My cat is going through the same thing right now and I am very interested in trying what you did. What kind of CBDs did you administer? Please help! I am desperate!
Hi everyone,I agree.
That's not a good sign.
While we wait for lab results, please tell us about your oil.
As detailed as possible.
Do you have any potency reports from humans?
Have you tried it yourself?
Hi everyone,"The vet said that even though the test came back negative for malignancy it does not rule out cancer.
Not all cancers are malignant.
Benign tumors can kill you, of course, but they do not metastasize.
I'm starting to wonder about your vet.
There is a long list of symptoms for toxo, coughing is not one of them.
That's why she ordered the tracheal wash.
And the blood test is a good call, what took her so long?
Toxoplasmosis is rare in humans, carried by cats, and not really common in dogs.
It's usually contracted from raw meat. But freezing meat for 24 hours, kills the parasites.
Dogs with uncompromised immune systems can usuallydefend themselves.
At this point, I'd go for the aspiration/biopsy.
Worth the discomfort. It's better to know.
I am not qualifies to advise.
I am not a veterinarian or a doctor.
I have no formal training and very little education.
I just read, a lot, and love critters.
Weezard i posted a reply about test results for London. She is just at 50 lbs and was diagnosed with lung cancer but we don't know what kind. She coughs when exerting just about any energy now. The mass is on her right lung and pretty much taking it over meaning it's not small. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about treating with oil. What amount do I use? I know everything says start out small and increase. Do you do 1 week and then increase, etc.? Do I give it to her before or after meals or does it matter? How many times a day? Are there any signs that would tell me I've given her too much?Hi everyone,
I'm here to give an update on London. We did a needle aspirate yesterday to try and find out what the mass is in her lung. I'm deeply saddened to report the results came back as Cancer. Unfortunately with just an aspirate they can not tell us what kind of Cancer, etc it is or at least that's what I'm being told. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around that, but...
Chemo is not something I want to put her through. I know if we could get our hands on the oil I'd be willing to give it a try as I believe in its healing power 100%. So here we are. I have no idea what kind, how much, etc. to start her with. The mass is pretty good size and they called it a bi-lobe meaning it's either overlapped, or its 2 masses. She couldn't tell from either the x-Ray or the sono. 1 measured 5 cm and the other 6 cm. Any suggestion on a treatment plan is much appreciated.
P.s. Weezard I agree with you that I wonder about this particular vet. I have felt from the moment I met her she was trying to get my money.
The best way to know is to dose yourself, then take your weight and adjust accordingly - but then at least half of what you'd take as dogs are more sensitive. If I were you I would be pushing her limits a bit, but not too far - if you go too far she may reject the medication as it can be very scary.
This is the best way to know how to dose though and it would work best to test on someone with no tolerance at all, but if you only smoke occassionally that will be fine as well.
My 10 year old Pitt bull has stage 3 cancer n her mammary gland what the best oil to get.. is thc needed r just cbd. She goes to get the lump removed Tom I just need a treatment plan for her .. she still so full of life .Thanks mb
My 10 year old Pitt bull has stage 3 cancer n her mammary gland what the best oil to get.. is thc needed r just cbd. She goes to get the lump removed Tom I just need a treatment plan for her .. she still so full of life .Thanks mb