jeez, this is reading like a scare propaganda text for the government..
you guys are watching too many movies and shows, maybe comics or something , because you are making it sound like the government has all the best hackers and tech people and all that (yeah, cause they pay so well, right?)
and a bunch of future science gadgets to boot.
but look at their fucking track record in everything.
2 years to get those guys
and i bet they used a snitch, not a case of them hacking into everything.
the government is efficient on the level of "oops, sorry about bombing that school to shit, we wanted the house next to it."
the government never ever does a fucking adequate job, and when they come near to it, then it took them years and probably outside contractors to boot lool. (Every dog has its day)
i mean , even starting the fucking drugwar takes a a fucking moron.
and morons accomplish, moronic things.
lol, fucking hollywood and making the army and government look efficient (in 50 takes with professional stuntmen and doctor made models (non of whom are actually governmentally employed nor capable of much more than repeating their lines and looking good infront of a camera with guidance (Eventually, usually they do multiple takes on every shot..)
See the problem is they have so much power and they are so crazy !! WTF .. Seriously what do you want ppl to do here .. After awhile your not sure who or what to believe anymore or who to trust because they have so much bullshit spying going on with so much war on whatever. "War on cannabis "and locking ppl up for this and you wonder why ppl are scared lol .Life in prison for possion of drugs and they are making a ton of cash and your saying we are paraniod lol DOH.. I don't have to watch TV ,,I watch life.. and I watch our Gov do what they do and this scares me a lot headband 707