theres something i really dont get.
Ive read several times that the ph of your soil should be at 6.5 to 6.8, though im having a soil with a ph of 5.5 and my plants still grow. grow well
So, what does this mean? I just dont get it
Does the ph'ing of my water to 6.5 also change the ph of soil to the water ph after some time? If not, how do they grow? Is the ph'ed water stable enough to let the plant get enough ca and mg and then it drops and other nutrients are absorbed?
Today i did a soil ph test, the runoff method with r/o water ph'ed to 7.
The runoff was at 5.7, so i dont really get why my plants do grow, this time im having calcium and magnesium deficiencys but that was my mistake. dunno why i ph'ed the water to 6.2 but whatever
If my soil ph wouldnt become my water ph, i'd always have mg and ca deficiencys, but thats not the case. This speaks for it, but then theres my runoff with a ph of 5.7 so obviously the soil ph will be somewhere between 5.5 and 5.7 or?
Sorry for my english
theres something i really dont get.
Ive read several times that the ph of your soil should be at 6.5 to 6.8, though im having a soil with a ph of 5.5 and my plants still grow. grow well
So, what does this mean? I just dont get it
Does the ph'ing of my water to 6.5 also change the ph of soil to the water ph after some time? If not, how do they grow? Is the ph'ed water stable enough to let the plant get enough ca and mg and then it drops and other nutrients are absorbed?
Today i did a soil ph test, the runoff method with r/o water ph'ed to 7.
The runoff was at 5.7, so i dont really get why my plants do grow, this time im having calcium and magnesium deficiencys but that was my mistake. dunno why i ph'ed the water to 6.2 but whatever
If my soil ph wouldnt become my water ph, i'd always have mg and ca deficiencys, but thats not the case. This speaks for it, but then theres my runoff with a ph of 5.7 so obviously the soil ph will be somewhere between 5.5 and 5.7 or?
Sorry for my english