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Tricks for spotting males when small??

Psyco G

What tricks do you guys have to spot males when they are small, one thing I've noticed is they usually grow bigger from the get go, and also the first few sets of leafs have a longer middle finger and longer serrated leaves in general.

Obviously this varys from strain to strain, and there are always exceptions to the rule, so maybe it's not a good way to tell at all ahahhahaha sorry for wasting your time, you'll never get it back.

I can usually guess which will turn out male by the 3rd node but I don't always get it right. I'm never 100% sure


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
i dont have to sex mine no more i use all fems and its been a god send for me since im a guerilla grower..i use to have to plant double and end up pulling half of them..wasted space,time and money since im not a breeder..the way i use to sex before fem seeds is the male preflower is more round and the female is a tear shape..i was never able to guess before they showed preflowers..i did notice sometimes that males grew faster and got taller but that was not always true either bc i have had females do the same thing..im just glad they have fem seeds now

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
No trick to it when they show they show, sometimes males are more vigorous but no way to know for sure till pre flowers. Unless you're growing from clone or fem seed.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Yep the trick is a WAG. Wild ass guess. On strains that I have worked for years sure an educated guess but still the one I peg for a male sometimes turns out to be a female. Speed of growth in my experience does not tell me anything about gender.

Patience is always the best short cut.


Active member
you here so much BS about tricks of plants showing gender,, truth is its all internet BS seedling will grow till its old enough to show sex only thing you can do is either wait for the plant to mature and show naturally or induce light schedule to 12 /12 but again seedling will grow till its mature enough for hormonal change 12 / 12 from seed is only saving you power consumption you lose growth rates


Active member
What tricks do you guys have to spot males when they are small, one thing I've noticed is they usually grow bigger from the get go, and also the first few sets of leafs have a longer middle finger and longer serrated leaves in general.

Obviously this varys from strain to strain, and there are always exceptions to the rule, so maybe it's not a good way to tell at all ahahhahaha sorry for wasting your time, you'll never get it back.

I can usually guess which will turn out male by the 3rd node but I don't always get it right. I'm never 100% sure

Read these guys again ^^^^ ..vvvvv.. as there are NO tricks, you want tricks join a circus, as here the majority use facts, and share these facts, if you don't want males ...look to CS silver and other
methods to feminize your seeds


New member
I cant remember the site it was some "scholarly articles on cannabis" that said if you count the number of teeth on the leafs the ones with the lowest avg number of teeth are 90% likely to be males. I found with fairly true breeding seed this to be some what reliable tho not to the % they said. I now make a point of writing it down on the pots of seed runs to see if I can find correlations for future breeding. ie a male with high teeth numbers lead to more female offspring or hermies or what. I have yet to draw any conclusions and I would not bet my bank on any thing but the end result.
the node almost always swell on a female before she shows sex and a male almost never has swollen nodes at any point in growth.thats what i go by.jorge cervantes can back up what im saying


Active member
i concur with the m/f morphology.. branching for reach or for supporting weight.. however, in decades of sporadic growing (and nursery work), i have yet to develop my discernment to the point where it is reliable. so i stick with

1) look
2) wait

works good.


Active member
i think the females are more symmetrical...if you look at the stem from the side...each new leaf growth is pretty even..on the boys there is a section between leaf starts that is stretched out of proportion...the boys are usually lanky and stretch above...hope that makes sense..DJXX


Active member
i concur with the m/f morphology.. branching for reach or for supporting weight.. however, in decades of sporadic growing (and nursery work), i have yet to develop my discernment to the point where it is reliable. so i stick with

1) look
2) wait

works good.

Agree - even if I had a whole set of solid hints, I'm still waiting until it shows me its balls or white hairs. I alway write down my suspicion of sex with each plant - I'm usually right on average, but wrong in one or more cases of individual plants that you just can't tell until they show.

I also notice, contrary to what one might expect, when I smell a very fragrant plant while still in veg, it's usually a male.


Kiss My Ring
taller more vigorous growth, and smell in veg are flags for me.
I just culled 10 males out of 20...all were faster growing, taller than the girls...all of them.
couldn't tell by smell though, they were all in a bed together.

I thought they were fem seed or I would have used pots...surprise!


Active member
Its 90% in the seed.. 10% in the enviroment..IMO Now I have herd of guys looking at the cavity side of the seed.And have tried this and it does seem to work but i have not tried it often enough or marked containers enough as I not really a seed man.I will see if i can find the pics that go along with this somewhere.And the mumbo jumbo of literature that went with it..Cheers


ICMag Donor
I cant remember the site it was some "scholarly articles on cannabis" that said if you count the number of teeth on the leafs the ones with the lowest avg number of teeth are 90% likely to be males. I found with fairly true breeding seed this to be some what reliable tho not to the % they said. I now make a point of writing it down on the pots of seed runs to see if I can find correlations for future breeding. ie a male with high teeth numbers lead to more female offspring or hermies or what. I have yet to draw any conclusions and I would not bet my bank on any thing but the end result.

Search IC for Caldera Based Seed Sexing or something similar.
IMO, the tech is unreliable.

Best trick I know of is...
hurry up & wait!


Active member
i've not seen any way of telling a male before they sex. i mostly only grow seeds. you can tell indica and sativa dominant in seed or seedling. but so far not sex. the taller faster one might be likely to be a male. but no definite way to know before sexing.


Active member
IMO i tend to take guesses with young plants you got 50 / 50 chance it being either
i tend to see the taller ones with longer internodes showing me more male but you just never know until they show my last batch fooled me thought all were females but turned out one was a male


Active member
taller more vigorous growth, and smell in veg are flags for me.
I just culled 10 males out of 20...all were faster growing, taller than the girls...all of them.
couldn't tell by smell though, they were all in a bed together.

I thought they were fem seed or I would have used pots...surprise!

You know, that was my mantra forever (the height/vigor issue, I agree on the smells), and I'll still assume that to be true in most cases, but I just ran into two different commercial seed lines that did the opposite: The taller/faster plants were all fems and the smaller/slower plants were males ...
wow no one heard me.thats normal on here.a female plant almost always shows swollen nodes..a male will almost never do this and if it does it will only be on one side of the node.the nodes im talkin about are on the main stem.follow the stalk outta the ground. at each set of branches this is a node and a female will swell in between the main stem and the branch.it will almost always do this before it shows sex.a male plant will not do this.so if you have a spindly tall growing sharply serrated plant without swollen nodes thats aproaching more than 2 months of age its prob a male.ive experimented with this and have guessed right on the sex everytime

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