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Too damn hot


Well-known member
Milk works by changing the pH of the leaf surface just like potassium bicarbonate does or calcium chloride, if the pH of the leaf surface is higher or lower than what mildew likes to grow it does not grow especially on a non systemic mildew (cannabis has a systemic mildew).
hey limeygreen, can you explani me in a few words what systemic mildew means? english isnt my native languare and translation tool is giving me nonsense translation.
I did know about ph with soda and potassium but didnt know its same effect with milk, would explain why more milk halps more=more ph drift on the surface..
have you experiences with greencure vs potassium bicarbonate? is the application the same? or is greencure less or more concentrated? i only have pot bicarbonate and using it half power from greencures 1tsp/gal im afraid greencure is cut down alittle but no idea.
would like to know if im able to make my potassium bicarbonate spray more efficient..


I cough up honey oil
Good stuff guys.

I gave them all a little silica today. Suppose to be another hot one though not quite as hot as it's been.

Air is full of smoke and ash. Fire in SunValley is hazing up the sky.

I was talkin to a buddy in Bend and he was saying the air there is horrible from the fires.

St. Phatty

Active member
It feels to me, just standing in the sun that's been filtered through all that smoke -

it's wierd - it's sunny but it's not hot. There are days when it's cloudy and it's hotter.

Seems like the smoke has a definite cooling effect.


Well-known member
cookiefunk, last year I saw evidence of powder mildew. I used baking soda, and apple cider vinegar.
I made it to harvest with no problems.
I cleaned my grow area and run a filter now and no longer see the problem.
The issue of PM being systemic would imply that running a filter would make no difference.
I would think if it were systemic, I would still be seeing it here.
I no longer do, so I am inclined to think it is opportunistic.
Just an opinion based off of what I have experienced here on a very small scale.
I am sure that there are others much better informed than I.
I was real fortunate that it was not bad and it cleaned up well. I did not even need to use the milk, which would have been next in line.


Well-known member
I have no experience with greencure, milstop yes. Potassium bicarbonate is rather cheap, a spreader sticker would be advised to add to it as well, silicate products work nicely especially when you're going after mildew. On vegetables, I have used potassium bicarbonate at 1-2 gramme per litre but that is vegetables so I cannot say what that does for cannabis I would advise testing lower portions of a plant that still have some new growth to see the effect so if it causes a problem at that rate you don't lose out on everything.

Systematic mildew will live in the plant and will show spores through the plants so even if you kill the spores on the leaves it is still inside the plant and is still infected meaning you could see more mildew popping up even though you have killed the spores that you can see. This means proactive approaches and using resistant varieties is the best course of action, if you know mildew will show up on certain varieties or the conditions have been good for mildew, preventative sprays are good, before flower I would suggest a bacillus subtilis with a potassium bicarbonate spray in flower I could not suggest anything as I do not know the affects of even potassium bicarbonate are on the finished product for human consumption. Leave pruning and branch pruning to allow good airflow and limit wetter microclimates within the plant is something I can suggest as well as planting in full sun to help avoid condensation etc helps.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]thanks for sharing Gry! i think i get what systemic means now :)
I will add apple cider vinegar to my list of organic weapons! Did you spray it on plants or only to clean the growspace? what ratio was applied? thanks man i love finding out new natural tools for controlling desease or creating fertilizers ect.
I also think pm is opportunistic, its like it plants are healthy with lots of beneficial bacteria the pm wont break out even when the plant is covered with spores.
have a good day mate!

Limeygreen hi, thank you too, very helpful to hear more first hand exp!
1g /litre is something to start with at least some direction, thanks, will test it on different plants lower buds first before i have the courage to apply it to the grow...
i would rather not apply potassium bicarbonate to the plant before flower, the effect of pot bicarb is that it kills off most bacteria and fungi on the plants surface. but some microbes are part of plants immune system and they fight and control the moulds and Pm to a certain point. so where silica(horsetail) comfrey or neem or EMa onion tea and milk will feed the bacteria potassium bicarb will kill them. and make room for nasty desease after the next rainfall. thats IMO but i might be wrong
My application for foliar is like this:
veg: EffectiveMicroorganisms+molasses(EMa), fish biobizz, a looot of horsetail extract neem, nettles, kelp tea, some aloe vera and soap as emulgator(spreader)
Preflower(week0-2): comfrey tea, little neem, aloe, kelpmeal tea, some horsetail extr. and Onion/garlic tea
Flower(week 2-3): comfrey last time, aloe, horsetail last time, onion garlic last time, milk first time
(week3-4): milk second and last apply, aloe for sticker/spreader and one drop of coconut ois.
milk is last because of calcium wich cant harm in midflower imo.. and coconut oil has strong antifungal and antibacterial effect.
(week 4-8) only watching and praying and holding potassium bicarbonate ready and a sharp scissors!

