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Triangle Larry breeding project


ICMag Donor
Probably only a few weeks left until chop. I forgot to mention that I used a metal halide bulb instead of hps to try and get a bit better health instead of mixed like I would prefer on a usual flower run. These are all under only one light.


ICMag Donor
yum yum! also always watch out for that varigation, it often is from a virus typically tobacco mosaic

Thanks for the input, but I believe that’s a common misunderstanding. Cannabis along with many other plants can show variegated traits, most of the time there is no proof the plant has tobacco mosaic virus. Some people like safeeakhfarms have even bred A variegated line with the vanilluna from dj short.
it’s good chad facts for places like here in Oregon. they’ll tell you that so they can get all there employees to not smoke cigarettes, and not allowed off site or have breaks.

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
You said:
Here’s a few photos of the seeded farmer 12 og, one photo has a drop of water on it just for photo effects

Nice work. In both disciplines. Love the water drop in Trichome City. A little more luminence and they'd be perfect. Using stacking software to get that great depth of field?


ICMag Donor
You said:

Nice work. In both disciplines. Love the water drop in Trichome City. A little more luminence and they'd be perfect. Using stacking software to get that great depth of field?

Thank you very much for the compliments. Yeah I use photoshop to stack the images into a composite image. I only have a manual macro rail, so each photo is manually took. With around a two second shutter speed. So some of these photos that have a few hundred photos stacked takes me much longer than the average composite photographer who has a modern electronic rail like a stack shot :tiphat: