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TSA strip searches young child

Green lung

Active member
Oh I get it, your not an awesome problem solver, you simply "solved" his problem to be a jerk or didnt know the wiser, you probably assumed he would opt out of the scan in the first place and thats why you said what you did.

If I'm wrong correct me and ill delete my posts, just dont like peeps who troll a little more then honestly converse with others, sorry :tiphat:

No see problem solved if you don't want to go through security you can't fly.

Same as if you don't want to put your bags through the scanner. Don't want to do that than you can't fly. You can cry all you want but you still have to put your bags through the scanner if you want to fly.

If you don't want to follow the security precautions to fly you have the right to take a car or boat.
I always enjoyed flying back in the day you could bring bud or whatever you pleased shit I remember flying overseas around asia you could smoke (cigs) while in the air.

But ever since that 9/11 security crackdown bs I decided not to fly anymore couldnt bring my big dog or bud so fuck it. I had something come up out of state recently could of flown and got there in a few hours instead I drove took me 2 full days kinda sucked but its nice to drive through the country side and not deal with all that bs:2cents:


could of flown and got there in a few hours instead I drove took me 2 full days kinda sucked but its nice to drive through the country side and not deal with all that bs:2cents:

I agree fully, driving through the country side can really be majestic, especially if you get to bring your buds! :dance013:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
And FYI this wouldn't stop me from getting on a flight. It is more degrading for the workers in my view to be feeling my penis than the other way around. But when little children are being subjected to this, something has to give.
if we let little kids around the screening process then that will be the weakness terrorists exploit, they'll use some orphan child strapped hard in explosive pampers & consider that child just another martyr.......

the enemy here are fucking dirtbags, they hate us more than they love themselves and that's a very dangerous mindset.


you have NO RIGHT to fly, your expected 'liberties' do NOT exist just because your feet are on US soil, wanna fly??? get with the program and comply with one screening process or the other.

you gonna tell that big friggin' bouncer "fuck you! I'm coming in this strip club w/out a pat down?" I didn't think so....... you're on his turf & if you wanna see the dancing girls you're gonna stand for the pat down if that's how they keep weapons out of the club or you're not going to get in.

While you are partially right in various aspects, look at it like this.

Travel has been shown to be a human right, not something our government has to approve. Second, biking/driving/flying are the 3 main modes of transportation. The government has stepped in and said you will NOT fly without going through unconstitutional measures, your privacy invaded and you are sexually assaulted.

This is CLEARLY illegal, yet the TSA is getting away with it while Obama backs them. Another example of them shitting on the Constitution.

Your argument 'you don't have to fly' doesn't make any sense...what if next year they start telling people that to drive now you must go to the DMV, get biometric drivers licenses and be subject to militarized checkpoints on all major highways and roadways? What will you say then? YOU DONT HAVE TO DRIVE...RIDE A BIKE! Then what happens when they start stopping bikers? You have to understand precedents, airport 'security measures' are simply precedents set for the public to OBEY. If you do not OBEY, you will be pillaged (fined) and thrown in prison (cruel and unusual punishment)....

think what you want dude but there's a major difference between being sexually assaulted by the TSA and getting wanded/patted down before entering a bar or strip club...if you connotate the 2 together you got some serious brainwashing to deal with..


Active member
While you are partially right in various aspects, look at it like this.

Travel has been shown to be a human right, not something our government has to approve. Second, biking/driving/flying are the 3 main modes of transportation. The government has stepped in and said you will NOT fly without going through unconstitutional measures, your privacy invaded and you are sexually assaulted.

This is CLEARLY illegal, yet the TSA is getting away with it while Obama backs them. Another example of them shitting on the Constitution.

Your argument 'you don't have to fly' doesn't make any sense...what if next year they start telling people that to drive now you must go to the DMV, get biometric drivers licenses and be subject to militarized checkpoints on all major highways and roadways? What will you say then? YOU DONT HAVE TO DRIVE...RIDE A BIKE! Then what happens when they start stopping bikers? You have to understand precedents, airport 'security measures' are simply precedents set for the public to OBEY. If you do not OBEY, you will be pillaged (fined) and thrown in prison (cruel and unusual punishment)....

think what you want dude but there's a major difference between being sexually assaulted by the TSA and getting wanded/patted down before entering a bar or strip club...if you connotate the 2 together you got some serious brainwashing to deal with..
Rite!!And ontop of all that I just PAID 600 bucks for this privelage!!How many fucking bombs have gone off in planes inside the US already?In the name of SAFETY they fuck us!Theres nothin we can do I understand,but enufs enuf,soon they will be able to grab and search anyone at there whim,black days ahead people,glad Ill be dead before it goes to much to shit!!!