have a nice sunday!
anyone getting burnt looking leaves from the heat? plants seem to have lost some of the healthy dark green and turned a lighter olive green too


I cough up honey oil
I never hooked up any kind of automated watering system. Easy to do, I know, but I was not lying when I said I was fkn lazy!lol I've been driving back to the valley just to water every morning.

Pierpont piranhas. This wall is right in front of my house. I'm a fkn Val but I get a pass! Weekends count!haha


I cough up honey oil
anyone getting burnt looking leaves from the heat? plants seem to have lost some of the healthy dark green and turned a lighter olive green too

I do. I noticed just this morning that one plant has a branch or two that have a noticeably lighter olive green color. It's some kind of glue cross. I was gonna add some cal mag to the mix today but didn't. I may drive back tonight but if not......mañana.


I cough up honey oil
Well... looks as though the wave finally broke.

2-3 days ago we got some rain during the night. I decided to spray the plants that are still far from done with some BT. I was afraid the rain may have washed it off. I don't like spraying anything during the last 3 weeks so the blueberry went without a spraying. The moths don't seem to like her as much. It may be where she's at in the garden though. By the time the moths would get to her they'd be shooting blanks!haha(AUto correct just changed blanks to BLACKS!)

Close call. But yeah..... that's fkn racisms!


It's 92f with a mild breeze. Just how I like it.:biggrin:

St. Phatty

Active member
Temps are definitely down a notch or 3.

It's hard to tell if it's smokey or cloudy. (BOTH)

I started putting up some 3/8 inch braided rope, about 50 feet long, 2 pieces of rope running parallel above the plants.

This is normal, "how am I going to deal with the rains" prep work.

But I was thinking ... if temps are low, I can afford to restrict circulation. And add some CO2 - outdoors.

Not something I would dare do when temps in the sun are 100+.

If I buy the 10x100 6 mil film for $60, then I will know I am serious about this project. :woohoo:


I cough up honey oil
Temps are definitely down a notch or 3.

It's hard to tell if it's smokey or cloudy. (BOTH)

I started putting up some 3/8 inch braided rope, about 50 feet long, 2 pieces of rope running parallel above the plants.

This is normal, "how am I going to deal with the rains" prep work.

But I was thinking ... if temps are low, I can afford to restrict circulation. And add some CO2 - outdoors.

Not something I would dare do when temps in the sun are 100+.

If I buy the 10x100 6 mil film for $60, then I will know I am serious about this project. :woohoo:

You ain't fkn around!lol

I like your plan for dealing with the rain.

I was wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to run a third line down the center and slightly higher so the rain won't pool in the middle?

Just throwing it out there. I'm in SoCal and have never had to prepare for rains!haha I wouldn't mind having to hustle for some damn water!haha so I don't really know wtf I'm talking about when it comes to rain brother!

Adding Co2 outdoors(under tarps) is something I don't think I've ever seen done. Interesting stuff.
Best would be to cover the plants like this / rather than like this ^ it you know what i mean, more light and no point where you can collect water... every soft construction like ^ will collect water and push your plants down maybe.


Active member
Is 60 degrees and raining all night , still raining this morning here in lake county where I am ... going to survey the results in the field here shortly.
Hoping for the best


I cough up honey oil
Is 60 degrees and raining all night , still raining this morning here in lake county where I am ... going to survey the results in the field here shortly.
Hoping for the best

Hope you find everything to be all good man. Positive vibes coming your way.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


I put a cover up over my plants every year. Its raining now and the cover is not up yet. Beginning to feel like Resin ... just lazy :)

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