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Treating Cancer with Concentrates Thread



I need to be up my sources butt about how these things are being prepared. My fam member has stage 3 breast cancer.....i cant mess around!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Is there any data or anectdotal evidence of vaping helping with lung tumors? A friend who was a sub sailor said the VA wanted to test him as a bunch of his shipmates all died. Asbestos maybe. He said they found non-active tumors.

I use Symbacort 160/4,5 inhaler for COPD in the morning to get right breathing. Probably all those farts and such, but... I wake and bake with a nice 300* or less non-white-vapor bag, and I swear my lungs feel better than with any meds. Don't really get a buzz, just feel different and better. A little later I'll screw it all up and bake that load at 420.


Well-known member
Premium user
Is there any data or anectdotal evidence of vaping helping with lung tumors? A friend who was a sub sailor said the VA wanted to test him as a bunch of his shipmates all died. Asbestos maybe. He said they found non-active tumors.

I use Symbacort 160/4,5 inhaler for COPD in the morning to get right breathing. Probably all those farts and such, but... I wake and bake with a nice 300* or less non-white-vapor bag, and I swear my lungs feel better than with any meds. Don't really get a buzz, just feel different and better. A little later I'll screw it all up and bake that load at 420.

You might try searching for Dr. Robert Melamede and vaping lung cancer. He's at the forefront of treatment protocol I believe.


New member
I wanted to give some input here. This is aside from cannabis. You will find that Turkey Tail mushrooms help in fighting cancers. All types. That's because the way they work in the body is sort of like a highlighter. It highlights the areas in the body that are ill. Then the immune system can find them and fight. It's a targeting system, like radar.
Immunity and health in thr individual sould be boosted for optimum chances of a solid fight against cancer.
Organic oats ( cerals or otameals)
Broccoli sprouts

I suggest you find and buy the book: Health through God's Pharmacy. By Maria Treben. Truly invaluable information. She is from Austria. It's herb medicine passed down from many generation..the infusion of wine with certain herbs and honey.. To take in teaspoons at time.


New member
Also oregano oil p73. Taken daily 3 drops can really help. Big time!! Its not snake oil. I took it. It helped me so much. I also take it directly on a tooth ache. Gone within seconds. I used to take it daily or by daily.sometimes once a week. Just as a health booster.

Another Biiiiiig immune health booster antioxidant plus more is: Chaga mushroom.
I used to buy it in bags of tea. Wow the best! Just google or internet search the stuff i wrote here. Take a good combo of it all with drinking lots of water. Thats the best part.to.beat Cancer! Find good source of mineral water. Probabaly will have to buy bottles. But drink that water an a little more than you normally would. To flush your body a bit. Dont go overboard, drink 20 to 30% more for half the month. Read that again. And again. So you will pee a bit more for half the month. It's good. But get strong medicinal foods in you and the meds i mentioned.

The one last thing i gotta mention is Cedar! If you can find cedar trees growing near you, pick some leaflets off it. Break them between your fingers and inhale in your nose the aroma. It's medicinal. Must be trees in a non polluted environment (take a drive out of town).
My uncle who was in a come, when awoken, i was telling him i passed cedar leafs bellow his nostrils. He told me he remembers that, from when he was in a come. His while face was.twicthing when i passed under his nose.
He had pnemonia, and has one lung! He was an induced a come. I used the cedar leaf to try and fight the infection in his lungs...as cedar essential oils are anti viral and fungal.. He recovered thankfully. Altho, he is now passed away.
Get sunshine. Eat as well as you can. Hope you the best.


New member
Sorry for the typos my english can be sketchy sometimes. Anyways hope i can be of help.
The book by maria treben is a goldmine. And im not a shill or touting. I actually own the book. And im amazed at the hwalimg knowledge and recipes in that book. Just want to be of help to any and all.


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My friend has had a recurring issue with cervical pre cancerous cells. It is now to the point they've returned again and have discovered further issues in the uterus. Apparently it has progressed. She is completely against marijuana. I am looking for alternatives that wont get her high like we have discussed here but its been a number of years so I figured I would check back in.