The next 5 years are going to be insane, our rights are going to be eliminated and we are in for a WHOLE NEW world...mark my words...2011 - 2016 will be the defining moments/years for our entire civilization.

Thank God I don't have kids, I wouldn't subject them to the TSA in the first place. I'm open enough in which i would fuck with the TSA if I had to fly, IE making sexual moans when they pat me down. Much more entertaining....i should cum in my pants too while theyre at it


comments from CNN:

“We cannot forget that less than one year ago a suicide bomber with explosives in his underwear tried to bring down a plane over Detroit,” Mr. Pistole said. But apparently you CAN forget that the flight originated in Amsterdam, not New York, that the would-be bomber was a radical Muslim of military age, that he was not a US Citizen, and that his parents had reported him to the CIA as a potential terrorist before the flight. All that and you still failed to keep him off the plane. How will groping kids in America keep the next foreign Muslim radical off a plane bound for the US, Mr.Pistole? This is the wrong technology directed at the wrong target. We want real airline safety, not the illusion of safety your radiation spewing toys provide. We want Israeli-style behavioral profiling and we want it yesterday!

I won the war on terror when I stopped fearing terrorism. I would rather have the Christmas day bomber on my plane then the TSA in my airport. Thats right, I said "the TSA are worse then terrorists". I would rather die with dignity then watch my nation turn to cowardice.

We are doing this because the underwear bomber (Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab) made it onto an airplane. The Nigerian national who:
1) Had NO passport
2) Was on a terror watch list
3) Was on the no-fly list of several (other) countries.
4) Whose own father warned U.S. intelligence of his son's radical indoctrination
5) Who was aided onto the plane by a well dressed Indian man who has "disappeared"

So has Ben Franklin stated, "Any Society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."


Israelis got it down,PROFILING IS A MUST!!!Fuck the dumb shit!!!

hiya imcag friend. please excuse the new member login -- long story. anyway, i was listening to a guy on the radio talking about the israeli model.. he was the former assistant-whathave you minister of defense there. maybe it was on fox. anyway, it made sense.. but it made me think. here where i live the cops profile like crazy. it's documented; they pull over african-americans at four times the rate of caucasians for verbal warnings and minor infractions. that is what it is, people can argue whether you should profile or not based on crime rates among demographics. what i experienced directly was being the benefactor of profiling. i'm a white, clean-cut looking guy with a full time job and blah blah. i've been pulled over twice with massive amounts of herb in the trunk, and been allowed to "drive on through" because they didn't bother to just take a deep sniff -- because i don't look the part. i said a big thank you to racial profiling both times.

my point, what if the terrorists get un-terrorist looking people to help them? does profiling have a contigency or argument to account for that?

don't get me wrong. i say 100% that feeling my ballsack before i fly is not helping anything. talk about a slippery slope. it will be a body-cavity search before you blink twice, my friends. this stuff with the kid bothers me tremendously. i have a little boy, and if a strange dude was asking me to take his shirt off and didn't have "MD" after his name and we were in a hospital, i would probably tear his head off. and microwaving frequent travelers in the process of giving tsa workers images of my dick isn't helping either.

the only way to fight terrorism is on the demand side, not supply, so to speak. address it on the giving end not the receiving. to be safer we need to address the policies we have that affect the areas nurturing terrorism. i did not say we have to address the terrorists themselves (you can't negotiate with psychopaths), but the countries and villages and people which support them or even just turn a blind eye, almost 100% of the time have some regress (in their eyes) with the united states, over a policy that just might benefit us while maybe just setting them back a little bit. hey its a dog-eat-dog world out there, i'm not calling us mean or anything. but we look out for ourselves. we have to.

before anyone calls me a sympathizer, i signed the dotted line a few years back and did my part to fight. my avatar name "khaleel" is a nickname from active duty. all i'm saying is we have to be careful that our knee-jerk reactions don't contribute to the problem itself.. we've already insulted their religion flat-out with the "9/11 mosque" pre-election hogwash (what ever happened to that? is it going up then or no? sure seemed pretty important at the time..), and to suggest that we start simply searching everyone who is arabic or islamic-looking in any way, wouldn't that further detriment the "hearts and minds" issue our troops are facing in afghanistan and iraq, and create additional jihadists and islamists?

what was it jefferson said: "Those who surrender freedom for security will have neither."

here, here.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
my point, what if the terrorists get un-terrorist looking people to help them? does profiling have a contigency or argument to account for that?
.. we've already insulted their religion flat-out with the "9/11 mosque" pre-election hogwash (what ever happened to that? is it going up then or no? sure seemed pretty important at the time..), and to suggest that we start simply searching everyone who is arabic or islamic-looking in any way, wouldn't that further detriment the "hearts and minds" issue our troops are facing in afghanistan and iraq, and create additional jihadists and islamists?

