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moose eater

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I hate getting a new phone. Invariably within an hour of ownership, I always want to smash it into little plastic bits and bitch slap every designer of every app.
I find skeet shooting works well.

I'm still trying to get my computer monitor to at least let me feel a tiny bit of success from my efforts toward forcing compliance and submission by causing it to tremble when I point a handgun at it, but.... nothing. Stone cold bastard that it is. It has no feelings for my frustration whatsoever, apparently.


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When I worked, I was tethered to one but I never used it when driving. In fact, I was known amongst my colleagues as a luddite because I seldom even answered the damn thing. Text or email me please. I don't need to attempt a fractured cell phone conversations when one or the other or both parties could not hear or understand what the other was saying due to drops or the dreaded underwater effect. 3G 4G and now 5G . . . and they are still only semi-reliable devices . . . :oops:

moose eater

Well-known member
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When I worked, I was tethered to one but I never used it when driving. In fact, I was known amongst my colleagues as a luddite because I seldom even answered the damn thing. Text or email me please. I don't need to attempt a fractured cell phone conversations when one or the other or both parties could not hear or understand what the other was saying due to drops or the dreaded underwater effect. 3G 4G and now 5G . . . and they are still only semi-reliable devices . . . :oops:
Coordinated the sale of a set of used tires to a Russian fellow this AM in town, using cell phones after I got on the road. Snowstorm that delivered almost 6" by the time I was near to the meet-up. NOAA had said 4" to 6" by tomorrow night. By the time I left the driveway we were already close to 5", and that was before noon today.

My hearing is toasted; helicopters, machineguns, rock concerts, Harley Davidsons, chainsaws, tractors, headphones, etc., and the previous, long ago adolescent and young adult view of life that said I was 10' tall and bulletproof and that headsets for hearing protection were for pussies..... Well, my hearing is FUCKED.

So there were a couple exchanges on the phones that I had ZERO idea what he was saying, especially with motor and highway sounds and his rather thick accent.

Nonetheless we pulled off the meet-up successfully, and in that the power had gone out at the house no fewer than 4 times by the time I left for town, and was still out upon my departure, I took a bit of the cash from the tires and went into the grocery store we met at and scored some sushi and a roasted chicken, among other things.

My friend in the Yukon Territory refers to his cell phone as his 'leash'.
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moose eater

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We've been getting (often heavy) snow all day now, and now the weather report says we're supposed to get an additional 1" or so this afternoon, and up to another 4 inches tonight.

I think there's already what's gaining on a foot out there now.

As stated earlier, the power's been on and off for more or less brief periods throughout the day, though on now for a good while.

The temperatures are supposed to drop abruptly, making it down to near -25 F. on Friday and Saturday night, and I hate running my snowblower in the colder weather, for the sake of the snowblower. And I have to be on the road again on Sunday, immediately after this 2-day storm ought to be over with.

So I'm going to engage in my bit of masochism for the night, and head out in some layered wool gear with a headlamp, despite it still snowing, head to the barn to replace a screw in the snowblower's chute control shaft, and then try to complete my work before the snow buries the driveway and turn-arounds and parking areas while I'm still trying to clear the thing. Probably most of a couple hours' worth at this point.

I need sherpas. I'll check on Amazon for them when I come back inside to thaw a bit.
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moose eater

Well-known member
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Damn that's cold. Who will deliver the sherpas?

I just pulled a tooth.
We get MUCH colder sometimes. It's currently pretty warm by local standards; +24-+25 F.

The sherpas are likely too big to come by Amazon drone. Very few hovercrafts in the area. I doubt sherpas have Real ID, as desired by US and Canada Customs. Maybe they can be trucked up through Canada as long as their visas are in order. The Tibetans and Nepalese don't piss off too many people, so Canada ought to let them through without too much trouble.

You pulled your tooth yourself, or had a dentist do it? Or had a friend tie a string to a doorknob and around the tooth in reference and slam the door?

I think I'll take the current temperature of +24 F. over the tooth being pulled.