I was also looking for Dr. Bob Melameade and cannot find if he is still associated with phoenix tears. Furthermore, the phoenixtears website only lists CBD oil right now. Any discussion is much appreciated.


moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
My friend has had a recurring issue with cervical pre cancerous cells. It is now to the point they've returned again and have discovered further issues in the uterus. Apparently it has progressed. She is completely against marijuana. I am looking for alternatives that wont get her high like we have discussed here but its been a number of years so I figured I would check back in.

I was also looking for Dr. Bob Melameade and cannot find if he is still associated with phoenix tears. Furthermore, the phoenixtears website only lists CBD oil right now. Any discussion is much appreciated.

I tried to contact Bob Melameade well over a year ago, several times, during a sense of urgency re. my cancer.

Never heard back from him after my leaving 2-3 messages.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Howzit, M. E.

Let a Dr' talk me into Lupron.
The list price for one injection is >$8k
With Kaiser, no charge.
It knocked down Testosterone to almost nil, .10.
But the shock was the PSA.
Had got to 40 ng. last July.
Last test says 1.46 ng.
Had CT and bone scan. Found no mets. So I opted for the Lupron.
Still taking the RSO as well. I'm sure it's the reason I have no mets in 14 years.


moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
Howzit, M. E.

Let a Dr' talk me into Lupron.
The list price for one injection is >$8k
With Kaiser, no charge.
It knocked down Testosterone to almost nil, .10.
But the shock was the PSA.
Had got to 40 ng. last July.
Last test says 1.46 ng.
Had CT and bone scan. Found no mets. So I opted for the Lupron.
Still taking the RSO as well. I'm sure it's the reason I have no mets in 14 years.

Glad to read of your successes, Wee.

I looked at Lupron, etc., in the way of anti-androgen tx, but for us well kept folk with diabetes, however well managed it might be, Lupron (and related Rx drugs), have a serious likelihood of scrambling glucose levels> directly related to well-being, immune system, etc.

A number of credible orgs (cancer type clinics, talking heads, etc.) identify green tea as a natural anti-androgen tx, but obviously not as potent a punch. I'm now drinking a stout 2 bags in 10 oz. of R/O H2O each morning when home.

Currently broke down at a friend's place a bit south of Whitehorse Yukon Territory; Ma' Nature had the gall to turn on winter while we were attempting to right wrongs done by thieving mek-a-niks in Yakima; more on that sordid tale in a more appropriate thread. They were taking advantage of an 81-year-old woman with Alzheimer's, my m-i-l, and they're into her for thousands. They should fear the future. Again, more later..

Along with the glucose issues, common anti-androgen tx offers a certain frequency of serious depression (though significant in study numbers), and perhaps amplifying the depression that comes with quality-of-life issues post-radical prostatectomy.

When I worked as a clinician, with paroled sex offenders, similar and same drugs were given as a part of 'chemical castration' in some places. It can literally shrivel testes into non-existence, kills libido, and in some cases, men have developed female breasts.

That all said, I quit the vegan diet for a bit (a guy's gotta' live and enjoy life, and my PSA was coming up, post-op, about .1 every 3-4 months). Haven't done a blood draw for PSA or much of anything else in over 5 months. Little use or recreation in watching horror movies or train wrecks.

Will do a draw soon for my annual wellness exam.... My primary care Doc requested them so I guess I ought to appease her..

I assume by 'extract', you meant THC-A?

I'd been pretty consistent with about 450-500mg/day of THC-A, but on the current mission, lacked an opportunity to properly prepare such things for the Border, so I'm taking a hiatus, which my wife had encouraged, as it was unclear if it was adding to grief from my acute bleeding gastritis. Had a premonition before reaching the border, and flushed a number of helpful items. Sure-nuff, for the first time in the last 3.5 decades, they searched my rig. Good premonition, eh?

