wonder why they evolved stripes. seems they would stick out to predators
Thanks Weezard.
I've bene begrudgingly considering a run to obtain 8 more of the boxes and lids; 2 per cabinet (somewhat surprisingly, the flat, non-descript polymer lids are more $$ than the nice polymer blue boxes).. (Go figger').
I'll still have 3 strands of wire per nut or connector, though I did find some crimpable nuts that MIGHT be sized correctly for my needs, and be more confident in their holding than the threaded connectors..
Tangential question: why does spell-check believe that 'crimpable' shouldn't be a word???
Anyway, covering my bets, me, my P100 mask, some nitrile gloves, a can of Lysol spray, some Lysol wipes, my wallet, and maybe a customary sidearm, are headed to the hardware store, intent on obtaining some of all of the above; 3 or 4-port friction-fit connectors, crimpable wire-nuts, larger blue threaded wire-nuts, and 8 more of the boxes and lids, as well as 3/8" or 1/2" wire-clamps for the knock-outs on the boxes..
Murphy dictates that these stumbling blocks are identified at 2:00 to 3:00 A.M. ALWAYS. Or maybe that has something to do with MY night-time surge of motivation, when dealing with dyssomnia.. Or both.
Time to wipe down, shave for the mask, gear up, and Gooooooooo!
Thanks again!