My wife's out cleaning about 10" of snow off the vehicles and maybe a trailer or so, while I catch my breath, dry off a bit, drink a seltzer water, and get ready to go back out and clean up the mess the vehicles are going to leave around on the ground from being cleaned off. Then another 1/2 hour or so of clearing the other areas I didn't get to yet, and then in for the night, a doobie of California Indica, and a beverage; maybe a tequila and pomegranate juice with lime and lemon juices, some citrus seltzer water in there, and ice.

Apparently, we're supposed to get another 3-5 inches by tomorrow now.
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Well-known member
I might a gin and ginger ale. I'm not sure it's a thing, but I like it :)

I pulled it myself. It had a wobble on for a while, and was starting to hurt when I ate anything. The root had been disturbed by a neighbour walking it's way, and then as it was pushed out, my eating had it pushing back. Endangering the one who started the problem. It had to go, and I feel better for it. I was at the point where the occasional jaw ache was sometimes a little neck ache, so you know it's going wrong at that point. Good pain tolerance can't overcome the low spirits of constant infection. It's really surprising just how down a bad tooth can get you. Though there was actually nothing bad about it. Just no room at the inn.
I basically have gum problems, and the dentist telling me this was of zero help. He wouldn't fix problems I showed him, and wanted to take teeth I was still using. 5 years with him, and I left, with all the teeth he wanted out on my first visit. I would of been better off with a russian dentist. Or the Irish one's who just knoch them all out before they kill you. So you buy dentures that last. Not enter into the constant world of alterations. I quit while I was ahead, but I have to pull a wisdom tooth next year, and I'm not looking forward to that. I might pay..

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
I might a gin and ginger ale. I'm not sure it's a thing, but I like it :)

I pulled it myself. It had a wobble on for a while, and was starting to hurt when I ate anything. The root had been disturbed by a neighbour walking it's way, and then as it was pushed out, my eating had it pushing back. Endangering the one who started the problem. It had to go, and I feel better for it. I was at the point where the occasional jaw ache was sometimes a little neck ache, so you know it's going wrong at that point. Good pain tolerance can't overcome the low spirits of constant infection. It's really surprising just how down a bad tooth can get you. Though there was actually nothing bad about it. Just no room at the inn.
I basically have gum problems, and the dentist telling me this was of zero help. He wouldn't fix problems I showed him, and wanted to take teeth I was still using. 5 years with him, and I left, with all the teeth he wanted out on my first visit. I would of been better off with a russian dentist. Or the Irish one's who just knoch them all out before they kill you. So you buy dentures that last. Not enter into the constant world of alterations. I quit while I was ahead, but I have to pull a wisdom tooth next year, and I'm not looking forward to that. I might pay..
I removed the last of my old-style braces from my lower teeth when I was 18, living in the Yukon Territory of Canada in the Village of Carcross in 1977.

One band popped loose when I was eating and thereby put uneven pressure on the other teeth via the wire joining them all together. So I took a washcloth and put it in the jaws of a pair of pliers and popped all the remaining bands of the braces off.

I've had almost no tooth infections.

Near the beginning of the worst variants of COVID, when the US/Canada (Alaska in my case) borders were shut down fairly tightly but for 'necessary travel', I developed what we determined was likely an abscess in my jaw, so my local primary care Doc wrote a letter and gave me some antibiotics, my dentist in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory faxed me (maybe emailed?) a letter for Canada Customs, stating I had a dental emergency and an appointment, and friends south of Whitehorse a short distance sent me an email offering their 5th wheel trailer and a private outhouse on their 15-acre property, so I could comply with the quarantining and distancing, which Canada Customs was requiring.

I still nearly got turned around, despite having 3 weeks or more of groceries with me, a portable toilet, all of my documents, etc., until my dentist called the Canada Customs office at Beaver Creek, Yukon and read the riot act to the officer that was fucking with me, telling him he was violating both the Canadian federal document re. COVID and medical emergency travel, as well as the similar document/declaration from the Territory.

Had my first root canal ever that trip and still have the (now failing a bit) temporary filling my dentist put over the top of the tooth. And had a good visit with my friends there, too.


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We went to the racetrack today for dual birthdays since it is the last weekend for thoroughbreds here in the north country. And for once . . . I actually came home with $60.25 of winnings. I was on a roll.

Of course, it cost us a lot more than that for lunch . . . :cool:

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