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Trouble finding hexane? Look no further!!

Hehe, Harry, shroom culture indoors is usually sterile or semi sterile, and the syringe is for innoculating (injecting) the culture (spores) into the sterilized grow medium, usually a sealed mixture in jars or vacuum sealed. Or something LOL


Active member
:biglaugh: :laughing:
No bro! Please do not shoot up this fungi! Stick with ganja bro :joint:
at least, you can't dig that! I mean you can't shoot it up, but you can dig it! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Pistil's right about the syringe; check out guerillaforums.ca (I think) if you're interested in shroom cultivation...peace, tRu


i made my first batch of bho this weekend! i used the baster, which i cable-tied (!) the gauze and filter to. i used about a 1/2 oz of pop-corn from my purple no. 1 from last summers grow... and used swan gas with. i did the mirror test, and there was a biiit of residue, but i thought 'fukit' and did it. the shit ROCKS
I'll be sure and get some pure butane next time. i'm actually researching it at the moment... anyone in the UK? maplin.com is the only place i've found online...
hexane, huh? i'll do a couple more runs of BHO first, i think. sounds damn interesting..


New member
I read a thread on the scroomery about some guys from Australia who shot up psilocin (psilocin=the hash oil of the mushroom family)any way the were real bad off for 2 or 3 days one had explosive diarrea and the other had severe stomach cramps sounded like a bad time.


hey guys i like this thread...is the lab grade hexane in a pressurized container like the high quality butane comes in?


no pure grade lab hexane has no acclerents in it and is not pressurized


Interesting thread guys,

I'm reading up on the oil as ive yet to try knocking sum up. Then the thread takes a twist to another interest of mine, cubensis cultivation.

I've got a weed and cube grow going fruiting/fowering atm. 11 Puerto rican done in standard PF tek. Allready got a nice bag of dry fruit. :yummy:

I have one full size plant/mother plant in DWC atm, she's a week into flower so i should have some personal from that soon enough. But it's more the 20 clones I'm setting up in my new room i have in mind for the oil.

A question, (and excuse the ignorance) but if slowly heated would the oil take a more traditional hash type form? Just curious, I've tried a lot of hash and a lot of hash oil, and i mush preffer good hash to oil. I was even thinking on dessicant in the equation. How do you guys think thatd turn out ? Oil in a sealed jar with a lot of dessicant. would it thicken well enough i wonder??

Anyway, I'll definately be reading up more on this, so far Hillbillys inspired me here. Great posts btw Bill.

Take care all, be well.



The reason hexane is used in just about any real laboratory extraction of thc from plant material is because it's a non polar solvent so unlike isopropanol butane ethanol etc it will not dissolve the chlorophyl and other water soluble compounds in the plant material. Also it separates from water. I'm not a huge fan of oils especially those made anything other than hash (hexane is less appropriate for hashish purification) and don't recomend this to anyone who hasn't taken an organic chem lab or has experience with fractioned distillations.

If I were to make oil from leaf or bud what I would do is this. Do a hexane wash. Strip off the solventthen do a fractioned distillation from about 172 and 188 degrees. If you start with material of about 5% thc you'll end up with something between 88-94%. Without fractioning you'l get something about 45% which is still well above most iso and butane hash. After fractioning you can take unused residue and take a methanol extraction on that making an yellow oil of about 80% this method produces almost a 98% recovery of thc and places it into an 80% and 90% pure extract.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Hexane in laymens terms is the consistancy of paint thinner and either comes in a can or bottle, Bottle most likely. Hillbilly on PCP did a number of hex extractions on OG and it's some of the best stuff you can use for an extraction.


it needs to be pure, lab grade N-hexane, Chief...

dont expect to find this at home depot, people.. a description of the bottle is useless.

this is very dangerous shit. if u value your health you will use more conventional methods.
unless, of course, you have a source for pure stuff,
and basic knowledge of organic chem. & the dangers of working with volatile solvents.

what it boils down to, is to just use your head, folks.
if you are already lost reading this its probably best you stick to bubble.


Hexane would go great with those extractor sets that condense and re-use the evaporated solvent.