I get better results with an ordinary wire coat hanger. Cut bottom off evenly and curl points to hold identical baggies. Use the cut off piece as balance part and rest the hanger on top of it. A book on a table is enough to hold it. Bend the hook part straight and true it so when you look down from the top of it that its at a 90 degree angle top to bottom.
For accurate counterweights thank uncle sam. A US nickle will always be a good 5.00 grams and not stray from that but for a hundredth or two. US bills of every denomination will be 0.97-0.98 grams. Never saw one over a gram that wasnt wet or one under 0.96 that wasnt missing a piece of it.
You would be surprized even small differences tip the hanger past 90 degrees making for fairly accurate bags.
I also think this is the iphone scale they were talking about. Actually has a backlit display. Doesnt do .00005 accuracy but what do you expect from a $53 scale?
For accurate counterweights thank uncle sam. A US nickle will always be a good 5.00 grams and not stray from that but for a hundredth or two. US bills of every denomination will be 0.97-0.98 grams. Never saw one over a gram that wasnt wet or one under 0.96 that wasnt missing a piece of it.
You would be surprized even small differences tip the hanger past 90 degrees making for fairly accurate bags.
I also think this is the iphone scale they were talking about. Actually has a backlit display. Doesnt do .00005 accuracy but what do you expect from a $53 scale?