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Well-known member
LOL sorry about that. i feel like such a sissy. I remember Stoner4lifes thread with him in Minnesota. I would get cold just reading that thread. Speaking of, does anyone have a link? that was a good thread.

we have lots of over ripe fruits and veggies here at the pantries too. They cant get rid of it all and when i get it its either barely good or not even ripe. I feel bad i waste so much. place we go to on TUE has whole fresh pineapples and other fruits like grapefruits. I feel like a criminal letting it go bad. What i really should do is get a couple carboys but im pretty broke. Guess i could use plastic.

Awe man that would suck. so you got moose coming in your yard for berries? If you put a fence up it wouldnt break it down to get to them huh? Im sure you already thought of that. Be a pretty bad day if you had some hungry drunk moose breaking your shit to get a buzz. Funny but not funny. Never seen one up close but ive heard the stories. i think id rather take my chances with a bear no?

yeah maybe i need to get off my ass and start making some pantry wine. i bet the older ladies wouldnt mind me giving them a couple bottles. maybe i can get some preferential dibs on the good stuff! just kidding

moose eater

Well-known member
LOL sorry about that. i feel like such a sissy. I remember Stoner4lifes thread with him in Minnesota. I would get cold just reading that thread. Speaking of, does anyone have a link? that was a good thread.

we have lots of over ripe fruits and veggies here at the pantries too. They cant get rid of it all and when i get it its either barely good or not even ripe. I feel bad i waste so much. place we go to on TUE has whole fresh pineapples and other fruits like grapefruits. I feel like a criminal letting it go bad. What i really should do is get a couple carboys but im pretty broke. Guess i could use plastic.

Awe man that would suck. so you got moose coming in your yard for berries? If you put a fence up it wouldnt break it down to get to them huh? Im sure you already thought of that. Be a pretty bad day if you had some hungry drunk moose breaking your shit to get a buzz. Funny but not funny. Never seen one up close but ive heard the stories. i think id rather take my chances with a bear no?

yeah maybe i need to get off my ass and start making some pantry wine. i bet the older ladies wouldnt mind me giving them a couple bottles. maybe i can get some preferential dibs on the good stuff! just kidding
The moose go where they want, often based on where they've found grub before, and they teach their calves the route or map to such finds.

Before I had my moose fence around my veggie garden they'd come through on a sort of seasonal schedule, and I knew to get my best broccoli done before that time. Every now and again they'd surprise me.

If they can reach something they want, they'll snozzle it and eat it.

They typically don't eat nightshade plants/veggies, and they typically don't eat strawberries, though close to 20 years ago I had a multi-year conflict going with one particular cow moose, and one night she literally stomped my plot of Quinault strawberries into the bedding soil I'd planted them in. Didn't eat them. Just totally fucked them up. A continuation of her and my lasting conflict back then. She was a bitch.

My potato field has no fencing around it, and other than the moose occasionally walking through the field and incidentally stomping on a mound/hilled row, they leave the spuds alone, as they're nightshades.

As far as winemaking with otherwise wasted fruit, once all of the poly tubing is on site (my wife primarily used my old beer-making tubing), and the jugs or carboys are there (find them used for cheap on craigslist or FB Marketplace), fermentation vents are a couple bucks each or so, then the settling and sterilizing agents, and some good stout champagne yeasts at about $3/packet (we're a bit higher priced here on some things), then you're talking about some potentially really good wine for very low cost. No real reason to let over-ripened fruit go to waste. Though having a pantry stacked with good wine has some potential risks built into it, too. One risk being that productivity regarding chores can take a dive on occasion.
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Well-known member
Haha! Believe it or not it would actually make me more productive. I cant get much less. Alcohol actually gives me energy. probably all the carbs and sugar. I cant even imagine a time when i have a basement full of wine. i have a bad habit of leaving no bottle unturned if you know what i mean!

Yeah i fucking knew it. Moose are fucking dicks. i know i know. Still they can fuck right off. I cant be sympathetic ALL the time. but i guess you guys have figured out homeostasis and all that stuff. But boy i can imagine how pissed off i would be they took out some heirlooms or something important like that.Its the way she goes i guess.

