Ooh, good info! Thank you! I recalibrated the pens, the EC pen was fine and the PH pen was only off by .1. I retested everything and what I found is that my readings on the raw tap were pretty close to identical to my first test (7.6ph 0.87ec), but the distilled came back as 6.0ph 0ec, so I'm guessing my previous numbers were user error.Don't use the filtered water. The RV one is almost certainly ion exchange. Lockouts will follow.
You are in soil, so the ec nearing 8, might be fine. It's presumably Calcium and Magnesium, and many soil feeds miss them out. The pH is low for such a thing, but you may well of broke it using it in distilled water. You need to get a handle on that. Distilled is more like 6.5 as you can't get a lot more air exposure, than vapourising your water. Apply that logic to your taps EC, and the pH meter is dead.
Check your feed for the presence of Ca + Mg, because your water might fix that omission nicely.
I retested the filtered except that the air pump has been off for 2 days and got 8.0ph 0.7ec, so virtually the same as before, maybe the intense level of aeration accounts for the difference in the previous test?
I also made some new filtered in a glass rather than putting it in the bucket so the air stone never touched it and other than the chlorine level, it was actually identical to the raw tap. So it seems like the air stone is definitely doing things. The stone IS brand new, tho I did let it soak away from the bucket for a few hours before putting it in, but maybe I need to run it with the pump for a couple more days before it's safe to use with feed water?
But based on your info, I won't use the RV filter. I'll try bubbling a bucket of raw tap for 24 hours and see what the chlorine level is like and verify if the stone is causing problems. I checked the water quality report from the water utility co. and they're definitely using some chloramines, so bubbling won't help that, but depending on the ratio of chlorine/chloramine I'll at least get a sense of how much chlorine can be removed with aeration. Worst case I could still cut the tap with 50% distilled.