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Turbo-Charge your Cannabutter edibles

Why would you wanna add "SHIT" to the mix? All natural sounds like the only method of delivery for me? I use mine to extend the effects... I.E. for sleep . Why would ya want a less effectual time frame? Make NO sense to me.

Not here to diss ya brah....just doesn't make any sense once you start embedding counter productive steps?



Why would you wanna add "SHIT" to the mix? All natural sounds like the only method of delivery for me? I use mine to extend the effects... I.E. for sleep . Why would ya want a less effectual time frame? Make NO sense to me.

Not here to diss ya brah....just doesn't make any sense once you start embedding counter productive steps?


the high comes on quicker, and stronger

so i can eat a cookie and reap the benefits in 30-45 mins not 2 hrs like it normally takes. i would guess from the response and + rep i have received from this thread, other people feel the same way.

i guess if you havent tried it, you cant knock it


lecithin makes your ganja food stronger, last longer, more intense, and comes on 3x faster.
Never use lecithin with butter water mix, you will ruin your work.
Once lecithin is added to butter water, the 2 will mix and you will not be able to separate the water from the butter.


no didnt u read my posts?? if you follow my directions you will have no problem. if you start adding loads of lecithin (like say double the amount I recommended) you will prob have problems.

Yeah, I read your posts, and I take lecithin capsules with my edibles because that seems to work, but I'm wondering if you have a scientific reason for adding lecithin to the butter and water mixture during extraction, which in theory sounds pretty counterintuitive, given that lecithin is an emulsifier. Not criticizing, just asking. :tiphat: