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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Active member
We aren’t in a mass extinction. Prove that we are.
You continue to deny reality and ask for "proof", it's like asking for proof that the earth is round and the sky is blue. Once again you show that you are a denier with zero knowledge of biology. If you want, I can teach you, no problem, but my time is paid.


Well-known member
Immigration, DEI, LGBTQ, guns, race, identity politics, abortion are all wedge issues Trump uses to create hate and division. It's easier to control people when they are united against something. Much like Hitler used the jews to unite Germany even though he was 25% jewish. His sheep are just too ignorant to realize it.

When you look at Trump's past he has clearly been a hypocrite on most, if not all of these issues. He only uses them to sway opinion to gain or keep power. He is only interested in power for his self interests and not the country.

I believe in very tight border security. Trump doesn't. How do I know? Because i'm educated on the dozens of times Trump has been involved using illegal labor. Im aware that he only fired his illegal labor when he realized it would become a political liability in 2016.

I'm also aware that Trump has no problem marrying multiple immigrants some who worked illegally in the United States.

It's fake and phony and only used to advance what is currently important to him........keeping power to grift money.

If opening the border up or continuing the Ukraine war meant keeping power and the ability to grift he would flip on those issues in a New York minute.

The Emigrants​

by Friedrich Trump

From a letter written in 1905 by Friedrich Trump, Donald Trump’s grandfather, to Luitpold, prince regent of Bavaria. Trump had been ordered to leave Bavaria for failing to complete mandatory military service and to register his initial emigration to the United States twenty years earlier. Prince Luitpold rejected Trump’s request for repatriation; the family later settled in New York. Translated from the German by Austen Hinkley.

Most Serene, Most Powerful Prince Regent! Most Gracious Regent and Lord!

I was born in Kallstadt on March 14, 1869. My parents were honest, plain, pious vineyard workers. They strictly held me to everything good — to diligence and piety, to regular attendance in school and church, to absolute obedience toward the high authority.

After my confirmation, in 1882, I apprenticed to become a barber. I emigrated in 1885, in my sixteenth year. In America I carried on my business with diligence, discretion, and prudence. God’s blessing was with me, and I became rich. I obtained American citizenship in 1892. In 1902 I met my current wife. Sadly, she could not tolerate the climate in New York, and I went with my dear family back to Kallstadt.

The town was glad to have received a capable and productive citizen. My old mother was happy to see her son, her dear daughter-in-law, and her granddaughter around her; she knows now that I will take care of her in her old age.

But we were confronted all at once, as if by a lightning strike from fair skies, with the news that the High Royal State Ministry had decided that we must leave our residence in the Kingdom of Bavaria. We were paralyzed with fright; our happy family life was tarnished. My wife has been overcome by anxiety, and my lovely child has become sick.

Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family. What will our fellow citizens think if honest subjects are faced with such a decree — not to mention the great material losses it would incur. I would like to become a Bavarian citizen again.

In this urgent situation I have no other recourse than to turn to our adored, noble, wise, and just sovereign lord, our exalted ruler His Royal Highness, highest of all, who has already dried so many tears, who has ruled so beneficially and justly and wisely and softly and is warmly and deeply loved, with the most humble request that the highest of all will himself in mercy deign to allow the applicant to stay in the most gracious Kingdom of Bavaria.

Your most humble and obedient,
Friedrich Trump



Well-known member
You continue to deny reality and ask for "proof", it's like asking for proof that the earth is round and the sky is blue. Once again you show that you are a denier with zero knowledge of biology. If you want, I can teach you, no problem, but my time is paid.
the gender experts are the climate experts are the vaccine experts


Active member
Absolutely sad, but almost hard to feel sorry for them. How could you be a hispanic field worker who has severely disabled kids on medicaid and think voting for the orange swindler would benefit you?

Her answer abortion. A wedge issue.

One of the many things Donny has flip flopped on. He once had three different stances on abortion in one weekend.

I've always had a hard time taking the republican stance on abortion seriously when they were trying to execute non violent cannabis offenders


moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user

And yet, I spoke with an intoxicated Trumper last night who insisted that the cuts are only for excesses, such as "condoms to Ethiopia" (?) and unnecessary federal personnel who are "sucking the federal tit".

I told him about the swindle with Trump pre-dating the millions to Tesla that Biden had initially approved as what appeared to be a prototype endeavor for (I believe) $435,000 and he asked incredulously, "where'd you get that?!" So I told him about just a couple of the sources, and he laughed without having a clue who the reporters I referenced were.

I reminded him that neither of them had settled on a fee of $780 million for outright knowingly lying to the public about the election(s) like FOX News had, yet that and Newt Gingrich's brainchild, redneck republican hate radio are his sources of Trumptard propaganda... and he believes Trump is the answer... if not a deity.

I told him about the number of known lies in Trump's State of the Union address, and he dismissed it all.

I referenced Trump being a known grifter and fraud for over 40 years and the civil court cases Trump either lost or settled, for unpaid contracts, and more, and the fact that numerous venues during this past campaign insisted the Trump campaign pay up front for venues and other related services due to his past record of not paying contracts, and he instead referenced the criminal and civil cases in Trump's more recent record in a generic manner, insisting "all of those cases were 'trumped up bullshit'." So I asked him specifically WHICH cases were trumped up and not real issues, and how/why, and he didn't answer.

Have another beer, is about the only thing to say at that point.

The hardcore ignorant FOX-fed minions in the Trumptard cult are still alive and out there feeding themselves heavily on whatever delusions are required to turn a blind eye to the Orange Nuisance would-be dictator's personality disorders and destruction. And even if it takes down one of their family members in serious ways, for some of them there is no way they can reconcile with the reality of Trump being who Trump really is. Their minds won't permit it. They can't handle that they've willingly allowed themselves to be THAT fucked over (along with allowing hundreds of thousands or millions of others to be brought down by the asshole). Like Trump is a major corner stone in the foundation of their reality and reassessing him for who and what he really is is out of the question for them. Sick fucks and gullible idiots that they really are.
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Active member
The people that care about Trump the most are like that hispanic lady in that video that voted for him, the types that he cares about the least.

Just wait till the poor white appalachian counties in the deep red south start feeling the pain of no SNAP benefits and Medicaid. Those videos will be gold.


Jericho Mile

Well-known member
wow dude, you're right and you're so fucking smart, you can't read disinformation if you never read!
….that’s not at all what I said.

* you do not decipher what is disinformation or what is not. All you do is cherry pick the passages that support your views. Your views have been already selected for you. It’s why you idiots all end up sounding the same. You’re spoon fed.

I can tell you are crashing
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
The ones who use coyotes often pay much more than an airline ticket. They are duped into believing it's the only way in. I'm surprised the number of 'poorish' people in my neighborhood that I've educated on how relatively easy it is to get a passport and work visa for farm work in the US. Jump on a bus.
The southern border and its policies are like the tides. Always in transition from high to low. Administration to administration.

Getting across the actual border is not difficult. Getting away from it is where the coyotes come into play. Once the migrants are a 100 or so miles above the border and past the check points on the highways they are golden.

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
Okay, yeah you're right with most of these political threads it doesn't take much to pick up on where it's going and a lot of what is being said is just nonsensical. I am a bit impressed though that you've picked up on and acknowledged that it's the influence of people like you and the ones who try to argue the points being made by the ons who stick to the thread topic are largely responsible for keeping the threads alive. I say that because there was a point right after the election where all the Pro Trump people stopped posting. They stuck around for a bit but then when they didn't see all the anti Trump people losing it because Trump won, they got bored and stopped posting. After that it was basically just Me, ArmedOldHippy, Moose Eater, GOT_BUD? and a couple of others and sinceh we all have the same viewpoints, the conversation slowed to a crawl real quick. Since the Holidays were now upon us i just stopped posting here because i had better things to spend my time on. Then after the holidays, at some point I peaked in here just out of curiosity and saw things were active again and with most of the same names on both sides. So I got back into it because winter is a pretty slow time for me with me mostly inside with not much to do.

I'm not here trying to learn news alhough every now and then something comes up that I haven't already heard about. I mainly just try to counter misinformation and outright pro Trump propaganda. Not because I'm expecting to change minds of any of the regulars or some notion of my views making a big difference, rather I just hope to inform people who ight visit the thread and maybe get influencd by the misinformation/propaganda. I've lived in the DC area pretty much all my life and picking up on the latest political news isn't really something one has to work at getting. Since so many in th surrounding area ar connected to or more directly effected by ehat goes on then in other parts of the country it gets shown and talked about everywhere, all the time. It's been that way for the whole 65 years i've been around. I first started picking up on it when the Kennedy's were killed and Martin Luther King, then it was Vietnam, then Watergate, and so on and so on.I mean this area lives and breaths the political news/drama all the time. So much so you really have to work at it to not be aware of it. Maybe that's why I started smoking weed? :biggrin:

Anyway here lately you may have noticed i'm not popping up in the conversation daily? Mainly because it gets tedious after a while. Also because it's now getting to the point where I don't need to help keep people informed because things are getting so crazy that soon everyone is going to know about it or at least feel the results of it in some way or another because of all the crazy things Trump and Musk are saying and doing. None of which makes any sense to me. Especially Musk, I mean he was considered the Richest man in the world when all his DOGE nonsense started. Most of his wealth though is tied up in the stocks of his companies and he's pissing so many people off that his stocks are dropping big time and as a result he's lost about half of his wealth (around 200 Billion) and is probably not the richest guy in the world anymore. All of which could have easily been avoided if he never got so directly involved in politics but instead keep his companies running more smoothly then they have been lately.. Hell Tesla has gotten so bad the investors are trying to push hm out of his own company. Trump's no better, he's always talking about how he's the greatest President and saying he's even better then Washington or Lincoln, clearly wanting to be a beloved President but everything he's doing is driving the country into the ground to the point hell be remembered as having started a major recession or perhaps even a depression. When he took office the country was going strong and people were saying things like the US economy was so good it was the envy of the world. If he would just stop with all his nonsense he very easily could have ended up being remembered as almost as good of a President as he thinks he is.
Trump is a brand…professional entertainer….and salesman. He willingly and knowingly pushes buttons and plays his character. Obviously. Ever read his book? Art of the Deal? Written when? 30some years ago? He basically tells the reader what he does.

If people choose to be his rubes by frothing at the mouth in support or frothing at the mouth in disgust…his tactics are working. Drama.

Pragmatic rational people don’t get upset or fanatical. It’s just politics. The sun will come up tomorrow.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You continue to deny reality and ask for "proof", it's like asking for proof that the earth is round and the sky is blue. Once again you show that you are a denier with zero knowledge of biology. If you want, I can teach you, no problem, but my time is paid.
Typically when people demand proof on things that are easily discoverable on their own, it's not because they are open to the proof you might present but rather because they are hoping to discredit your sources in some way once they learn who your sources are. To be fair though that is not a unique behavior of the right towards the left, it goes both ways.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And yet, I spoke with an intoxicated Trumper last night who insisted that the cuts are only for excesses, such as "condoms to Ethiopia" (?) and unnecessary federal personnel who are "sucking the federal tit".

I told him about the swindle with Trump pre-dating the millions to Tesla that Biden had initially approved as what appeared to be a prototype endeavor for (I believe) $435,000 and he asked incredulously, "where'd you get that?!" So I told him about just a couple of the sources, and he laughed without having a clue who the reporters I referenced were.

I reminded him that neither of them had settled on a fee of $780 million for outright knowingly lying to the public about the election(s) like FOX News had, yet that and Newt Gingrich's brainchild, redneck republican hate radio are his sources of Trumptard propaganda... and he believes Trump is the answer... if not a deity.

I told him about the number of known lies in Trump's State of the Union address, and he dismissed it all.

I referenced Trump being a known grifter and fraud for over 40 years and the civil court cases Trump either lost or settled, for unpaid contracts, and more, and the fact that numerous venues during this past campaign insisted the Trump campaign pay up front for venues and other related services due to his past record of not paying contracts, and he instead referenced the criminal and civil cases in Trump's more recent record in a generic manner, insisting "all of those cases were 'trumped up bullshit'." So I asked him specifically WHICH cases were trumped up and not real issues, and how/why, and he didn't answer.

Have another beer, is about the only thing to say at that point.

The hardcore ignorant FOX-fed minions in the Trumptard cult are still alive and out there feeding themselves heavily on whatever delusions are required to turn a blind eye to the Orange Nuisance would-be dictator's personality disorders and destruction. And even if it takes down one of their family members in serious ways, for some of them there is no way they can reconcile with the reality of Trump being who Trump really is. Their minds won't permit it. They can't handle that they've willingly allowed themselves to be THAT fucked over (along with allowing hundreds of thousands or millions of others to be brought down by the asshole). Like Trump is a major corner stone in the foundation of their reality and reassessing him for who and what he really is is out of the question for them. Sick fucks and gullible idiots that they really are.
I am remind of one time I saw a loyal Trump supporter being interviewed. During the interview the support gave as one of his reasons for supporting Trump was because of what a good business man hee was. To which the person doing the interview pointed out how Trump ended up declaring bankruptcy and many times caused financial ruin for his contractors for failing to pay them for the work they did. At first the Trump supporter tried to question where those stories came from but thee interviewer was able to get past that. Finally when he had no other way to excuse Trump he finally sttled on the notion that the contractors deserved to be cheated.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Trump is a brand…professional entertainer….and salesman. He willingly and knowingly pushes buttons and plays his character. Obviously. Ever read his book? Art of the Deal? Written when? 30some years ago? He basically tells the reader what he does.

If people choose to be his rubes by frothing at the mouth in support or frothing at the mouth in disgust…his tactics are working. Drama.

Pragmatic rational people don’t get upset or fanatical. It’s just politics. The sun will come up tomorrow.
What you say is true but only up to the point that no major harm befalls the public at large. once you have something like we are seeing now with social security it changes. Currently there are approximately 75 million people depending on social security, at least 60% depend on it so heavily that if their benefit was stopped for a month or two they would be unable to buy food, medicine, pay for utilities, pay rent etc. Those 60% would suffer severely, perhaps even die and yet they worked their whole lives paying into Social Security based on the promise their benefit would be there for them when they need it. Most people knows and cares about someone who is of that 60% totall dependent on recieving their promised benefit. I imagine chances are good you know one or more people in that situation, parents, grand parents, other relatives. Will you be able to watch them suffer needlessly and be able to still casually dismiss it all as, "The Sun will come up tomorrow"?

You're right though, most of what people get overly worked up about are on the fringes and don't directly affect the ones who get worked up. Most of it is just a position of what people think of as either morally right or morally wrong. Like the issue of abortion. I've only known one person who got an abortion. She was a good friend who had an alcohol addiction problem . Eventually it caused her to get into some minor trouble that allowed the courts to put her in a rehab rather then jail. She did pretty good and the improvement in her appearenc and behavior was noticeable. Unfortunatly she was about ready to be released from the halfway house she went to onc she finished the rehab and most likelyyy she was going to end up back on the streets homeless like she was before. It was while she was in the hafway house she got pregnant by a guy she had met there who got out before her. He ended up going back to his IV drug use right about the point she found out she was pregnant. She kicked him to the curb because she wanted to give her recovery a chance but she was facing being homeless and knew she would likelyy go back to alcohol eventually and depending on dumpster diving and begging to feed herself. She maee the decision to get an abortion beecause she rightly knew that was no future for a newborn and she had no other guarenteed viable options for her unborn child. She was raised Catholic and so to have an abortion, in her mind, was the same as being condemned to hell. I liked her enough that I tried to give her an out to tthat life by offering to marry her and help her raise her child but she didn't fel that way about me andd thought too much of our frinedship to just use me for that offer without being able to treat it like a real marriage. So she went thru with the abortion and the guilt she felt consumed her and sure enough she fell back into her old life and got way worse until shee died a few years later due to complications created by her addiction. Me personally I don't think of abortion as a good solution except in the case wheeere the mother would die in child birth. I don't judge others that choose this option because ultimately they ar going to judge themseelves based on their religious beliefs and I've witnessed how that can be far worse then any punishment by the law might be.

