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Triple Hash Schwag Swisher Blunt 101


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Ya know for a white boy i must say blunts aren't bad especially for concealment. I was at a non smoker (subject to drug tests) buddy's house and was smoking one. He was about floored when i told him it wasn't a cigar. Swears he couldn't tell sitting 5 ft away.


Active member
if its a full size blunt you need to pull the cancer paper out ciggarillos don't have it. Not sure which you used. And I find smoking oil in a blunt wasteful, just smoke your blunt then take a car ciggarette lighter and a pin and just a drop of oil on the hot lighter sucked up will rock your world more than just the blunt alone ever woulda


kilacaLIbud said:
well i decided to try it and it was good.. thank u :joint:

i rolled it wit a nate dogg blunt

nate dog blunts are the shit. i saw them in Berkley a few years ago and was like what the hell? I bought it more as a joke to show the buddys but DAMN that was tasty smooth, burned white, and was not harsh. i recommend the hogs breath berry's flavor.

also i heard someone saying something about strawberry phillies.. every where i go i CANNOT find one that isnt rock hard..i wish i could smoke afresh one!!

also... im NOT a cig smoker, so Im picky with harsh blunts!!

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