I need to make a 3.5 to 4-month supply after I get back home. Extracting in winter snow again... :(

I may change my mind as the shadow of the Grim Reaper behind me grows taller and darkens, but for now it's THC-A extract, lycopene x 20mg/day, Extra-Strength Avmacol (Spelling?), green tea, and a few other tricks.

Even cut out the heavy amounts of chaga tea and bitter melon; very little research on the synergistic effects of these things when combined, though research says excess chaga can cause kidney stones.

I'm fairly confident that ingesting some of these things in the volumes I did, and in combination, ran my liver & kidneys pretty hard.

Just as before, we still find ourselves at the forefront of stuff that simply wasn't important enough, legal enough, profitable enough, mainstream enough, etc., for labs to ask serious questions about.

In a struggle to maintain quality of life, or even just life, we're in a position of experimenting upon ourselves.

Resent it, loathe it, adapt to it or whatever..... It is what it is.

Best of luck to you, sir. Reading any success stories is a source of hopefulness.

Me? When I meet the Grim Reaper, I fully intend to poke him in the eye, just for good measure. But i'm not sure that's more than a few years away, maybe a lot less, if nothing changes.

Take care.
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Hawaiian Inebriatti
Good call! Never ignore a premonition.
My wife bought some items from an Oregon dispensary.
When it came time to fly home she had a feeling.
Told her friend that she would throw it out before she'd pack it. Yep, when she claimed her luggage there was an inspection notice inside.

In my humble opinion, 500 mg of thc-a oil is about 5 x too much. I'm having good stats from ~ 85 mg. Much better than I had at 500. More is not always better my friend, and more than enough is too much.


moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
Good call! Never ignore a premonition.
My wife bought some items from an Oregon dispensary.
When it came time to fly home she had a feeling.
Told her friend that she would throw it out before she'd pack it. Yep, when she claimed her luggage there was an inspection notice inside.

In my humble opinion, 500 mg of thc-a oil is about 5 x too much. I'm having good stats from ~ 85 mg. Much better than I had at 500. More is not always better my friend, and more than enough is too much.

I received yet another half-dozen posts from MedScape today. I've come to regard them with a positive view re. credibility and professionalism.

One article was titled re. an 'old cancer drug costing $38,000+ per shot' (Lupron), and the outrageous price gouging (and related mechanisms to keep it happening) involved.

But in the 4th paragraph or so, there was a link, as the subject of the article had tried cannabis extracts first, which (in this article) linked to another piece re. THC/Cannabis lowering testosterone (anti-androgen, like Lupron or, to a lesser degree, green tea), which we know feeds prostate cancer tumors.

This is a different function, in my understanding, of other mechanisms employed by THC-A in arriving at cancer cell/tumor apoptosis (spelling).

The issue of MedScape I received had about 6 articles grouped re. current status of treatment for prostate cancer, but the issue of lowering testosterone would seem to be better with higher doses (?). Again, different than other functions provided by THC/THC-A and related cannabinoids, as was/were focused on in the June 2020 NIH-published study re. mice/rats, and the reduction in both size and weight of pancreatic cancer tumors, supposedly due to 2 (?) specific cannabinoids, which they synthesized, no doubt for reliable components in their study, lacking the less predictable purity and content of natural extractions.

I hope others can open this other than just me. I have a subscription due to past work and later curiousity.

Again, the primary focus, other than indignation at the marketing ploys and gouging by the modern pharmaceutical industry, is the link to the article re. THC/THC-A(?) lowering testosterone.

I'm out to do snow tires on the remaining vehicle requiring them, after walking the 3 pups.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
I'm back to losing between 1 and 2 lbs./day, even when I was eating relatively well. The diet has decreased for now due to some depression involving family issues, etc..

Quit my extract most of 2 weeks ago. Could make more, and have plenty cannabis on hand to make more.
But my PSA was climbing incermentally while I was doing al the right things; diet, chaga, bittermelon, lycopene, avmocol, extract, etc.