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
What you say is true but only up to the point that no major harm befalls the public at large. once you have something like we are seeing now with social security it changes. Currently there are approximately 75 million people depending on social security, at least 60% depend on it so heavily that if their benefit was stopped for a month or two they would be unable to buy food, medicine, pay for utilities, pay rent etc. Those 60% would suffer severely, perhaps even die and yet they worked their whole lives paying into Social Security based on the promise their benefit would be there for them when they need it. Most people knows and cares about someone who is of that 60% totall dependent on recieving their promised benefit. I imagine chances are good you know one or more people in that situation, parents, grand parents, other relatives. Will you be able to watch them suffer needlessly and be able to still casually dismiss it all as, "The Sun will come up tomorrow"?

You're right though, most of what people get overly worked up about are on the fringes and don't directly affect the ones who get worked up. Most of it is just a position of what people think of as either morally right or morally wrong. Like the issue of abortion. I've only known one person who got an abortion. She was a good friend who had an alcohol addiction problem . Eventually it caused her to get into some minor trouble that allowed the courts to put her in a rehab rather then jail. She did pretty good and the improvement in her appearenc and behavior was noticeable. Unfortunatly she was about ready to be released from the halfway house she went to onc she finished the rehab and most likelyyy she was going to end up back on the streets homeless like she was before. It was while she was in the hafway house she got pregnant by a guy she had met there who got out before her. He ended up going back to his IV drug use right about the point she found out she was pregnant. She kicked him to the curb because she wanted to give her recovery a chance but she was facing being homeless and knew she would likelyy go back to alcohol eventually and depending on dumpster diving and begging to feed herself. She maee the decision to get an abortion beecause she rightly knew that was no future for a newborn and she had no other guarenteed viable options for her unborn child. She was raised Catholic and so to have an abortion, in her mind, was the same as being condemned to hell. I liked her enough that I tried to give her an out to tthat life by offering to marry her and help her raise her child but she didn't fel that way about me andd thought too much of our frinedship to just use me for that offer without being able to treat it like a real marriage. So she went thru with the abortion and the guilt she felt consumed her and sure enough she fell back into her old life and got way worse until shee died a few years later due to complications created by her addiction. Me personally I don't think of abortion as a good solution except in the case wheeere the mother would die in child birth. I don't judge others that choose this option because ultimately they ar going to judge themseelves based on their religious beliefs and I've witnessed how that can be far worse then any punishment by the law might be.
We both know that Social Security has been used as a focal point issue for a long time. At least since the 1970s. I remember hearing how it would not exist by the time my generation (X) got to retirement age. It’s been used as a fear mongering tactic that long. I also remember that the world was heading into an Ice Age and acid rain was going to fry us all. I believe we should just cross that bridge when it stands before us.
Threatening older folks by saying they are cutting SS is pot stirring I’d imagine.

You aware of the 13th Step? It’s a play on AA 12 Step where the 13th Step is the one where people in their recovery are preyed upon sexually. Not raped directly…but when they are in a weakened state it’s easier to manipulate a person into making bad relationship decisions. That’s the reasoning behind addicts not getting involved with other addicts in recovery. In your friend’s situation….a counselor was not doing their job perhaps. Hard to say from here though. Sad.

My opinion on abortion is freedom of choice. I can understand the ethical fiasco that can be argued from both sides…so I think it best to let an individual make her choice what to do with her body. I don’t believe a man has the right to stop her. I do believe when it concerns the birth of a child and its rearing that the one should be 100% committed and if not….should not have to have a child. More people should be that honest and not swayed by public opinion or religion. There are lots of people who can not afford the kids they are having.

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