What I, and several other people, have been advocating is behavioral profiling, which is what the Israelis do. Ethnic profiling is a different story. As far as the 9/11 mosque goes, check out the link. Somehow I don't think it is us who is trying to needlessly inflame people.



Active member
What I, and several other people, have been advocating is behavioral profiling, which is what the Israelis do. Ethnic profiling is a different story. As far as the 9/11 mosque goes, check out the link. Somehow I don't think it is us who is trying to needlessly inflame people.


Exactly,they have people walking thru the airports randomly talking to people,believe me it works and its a model of security we should be following,imo.Khaleel,there is nothing we can do to stop the damage done,it isnt like we have a choice,but in this area I would rather see the israel model than xrays and intrusive patdowns.Like pappy always said"ya cant make chicken salad outta chickenshit",lets face it,profiling works,wether its behavioral or racial,it is what it is.:wave:


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
LonelyNerd - My comment said absolutely nothing about "them" practicing their religion there. Read the link. Pretty ballsy developer. Take your neg rep and insert it where the scanners can't find it.
LonelyNerd - My comment said absolutely nothing about "them" practicing their religion there. Read the link. Pretty ballsy developer. Take your neg rep and insert it where the scanners can't find it.

What I, and several other people, have been advocating is behavioral profiling, which is what the Israelis do. Ethnic profiling is a different story. As far as the 9/11 mosque goes, check out the link. Somehow I don't think it is us who is trying to needlessly inflame people.


How does that inflame people ? you should drop your pansy attitude...


Active member
i don't really have a problem with it if there is reasonable suspicion.

adults take advantage of a child's innocence all the time in pursuit of there own causes.

in some war rattled countries 10 year old kids blow themselves up all the time. go to Somalia for a week. you'll see 10 year olds carrying ak-47's around and they use them better than you and I could. so i wouldn't put it past Muhammad or some other terrorist to strap a bomb to some 10 year old kid and tell him to walk onto a plane. Lets be realistic they've used planes before, and they train children to kill. its not like im being irrational here.

where i am from adults use kids to sell drugs, carry guns, kill people, etc.

no on forces you to fly. if you think its a violation of your child's rights, drive or take a cruise next year. sorry to sound crude but if my happy little high ass is on a plane i want to be as safe as possible. I'm not talking about sneaking a little weed on a plane either. I don't care about that, but kids shouldn't be used to smuggle drugs, carry bombs, or any shit like that.


behavioral -- that makes sense. much better than appearance-based, which admittedly is what i assumed.. you don't think that would be a part of it, though? maybe i'm just cynical. i think human beings can't help but resort to stereotypes, subconsiously if nothing else, when left to our own devices. rules must be in place. i think we call that "due process." but i do have to agree without caveat that if the authorities stuck to how people acted, then hell yes that is the only way to go. that is the only way to judge anyone. based on how they act. not how they look or what kind of badge or clothes they wear. :yes:


in some war rattled countries 10 year old kids blow themselves up all the time. go to Somalia for a week. you'll see 10 year olds carrying ak-47's around and they use them better than you and I could. so i wouldn't put it past Muhammad or some other terrorist to strap a bomb to some 10 year old kid and tell him to walk onto a plane. Lets be realistic they've used planes before, and they train children to kill. its not like im being irrational here.

where i am from adults use kids to sell drugs, carry guns, kill people, etc.

no on forces you to fly. if you think its a violation of your child's rights, drive or take a cruise next year. sorry to sound crude but if my happy little high ass is on a plane i want to be as safe as possible. I'm not talking about sneaking a little weed on a plane either. I don't care about that, but kids shouldn't be used to smuggle drugs, carry bombs, or any shit like that.

all true, my friend. it's a seamless argument. might as well get ready for the finger-up-the-ass within a few years. only a matter of time before a terrorist puts a condom filled with c4 up his ass, and refuses the scanner. kaboom. after that, it's body-cavity searches for all travelers.

welcome to the post-911 world, huh. fuck it, i'm not flying. lol i saw one guy say to make sex noises when they are inspecting you. lmao


I won the war on terror when I stopped fearing terrorism. I would rather have the Christmas day bomber on my plane then the TSA in my airport. Thats right, I said "the TSA are worse then terrorists". I would rather die with dignity then watch my nation turn to cowardice.

this feels like wisdom to me. well said, even if you don't agree with it. kudos. i would rep the guy but i have such a little dot. lol ahh, pimpin..


someone posted this before but its great


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