potential THC: 18.2%
CBD: Trace (<1%)

I'd thought my weed seemed every bit as good as what they were selling and now I guess I know why - it is! So, more Critical + 2.0 it is. And, yes please, Bangi Haze.


Great little diary man and good to see you always learning n’chit and telling things how they are. Decent effort, story and knowledge shared. Tuning in for more adventure from you.

Thanks Riv


Well-known member
Sorry, long time since I checked in. JustSumTomatoes, I go over my swamp method in some of my older threads but here's the Reader's Digest version: I use ProMix and re-use it for several years but I amend each year with Osmocote, dolomitic lime and mycorrhizae, all of which I buy at my local Hydroponics store. I also add Aquasorb crystals the first year but not after that. I usually use Rubbermaid totes or plastic garbage pails. Last year I switched to smaller Root Pouches and may have paid for it. I aim for a set-it-and-forget-it garden as much as possible.

Hamstring - have you planted your Bangi Haze? I'm picking up some feminized Bangi Haze seeds tomorrow. I'm also getting more Critical + 2.0, which I continue to really like. They will be my two strains for this summer. I'm buying my seeds at a nearby First Nations reserve. I've been out a few times and it's a real taste of a freedom around herb we may never see under what's likely to be a pretty restrictive version of legalization. They also test out at the Rez and I just got the results of my Critical + 2.0 today:
THC-A: 19.2%
Delta-9 THC: 1.4%
Total THC: 20.6%
Total Potential THC: 18.2%
CBD: Trace (<1%)

I'd thought my weed seemed every bit as good as what they were selling and now I guess I know why - it is! So, more Critical + 2.0 it is. And, yes please, Bangi Haze.

Hey brother good to hear from you. My Bangi is ready but in the midwest we had one of the coldest springs in over 50yrs. A late start but they will hit the soil soon.

So when you say Fist Nations is this an Indian Reservation? So two heads back yard is going to look nice this year. Hope to see some pics.:tiphat:

That Critical sounds nice you every grow her in the swamp?

two heads

Well-known member
Yes hamstring, it's a reservation. There are quite a few in Ontario openly selling herb and the cops have left them alone unless the shop owner is not indigenous OR the band council disapproves, in which case indigenous cops raid the shop.

This will be my second year growing Critical + 2.0. I'd put it with Blue Velvet as my favourite outdoor strains - at least until I try that Bangi Haze! Fingers crossed.


Just this guy, ya know?
This thread rocks. Sorry to hear about the cloth pots not working well, but I'm glad I saw this cause I was planning on using them outside.

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