I already know the answer i think but do you guys ever make mixed wines or do you like to limit to one or 2 fruits? ideally i would like only one fruit but i cant see me filling a whole carboy with one fruit.Ahh, theres just too many complications with just throwing whatever the fuck ya got in there. i did that once and while it was horrible to my standards was actually drinkable. My grandma never drank but even she tried it. Looking back i feel terrible giving my grandma that sludge. lol She was one of 14 kids living down south GA on a farm with an outhouse. I wish my family down there was still alive. i know they had some recipes.

Im meandering again. so yeah i think im gonna do it. i was gonna make beer but i think the fruit going to waste is a bigger priority. ive literally got fruit going to waste right now. my mom says shes gonna make fruit salad but i know she wont. i gotta get like a what? 5 gallon carboy you think? I should know this shit but my mind isnt doing very good. pretty sure i got nerve damge.

OH HELL IM AN IDIOT! I just remembered im in a huge brewer town. ya think brewers would get rid of there old dirty stuff or is that not legal? probably not but it wouldnt hurt to ask right? Hell if i had a car id be looking for a job at a brewery

If i go TUE i will ask the ladies and the older gentlemen if they would be interested in maybe a very small little wine making commune or something. never know right?
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moose eater

Well-known member
Just another summer day in Fairbanks, Alaska...

>>""Naked, sledgehammer-wielding man arrested over dog dispute
  • 3 hrs ago


Alaska State Troopers

People love their pets, but some love them so much they may be willing to show up naked to get them back.

Alaska State Troopers arrested Brian Dilan Senti, 31, of Fairbanks on Friday after receiving a report of a nude man attempting to break into a residence on the 1700 block of Army Road.

According to charging documents, there was a disagreement between Senti and a neighbor over the ownership of a small brown dog, which was staying at the neighbor’s apartment.

Troopers received a call around 2:14 p.m. where the caller reported that Senti was naked and holding a sledgehammer, charging documents stated. Before troopers arrived, the caller — another neighbor — said Senti returned to his apartment to put on clothes.

When troopers arrived, they found Senti, who was clothed by that time, on a porch with two other pets — a rottweiler and a brown dog. The hammer was also located nearby and there was damage to the victim’s apartment’s door knob.

Court documents state that the victim told troopers that he took the dog from Senti the day before because the defendant was “angry and throwing things around.”

The victim also told troopers that Senti said “I’m going to [expletive] you up,” while he was naked and banging on the victim’s door, according to charging documents.

After interviewing the original caller, the victim and Senti, troopers arrested and charged him with felony first-degree burglary as well as misdemeanor third-degree theft and fourth-degree assault.""<<

(***Note to self: Try to be fully clothed before heading into battle. Elsewise the neighbors might think less of you... A sledgehammer can only cover up so much of the human anatomy. And nakedness during serious conflict is far more startling to the average urbanite than some might think).

moose eater

Well-known member
Haha! Believe it or not it would actually make me more productive. I cant get much less. Alcohol actually gives me energy. probably all the carbs and sugar. I cant even imagine a time when i have a basement full of wine. i have a bad habit of leaving no bottle unturned if you know what i mean!

Yeah i fucking knew it. Moose are fucking dicks. i know i know. Still they can fuck right off. I cant be sympathetic ALL the time. but i guess you guys have figured out homeostasis and all that stuff. But boy i can imagine how pissed off i would be they took out some heirlooms or something important like that.Its the way she goes i guess.

I already know the answer i think but do you guys ever make mixed wines or do you like to limit to one or 2 fruits? ideally i would like only one fruit but i cant see me filling a whole carboy with one fruit.Ahh, theres just too many complications with just throwing whatever the fuck ya got in there. i did that once and while it was horrible to my standards was actually drinkable. My grandma never drank but even she tried it. Looking back i feel terrible giving my grandma that sludge. lol She was one of 14 kids living down south GA on a farm with an outhouse. I wish my family down there was still alive. i know they had some recipes.

Im meandering again. so yeah i think im gonna do it. i was gonna make beer but i think the fruit going to waste is a bigger priority. ive literally got fruit going to waste right now. my mom says shes gonna make fruit salad but i know she wont. i gotta get like a what? 5 gallon carboy you think? I should know this shit but my mind isnt doing very good. pretty sure i got nerve damge.

