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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Well-known member
Red Onion State Prison is a high-security prison for violent and dangerous offenders who are often held in isolation.

so someone who raped or killed, or beat the shit out of someone is pissed about the conditions - well in a word FUCK-THEM... i'll supply the lighterfluid and matches


even the shittiest people, even the shittiest prison inmates have rights... like it or not.

and there's a reason we have rights... it's so YOU can have rights, too (see how that works?)

it's all for you, zach


Well-known member
i'm not thirty miles from the prison, but this is not being reported locally. WTF !!! if an inmate kills another in a fight, or dies in their cell under unusual circumstances, it gets reported...this is being swept under the rug.
This is a subject that I will address this pm.


Well-known member
i'm not thirty miles from the prison, but this is not being reported locally. WTF !!! if an inmate kills another in a fight, or dies in their cell under unusual circumstances, it gets reported...this is being swept under the rug.
This is a subject that I will address this pm.


Well-known member
so if you were innocent but got convicted anyway (it happens)...

unfort it does happen.... but for the cases that there is no doubt.... none.... housing and feeding this scum for the next 30-40-50years... sorry... and for those who say executing a person who savagely killed someone, is inhumane.... i'd chuckle if it wasn't so tragic..


the fact that innocent people exist is EXACTLY my point... EXACTLY why even violent prisoners have rights... because one day, even an innocent person could be in that same place. it's why we have due process, it's one reason i think even felons ought to be able to vote.

incidentally, until we can weed out every last glimmer of a chance of an innocent person being put to death, i am against the death penalty.
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Well-known member
Had a friend who had been a warden in one of the new ( back when they were new) glass houses that were the trend back in the eighties. I had hoped to be able to speak with him of this.


Well-known member
i'm not thirty miles from the prison, but this is not being reported locally. WTF !!! if an inmate kills another in a fight, or dies in their cell under unusual circumstances, it gets reported...this is being swept under the rug.

Could not agree more. Sixteen people burned to death, and the silence is deafining.


Well-known member
even the shittiest people, even the shittiest prison inmates have rights... like it or not.
ones refusal to descend to torturing even the obviously guilty (and maybe even deserving) of the criminals confined is a base-line distinction between moral and immoral behavior. :shucks:


Well-known member
ones refusal to descend to torturing even the obviously guilty (and maybe even deserving) of the criminals confined is a base-line distinction between moral and immoral behavior. :shucks:
there is a guy in new york last week who stabbed some people, 3 of them died... and its all on a video recording.. trial by his peers , for sure, if he's found guilty.... in my mind off he goes to the chair,chamber, or firing squad ... immoral in your mind.... not in my mind


Well-known member
A society is known by how it treats it's least. As soon as the use of the death penalty is even contemplated,
the battle with morality is forsaken. With life imprisonment, an incorrect decision can be reversed, that can never be done with the death penalty. When one adds to that, the simple fact that the use of the death penalty has not been shown to have a positive effect on the reduction of crime, one can be left wondering why it is still used.
Ours is a society which has gone from finding a death penalty onerous, to one which has embraced it with
joy and vigor.
I can't be the only one disturbed by how hard our society works at ignoring it's own history.


Well-known member
one can be left wondering why it is still used.
it's cheaper than feeding and housing folks for thirty years or so, same reason the SMFs do everything. Texas has gone so far as to fight in court trying to stop prisoners from proving their innocence using advanced DNA. if you had what the state thinks was a "fair trial", they want you to to take your needle in the arm and not raise such a fuss.


Well-known member
well texas is wrong.... u never want to execute an innocent person...never.... however if its clearcut.... thats a diff story...

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