Bleeding acute gastritis doesn't avail itself to most things that upset the gut at the moment

Feeling in my throat off and on since last year or so, now more steady, tells me it may be throat cancer, around the right saliva gland in addition to the prostate cancer. And the spleen issues are unknown for now; lots of speculation.. No answers. "Practicing medicine." Uh uh...

Spleen near stomach and left side ribs has been a bear for a tmie. Waiting to see what that shows. Best I can hope for from these coming scans is a big "I told ya' so"... maybe.

Supposed to go in for a CAT scan and nuclear bone scan re. the prostate cancer in a week or so, though that may be when the other potential culprits show themselves..

Why? I asked my wife. So the Docs can put their kids through Harvard on my and others' nickels?

Rather cynical at the moment. it is what it is.

Told the oncologist the other day, when I again turned down lupron and any real prospect of serious radiation, that they have nothing to offer me at this time that doesn't mess me up more than what I'm alerady contending with where quality of life is concerned.

The 'tail-light warranty' that you receive at too many automotive garages and Docs' offices. Once you've given them your cash, and you're out of sight, they rarely if ever lose a moment of sleep. The golf course is calling.

Told my wife the bright side is that going up and down the stairs or ladders beomes that much easier as I again shed lb.s I'm 10 lbs. heavier at the moment than I was when I lived on the river, with only wood heat, hand-carried water, and limited transportation.. I was a lean, mean, coked up, stoned hippie way back then, 40+ years ago. Now I'm a sad, dying old man.

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I'm back to losing between 1 and 2 lbs./day, even when I was eating relatively well. The diet has decreased for now due to some depression involving family issues, etc..

Quit my extract most of 2 weeks ago. Could make more, and have plenty cannabis on hand to make more.
But my PSA was climbing incermentally while I was doing al the right things; diet, chaga, bittermelon, lycopene, avmocol, extract, etc.

Bleeding acute gastritis doesn't avail itself to most things that upset the gut at the moment

Feeling in my throat off and on since last year or so, now more steady, tells me it may be throat cancer, around the right saliva gland in addition to the prostate cancer. And the spleen issues are unknown for now; lots of speculation.. No answers. "Practicing medicine." Uh uh...

Spleen near stomach and left side ribs has been a bear for a tmie. Waiting to see what that shows. Best I can hope for from these coming scans is a big "I told ya' so"... maybe.

Supposed to go in for a CAT scan and nuclear bone scan re. the prostate cancer in a week or so, though that may be when the other potential culprits show themselves..

Why? I asked my wife. So the Docs can put their kids through Harvard on my and others' nickels?

Rather cynical at the moment. it is what it is.

Told the oncologist the other day, when I again turned down lupron and any real prospect of serious radiation, that they have nothing to offer me at this time that doesn't mess me up more than what I'm alerady contending with where quality of life is concerned.

The 'tail-light warranty' that you receive at too many automotive garages and Docs' offices. Once you've given them your cash, and you're out of sight, they rarely if ever lose a moment of sleep. The golf course is calling.

Told my wife the bright side is that going up and down the stairs or ladders beomes that much easier as I again shed lb.s I'm 10 lbs. heavier at the moment than I was when I lived on the river, with only wood heat, hand-carried water, and limited transportation.. I was a lean, mean, coked up, stoned hippie way back then, 40+ years ago. Now I'm a sad, dying old man.

Sad to hear what's going on with u brother.
Why is radiation therapy not an option? It comes with heavy side effects but can help.


starin' at the world through my rearview
weed dosent cure cancer.

What cure cancer is highly oxinated body and alkaline envirmovent.
Weed can help you stay relaxed and use as antidepressant so your body can have more levels of oxigen and oxigen creates alkaline envirmoment.
Not any cancer can live in alkaline envirmovent.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
weed dosent cure cancer.

What cure cancer is highly oxinated body and alkaline envirmovent.
Weed can help you stay relaxed and use as antidepressant so your body can have more levels of oxigen and oxigen creates alkaline envirmoment.
Not any cancer can live in alkaline envirmovent.
There's a June 2020 NIH published study using THC-A (specificaly 2 cannabinoids were isolted) with mice implanted with pancreatic tumors; the tumors were reduced by both size and weight in the mice.

