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Trickery where I live (+health warning)


18 and Doh!
Hey all,

90% of the bud in my location is cut with very fine sand to add about 50-100gs to a kilo. Anyway this problem only seems to be getting worst.

I was sitting in my freinds flat and he had just bought an eighth of some nice lookin and smelling indoor. He took the first hit and started heavily coughing for about a minute....than I look at the carpet.....there was blood.

This weed had made him cough blood! We later discovered it had been cut with tiny bits of razor sharp glass. I swear if you smoke an ounce of it you would literally die. Just a warning to everyone there and I wanted to know if any of you other icmagers had experiences of cut weed to share.

peacenpot and if you start coughing blood dont smoke it!! and please don't sell it to some poor little dork. This is serious shit and could count as 2nd degree murder or some shit. Really do the morale thing and bin it like we did.


ICMag Donor
Omg this is the same case where i live .... here its cut with wheat flour, sugar , or silicate sand , i met a friend who had some of this shit .... :shake head:
central europe !

High n Dry

It seems like it would be more trouble than it's worth to "cut" MJ with anything.
I've seen weird shit in mexibrick, paper, bugs, dirt clods, pop tops and the occasional rodent dropping etc.
What your seeing is more likely due to the material the MJ is hidden in for transport.


weirdest thing ive ever seen in a bag was long dreadlock hair... but no fucking glass..where im at in the world people would run in your house and shot you over that kind of thing...might be the dudes light explided and shot glass everywhere...either ways good read...


18 and Doh!
FJ ye shit man see you guys got the same situation..sucks. HighnDry this isn't an accident. The sand thing started a few months ago, in my opinion due to the rapidly falling price of indoor where I live (which I assume is due to the boom in homegrown pot which freinds pass around and sell cheap). It's no accident trust me, the only non sanded hookup I have out of like 20 is an hour and a halfs drive away but well worth it.


18 and Doh!
Kokua, for sure but I can't currently grow in my flat because my landlord inspects it every week since I got raided 2 months ago (don't worry I'm not in the US or Asia lol). So as 1 of the terms that I can still rent she has to inspect my flat to make sure I'm not growing. Also she looked up all this Canadian BS about grow-ops and said i was making the building dangerous tssss nyway


18 and Doh!
Bandan.. funny you should say that, the guy who sold it got stabbed by someone else apparently (quite right to selling this shit is equivelent to murder). And Farmer John looks like its already taken care of lol


wow where the hell do you live? that's fuckin crazy. but hey glass is better than sand. just use a screen or a filter so ur not suckin it through and you should be fine, at least glass doesn't burn

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
wow thats crazy. i never seen weed "cut" with anything before.
also with your situation i would move. seriously that sucks that the bitch checks up on you every fuckin week. thats got to be annoying as hell. just move to a nice location where you can grow. even better move somewhere where you can grow outdoors.


Cannabrex Formulator
My goodness.....what infinite rage and retribution would decend upon the donkeyhonker stupid and greedy enuff to sell me sanded or glassed herb.

Not that I buy grass, or have for years, but if that ever happened to me, I think I would not rest until the person concerned was in a mental hospital for life, in jail sucking kawk fer smokes or scrubbing toilets in Cairo.........and I would have SOOO much fun getting them there.....


18 and Doh!
I wouldn't call my landlord a bitch because I used to say she was the nicest 1 I knew. It's just that she got brainwashed by all that Canadian Government grow-op BS like "If there's a grow-op in your building the floors will disintegrate and your whole building will fall apart lol". FUCK THE PEOPLE WHO MADE UP ALL THE BS.


Official Tree Taster
that's messed up

/has never seen weed "cut" before... except for steaming/misting to add weight (the smartest way imho)


Active member
one reason this doesnt happen in cali; is because the guy selling the shit weed will get stomped out, he will get his head jumped on a few times..

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