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Tree growing: Guerillia growing off the ground


Mourning the loss of my dog......
vanillagorilla said:
Has anyone thought of using wicks for watering??? run them in small pvc pipe up the tree
I am assuming you are talking about running a wick from a rez on the ground? I think this would be a bad idea because like I said before, ya don't want pipes, ropes, etc. running up the tree at eye level.
I have heard it suggested that you could put a large rez in the tree with the plant, and water it with a wick or timer/pipe from there, again, a bad idea too much shit up in the tree.
But then again, some folks claim to be growing in places where random foot traffic is uncommon, so I guess it is up to the preferences of the specific grower.

Here is a part of the original thread I did not post in this version originally, my "Wick fed pipe planter". Basicly it was a 6"PVC pipe with a top section that held 2 gallons of potting soil, and a bottom section that held 2 gallons of water. A long piece of threaded stock ran trough the middle to hold the mounting bracket and the 1 gallon pot which held the cotton rope wicks, and the soil.
Filling the rez was done with the wand, into a porthole in the side. This planter was ment to be placed on the trunk of a small tree, near the top(painted camo of course). It is limited in how much it could grow, but there it is.



New member
jasonk - an old head in the woods where I'm from used to go into the swamp; which is somewhere people would not want to normally walk anyway. He'd climb a cedar tree about 15 feet high, cut off the top with a bucksaw or chainsaw; put a few quick woodscrews in through the bottom of a 5-gal bucket, and vioala. I asked the same foliage cover question, and he said that the cedar canopy is generally low and of even height, so the plants ended up getting more sun than had they been grown there on the ground. Crazy old heads lol...


god. walking around with a bucket and a long piece of pvc isnt going to look funny. geez i wanna see some ganja in the tree, actual pics, not empty crates.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
whitebubba said:
god. walking around with a bucket and a long piece of pvc isnt going to look funny.

Time for part 2:Irrigation wand

Ok now we have a basket hanging the tree,you need to water it, you could use your pole and lower the pot, but man are they heavy! Especially when they have just been watered, or say you have managed to hang a pot permenently, how do you water it without climbing the tree each time?

Basicly my wand is lengths of 1/2" PVC pipe(they can be short or long), each length has a male and a female threaded fitting on each end, except the top piece, which is a hook made with elbows. This hook will be used to hang the wand on the edge of the planter.
As you can see the wand breaks down, so it can be stowed in a pack. By "Bucket" I assume you are refering to a container for hauling water, I use a 5 gallon plastic "jerry" can, which also fits inside my benign trail pack. Walking around the woods with a length of PVC and a 5 gallon bucket would be pretty funny, thanks for the funny image, you made my day!

whitebubba said:
geez i wanna see some ganja in the tree, actual pics, not empty crates.
Then I guess you should get off your behind and get one up there! :Bolt:
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Shit i better give it a try then. wooops did not think it broke down , duh.


Smoke weed and prosper
hey Backcountry
i've been reading your posts since before og an cw were taken out and all i can say is keep up the good work.
i've been wondering. does your method of tree growing has anything to do with the "High in the sky" method explained in this book?

if it is similar or please tell me. i don't have the book and getting it would prove to be a to hard of a task in my situation.
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Guest 10952

Crazy man i seen pix in the Cannabibles but can't wait to see the whole process.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Gantz-Nope, the basket idea is totally originally my idea, the wand and the Pipe planter was borrowed from a basic description by a long ago OGer, I don't know if they was ever actually brought into the proto-type stage by that person.

Well I guess every one thinks I will be doing a tree grow this year, so I guess I can't disappoint after a year and a half and 2 websites worth of hype, LOL!! I'll be starting my outdoor planting today, and by the end of this weekend I hope to get one up there.


here you go Backcountry, as promised a picture of the top of my stump. I took one from the side, but the darkness was coming in so it didnt turn out too well. This is what I'm working with up to, with some cups covering the dirt. The dirst about a foot or so deep at the deepest Id say.


I tree grew about 3 years ago, Some of you may remember my pics from overgrow. Unfortuntly I lost all my pics of my past years once og got busted:(

Vol Funk


I'm planning to do tree grow next year. So....I found a huge fallen tree that I can walk up.

I don't know how to do this. I'm thinking of nailing buckets on side of the tree or just tie two buckets so it can hold buckets on both side on fallen tree.

Like this

I'll keep my eyes out for perfect tree to grow on :p, I'm little scared about bringing piece of plywoods up there because it would look funny especially if you're in the wood.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Very nice!

I think about this thread from time to time. The original version of this thread on OG was my 2nd thread ever. I was hooked ever since.
I considered doing a plant up in a tree this year again and didn't do it, maybe i should go out tomarrow and put a plant up in a tree for the remainder of the season? I have the equipment built and ready to go, been waiting awhile......
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Don Cotyle

BC you have some great ideas!!! I wish ya all the luck in your tree canopy grow.

Have you ever heard of a Jack Rabbit hand pump? It's plastic and very light weight, you could paint the approate size and length of clear hose brown-bark and secure it to your bucket and down the tree. Then you could just attach the Jack Rabbit pump to it and crank away. Might mean less to carry to your trees! Just a thought I was kicking around a few years ago!!

Stay safe and good growing!!!
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Damn, this thread is old! revival time...don't get mad at all these revivals BC, I think its needed, very good information always, and your a pro...so it works well....this idea is so good for those growers interested in really receiving a crop....this can be used in alot of places considering its super-stealth if you use the right colors.....No rippers look in trees for trees!