Prostate cancer thrives on testosterone, and there are many studies showing THC as lowering testosterone without the side-effects of outrageously expensive and sometimes side-effect-producing drugs such as lupron.

With life and dreams on the line, I did a LOT of reseach re. what does and doesn't work.

Sad to hear what's going on with u brother.
Why is radiation therapy not an option? It comes with heavy side effects but can help.
The first surgery left me with 7 major infections in my abdomen and a massive hematoma, which literally nearly killed me. The result was a fair bit of loss of quality of life expectations and function. In other words, they did a fair bit of damage, and I have no tolerance for further damage.

"You screwed me up once, and nearly killed me. Try better"

I told them that IF the tumors (or impending lesions) end up being near less vulnerable or necessary tissue than that which they already trashed, then MAYBE we could talk site-specific radiation, but they had their shot, fucked me up, nearly killed me, and ignored 8 days of frantic callls from my wife and I re. my condition back then.

Lupron often skews glucose levels for those of us with diabetes. Something I've typically been very skiled a controlling, even if it got out of control I could rope it back in to the extent that I amazed Docs at times. Tossing that balance into the wind with drugs, rather than poor diet, is a whole 'nother critter. And Lupron is notorious for causing depression, as well as other less-than-desirable issues.

Already got enough depression for a few people to share.

In some ways I'm weary from the fight, too, and there's lots of other things going on that I'l abstain from discussing.

I would still consider site-specific radiation if helpful. They won't even give me a PET scan to see where stuff's at, unless I am open to radiation, so the site-specific radiation was a compromise on my part. "You can kill a little bit more of me, providing it's not serious or significant tissue that you've already fucked up, and you don't rob me of any more of the quality of life issues than you've alerady stolen."

Prostate cancer's typical points of transition, in order, are, prostate, bones, liver, lungs. I've been told that if it gets into the spine, then it becomes really horrible.

The only tumor they removed from a lymph gland outside of my prostate was in 1 of 27 lymph glands they pulled, but it was way over near the illiac. A hitch-hiking travelling little bugger apparently. But that tells me that with that much movement at that time (April 2021), there's quite probably tumors they missed. You can only pull so many lymph glands in that surgery before you're into other area os the body, away from where you're working.

The lump (small) on my right-side saliva gland in my thoroat, is not prostate cancer, if it's cancer. Nearly impossible. But it's not uncommon for persons being 'chased' by one form of cancer to develop another. If the lump there proves malignant, then I/we can conclude it's a new kid on the proverbial block. If that's thecase, then there might be tx for that. Don't know yet. Time and scans.

Possibly same:same for what ever is going on between my stomach and the spleen.

I'm tired, and, frankly, somewhat OK with surrender.

Nausea comes several times a day right now, especially when hungry, which is more frequent than it ought to be. Gastritis? Cancer?

Current additional maladies include wall-to-wall gall stones (which did much better on the vegan cancer diet, for obvious reasons), Type 2 diabetes, acute bleeding gastritis (already mentioned), and 2 small hernias; oneo f which I believe was a 'gift' from the Doc in Seattle who fucked me up and then ignored our pleas for 8 days.

I think there's something else I'm not remembering, but I've been up all night for the most part re. other issues.

If need be, when the time comes, I have the ability here to painlessly "exit stage left." as it were. I have always been out front with my Docs, friends (few), and my family, that if push comes to shove, there's no serious machismo or honor in staying in a fight that has no hope of being successful, unless it's for someone else.

I'll stop there, before this turns into another of my cancer novelas.

I figure that my karma, from this life or another, is simply calling on cue. I've told my Docs, "when you get a new miracle drug, (as are more and more common these days, seemingly for every other cancer BUT mine), give me a call."

They blew it when the fucked me up so badly the first time. Like letting the guy who nearly killed you in an auto wreck, drive you around again. A difficult trust barrier to overcome, really.

Ayway, thanks to both of you for your replies.

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