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Trump wants death sentences for 'big' dealers


Well-known member
Sessions suggested the same when he was a Federal judge or AG in Alabama. I wonder if he’s had any persuasions.


Active member
Sessions is too busy baking cookies in his tree, sucking off his elf friends.

This war funded by peoples emotion to loss caused by weaponized fent, will go after soft drugs.

Sugar kills more people than ganja ever will.


BOOZE seems to be the biggest cause of death and disaster of all.....
But that fact seems to be conveniently swept under the mat when these politicians start pontificating about drugs......and alcohol is certainly a drug.

I think government sanctioned water and air pollutants, industrial chemicals, trans fats, food additives and GMOs may prove worse when the truth is fully understood.
We will find out eventually that all cancer, AIDS and a most other disease is man made and that our life expectancy and life quality has be artificially curtailed by the few who have the most power.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes....but arn't all of these pill-mills, doctors and big-pharma the biggest drug dealers that seem to cause most of these drug related deaths....How about bringing some of them to book?

Yes and if your going to hang big dealers then best start off
with the CIA,,,s2:tiphat:


Well-known member
I think they have a similar policy in the Philippines. We don't have a drug problem, we kill anyone who uses drugs. Now we have a murder problem.
I should ad, doesn't the death penalty already cause enough problems? People on death row for 20 years, all the appeals, it's gotten to be more trouble then it's worth. Without getting into the pro-or-no debate. All we need is more, non-violent, people clogging up the prisons and court systems.
Maybe we should give traitors who harbor Russian spies the death penalty?
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Still Learning
^^^ that would upset the balance of very system designed to benefit the 1%'rs who control it
TaDaaa! SC has the essence of the problem...

AND... it is CNN. Mole hills to mountains..

EDIT: and have there been any major drug busts (weed in state legal states) since Sessions announced his 'crack (ha, ha.. crack!) down on drugs'?
We are a relatively easy target.


ICMag Donor
BOOZE seems to be the biggest cause of death and disaster of all.....

That's what I was telling the judge as they literally dragged me from the courtroom after imposing an 8 year sentence for cannabis in a state whose governor vows to legalize now.


ICMag Donor
Oh, that was in 1980. My daughter was born while I was gone and we have never been able to establish a relationship.

Because of the state and it's position on cannabis . I won't put in writing what I think of the state

Oh and mr trump, fyi it was a combination of my own moxie and the black muslims that kept my asshole virgin for all that time. You jerk off. ( yes quote me )
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Active member
the drug war aint over. maybe if the general western public were to astonishingly get a jolt of clarity and understand where/how/why the opiates come from....and who ensures the safe passage of the precious spice.....then something could alter the path, maybe. the spice has flowed since the police action known as the 'vietnam conflict', the cannabis competes with the flow of the spice and you do not ever wanna compete with uncle sugar's spice flow. they love dispensing object lessons. the general view of cannabis is changing immensely in public opinion and has obvious momentum yes? but what does uncle sugar have up his stink-of-death blood-encrusted sleeve? acquiescence? capitulation? understanding? trump is irrelevant(other than GREAT entertainment), this is about money policy. and the money always decides....er, rather the money gods. my point; with impending legalization nationwide in 5 years more/less....whenever....yer gonna trust the dirty old uncle sugar as he walks up to you, smiling and spewing sweet words with one hand behind his back, saying "it's okay now, you can have cannabis....eat this and don't forget to vote!".

may you live in interesting times.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That's what I was telling the judge as they literally dragged me from the courtroom after imposing an 8 year sentence for cannabis in a state whose governor vows to legalize now.

The feds are still up to their same/tired old tricks Tudo because they are still trying to extradite me from the UK to Maine USA over cannabis seeds.....and in Maine now cannabis is legal medicinally and recreationally.

The UK Judge said 'no you can't have him' last august.....so they have appealed against that decision and I will be in court again 15th March to hear this appeal......and so it still goes on after nearly 5 years.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I want a Death Sentence for lying Politicians. Hell, let's kill everybody, because every one is guilty of something. LOL Then you have the addict who is fueling the fire, it's all a vicious cycle when GREED is involved.


may you live in interesting times.

Getting a little off topic, but I've been saying that "may you live in interesting times" for most of my life. A couple of days ago I said it to a Chinese woman, and she looked at me blank, so I explained it was an old Chinese curse, to which she replied, "I don't think so". The closest equivalent Chinese saying she could come up with was " It's better to be a dog in a peaceful time than be a man in a chaotic period".


BOOZE seems to be the biggest cause of death and disaster of all.....
But that fact seems to be conveniently swept under the mat when these politicians start pontificating about drugs......and alcohol is certainly a drug.

From the american center for disease control:

"Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths and 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States from 2006 – 2010,

shortening the lives of those who died by an average of 30 years.

Further, excessive drinking was responsible for 1 in 10 deaths among working-age adults aged 20-64 years.

The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2010 were estimated at $249 billion, or $2.05 a drink."



Well-known member
Don't expect he will be shooting members of the Sackler family at museum openings.