OH HELL IM AN IDIOT! I just remembered im in a huge brewer town. ya think brewers would get rid of there old dirty stuff or is that not legal? probably not but it wouldnt hurt to ask right? Hell if i had a car id be looking for a job at a brewery

If i go TUE i will ask the ladies and the older gentlemen if they would be interested in maybe a very small little wine making commune or something. never know right?
We do a LOT of mixed fruits wines, 'hawk. One or 2 recent batches included combinations of peach, blueberry, date, and raisin, with some clean canned fruit cocktail tossed in for good measure. The dates seem to give it a broad base lower end, though my wife believes that to be the raisins.

I told her that if we add more raisins, I'm a half-step away from 'pruno' a 'la prison.

Also used in the initial fermentation is one of my former beer fermentation, food-grade, 6-gallon buckets with a spigot at the base, and a vent hole for the fermentation vent in the center of the lid. Though in early fermentation, before moving the must from the fermenter bucket to one or more of the carboys or jugs (ranging from 1-gallon to 6-gallons in size with rubber stoppers and vents) my wife often simply takes a small sheet of a fine nylon cheesecloth-like fabric, and uses a series of the longer wire ties from broccoli and lettuce, joined by twisting at the ends to make them longer, and secures the cheesecloth-like fabric over the bucket for the earlier fermentation, with no vents or air-lock seal at all. Works nicely, too.


Well-known member
Those Alaske Troopers are the best trained in the country. i bet those boys have seen some stuff up there. I wouldnt be naked but i would go a little wonky if someone tried to steal my dog. My dads ex girlfriend and her mother tried that shit. went there to get the dog and they started throwng soup cans at us. lucky for them i was only 14 or 15. i would not be so nice now. oh well got him back in the end.

Not related but over kinda close to wear i used to live they had a guy laying on some train tracks yesterday and luckily or not depending on how you see it the engineer pulled the breaks and i think it only got his legs. i think hes alive in critical condition. I think somebody tried to kill him. not sure about the whole story yet but there was a murder there not too long ago. this was Decatur IL

yeah when i hear raisins i automatically think prison hooch. they called it Buck Juice down south. not sure where the name came from. i dont like raisins myself but who cares when your locked up.I went to the pantry today but they were out of almost everything. only some cocktail fruit cups left. they will work but i would probably just put them in a cupboard and forget about them. i got a pantry this Thursday i will probably go to. they have grapefruits and oranges. i got plenty of apples.

I dont really have a lot of money to work with so im gonna try and do this as redneck as i can. need some cheap siphoning tubes, probably a funnel. cheese cloth.wish i could use an old shirt. dont know where to get a cheese cloth. these city slickers arent into making wine. All about the micro brews here

you dont even use an air lock? yeah that would work. ive seen people use ballons and condoms on smaller stuff like 2 liter bottles. what kinda yeast do you use? Isnt Turbo Yeast used for high ABV? sorry im pretty rusty with this stuff
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Well-known member
Im pretty sure i read a similar story years ago. pretty interesting to say the least.How many are there in the 27 Club? I can only think of Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain. Glad to see you still hear Gry! hope all is well and in good health good sir!


Well-known member
Pearl by Janis Joplin was the first album I bought when I came back to the states.
What are the odds of the same individual being involved with the death of Jim
Morrison in Paris, and then Janis Joplin in Los Angeles.
Any idea how much dope it would take to kill someone who has built up
a tolerance to it ?
Let's just say that the oft repeated TV scene showing a kindly MD turning up
the morphine to ease the passing of a loved one is pure fiction.
The last thing a medical professional would want would be to have a dying patient
flipping out due to an abundance of opiates.
They would likely administer a mild sedative or benzo, to keep the patient comfortable
and let nature take it's course.
I can't help but think that the individual who supplied the substance to Janis was
completing a tasking. I base that upon his actions following the death of Jim
Morrison. He fled immediately; he did not stick around to see if the guy would
be OK etc. I can't help but describe his actions as being those a person who clearly
understood what the outcome would be.
That the same individual died themselves shortly thereafter does fit a pattern.

