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top of the heap to third world status in one generation

moose eater

Well-known member
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i 2nd the motion

I suspect I have a slight handle on what some of the issues are with other segments of political groups in the US that cause you grief personally, but underneath your past sizzling attitude toward them, seems to be an understanding of at least some of what really matters.

Meanwhile, while I strive to remain truthful, another here accuses me of posting fictions without providing one factual example to support his baseless allegations and admitting elsewhere that they don't watch or listen to the news.

Hmmm. Sounds like something else at work therein, and it ain't facts or integrity.
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moose eater

Well-known member
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to me this betrays a startling level of egocentrism.... you're saying we shouldn't care if we don't have 50 more years left? we should stop fighting for a better world because we won't be on said world for a hundred more?
His news-avoidant insistence that we all be as narcissistic and self-centered as he is, while maintaining his utter lack of awareness of reality around us beyond our 'beautiful sunsets', also downplays or ignores the fact that some of us have been engaged in activism since age 15, and we're now senior citizens.

He cherry-picks and omits, then claims some sort of knowledge that he's already acknowledged he ignores outside information, while failing to see his own problems and disorders.

His wife's going back to Switzerland for 3 months. Had to wonder if that's not one of those, "I'll be back in just a bit, honey' moments that turns into a "Where'd she go and why isn't she answering my phone calls?' moments.

He must be a peach to live with.

moose eater

Well-known member
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Lmfao you're completely gone dude

Twisting circumstantial or limited information from eclipsed or 'trimmed' sources is part of his spin. The only real question is if he does this out of an inability to see what he's doing or if he does this knowingly in a propagandist orientation from the get-go.

But seeing him willfully post Zionist propaganda and spin for a year and a half leaves me more than a bit suspicious.

moose eater

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Perhaps if he didn't have such a history of posting half-truth spin, he wouldn't have the rep he has.

Then he whines about it. And we're the pearl clutching bitches?

If one didn't know better, with that degree of deflection and lack of self-awareness, one might almost accuse him of being a Trumper.


Well-known member
Perhaps if he didn't have such a history of posting half-truth spin, he wouldn't have the rep he has.

Then he whines about it. And we're the pearl clutching bitches?

If one didn't know better, with that degree of deflection and lack of self-awareness, one might almost accuse him of being a Trumper.

To clarify, I think cannavore is more of a pearl-clutching whiny bitch.

I think you are a clown.


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moose eater

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To be clear, Genghis, the pearl-clutching on your behalf is fueled by the factual flushing away of the facade of 'Israel is a peaceful developed democratic Country and a pure victim' before your very Zionist eyes. I get your desperation toward deflection and not wishing the veneer's absence to be so starkly frightening for some, albeit with transparent motivation, but it's still a despicable and nauseating position you bolster. That is, 95% of the time you post on the subject.

Hence, your projections about 'pearl-clutching.'
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Well-known member
I am pleased that for most of my life, the United States has been a place where people wished to be, because we were willing to speak up and speak out about such practices.
Watching Trump dial back the rate of pay on federal projects from 17 buck an hour and change to 7 an hour and change, it leaves little doubt as to who he is looking out for.
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
His news-avoidant insistence that we all be as narcissistic and self-centered as he is, while maintaining his utter lack of awareness of reality around us beyond our 'beautiful sunsets', also downplays or ignores the fact that some of us have been engaged in activism since age 15, and we're now senior citizens.

He cherry-picks and omits, then claims some sort of knowledge that he's already acknowledged he ignores outside information, while failing to see his own problems and disorders.

His wife's going back to Switzerland for 3 months. Had to wonder if that's not one of those, "I'll be back in just a bit, honey' moments that turns into a "Where'd she go and why isn't she answering my phone calls?' moments.

He must be a peach to live with.
Hearsay. Conjecture. And you’re bragging aaaaaaaagggggaaaaaaiiiiinnnn
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