Can't help but think that the fact that neither Morrison's nor Joplin's death
were described accurately, is an indicator as to how compliant our media is.


In my empire of dirt
Just another summer day in Fairbanks, Alaska...

>>""Naked, sledgehammer-wielding man arrested over dog dispute

Alaska State Troopers

People love their pets, but some love them so much they may be willing to show up naked to get them back.

Alaska State Troopers arrested Brian Dilan Senti, 31, of Fairbanks on Friday after receiving a report of a nude man attempting to break into a residence on the 1700 block of Army Road.

According to charging documents, there was a disagreement between Senti and a neighbor over the ownership of a small brown dog, which was staying at the neighbor’s apartment.

Troopers received a call around 2:14 p.m. where the caller reported that Senti was naked and holding a sledgehammer, charging documents stated. Before troopers arrived, the caller — another neighbor — said Senti returned to his apartment to put on clothes.

When troopers arrived, they found Senti, who was clothed by that time, on a porch with two other pets — a rottweiler and a brown dog. The hammer was also located nearby and there was damage to the victim’s apartment’s door knob.

Court documents state that the victim told troopers that he took the dog from Senti the day before because the defendant was “angry and throwing things around.”

The victim also told troopers that Senti said “I’m going to [expletive] you up,” while he was naked and banging on the victim’s door, according to charging documents.

After interviewing the original caller, the victim and Senti, troopers arrested and charged him with felony first-degree burglary as well as misdemeanor third-degree theft and fourth-degree assault.""<<

(***Note to self: Try to be fully clothed before heading into battle. Elsewise the neighbors might think less of you... A sledgehammer can only cover up so much of the human anatomy. And nakedness during serious conflict is far more startling to the average urbanite than some might think).
here in san deigo, showing up naked to someones house is more a social visit type thing
not trying to get my dogs back with a sledge hammer
i would break out the tank top and cut off jeans for that, but thats just us lower state folk
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Well-known member
here in san deigo, showing naked to someones house is more a social visit type thing
not trying to get my dogs back with a sledge hammer
i would break out the tank top and cut off jeans for that, but thats just us lower state folk
In Oregon its legal to walk around butt ass naked as long as its not sexual or something. not sure how that goofy shit works but its legal in SD too? its disgusting to me TBH


In my empire of dirt
In Oregon its legal to walk around butt ass naked as long as its not sexual or something. not sure how that goofy shit works but its legal in SD too? its disgusting to me TBH
what?! NO
and you are right it would be gross, i dotn want to touch something your bare ass just touched
the thing here im seeing is people putting their dogs on the table tops at places that are dog friendly
im all for dogs man, but i dont let them just up on my dinner table

we do have nude beaches here


Well-known member
what?! NO
and you are right it would be gross, i dotn want to touch something your bare ass just touched
the thing here im seeing is people putting their dogs on the table tops at places that are dog friendly
im all for dogs man, but i dont let them just up on my dinner table

we do have nude beaches here
yeah i havent seen that yet but that is gross too and i love my doggos. Theres a guy out there somewhere on the east coast that has a what are those medical animals called? fuk brain fart but theres a guy with a pet alligator he brings with him. safety gator or something ill try to find pics


In my empire of dirt
lol fuckin weirdo!

thats bs and his dr is a fool for giving him some kind of pass to bring this animal in public
a real emotional support/ helper animal is trained by professionals, this is just some guys stray animal he found
/remember that lady who raised monkeys since birth in california and then they ripped her face off
i dont think some wild animals are meant to be domesticated
but im not a reptile person so what do i know

eta, nice technique guy in white
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Well-known member
I agree pops. guy is an idiot. it wont be funny when that gator rips a little girls face off. at least when it happens he can make some boots to remember him by. I remember that bear. LOL at him trying to karate chop it. like thats gonna do something. i LOLed at the look the bear gave that woman before it went apeshit. That bear did not like that woman lol its not the bears fault either. these fuks just wont learn. look what happend to sig and roys tiger


In my empire of dirt
hahhha, right?
like did they have a bad date or something like that
but i get it, i dont get along with everyone either but that bear was not happy to see her
i wonder if the bear still had its claws? because if a wild bear rakes you like that first combo i think you would need a bandaid
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