still here my friends,gettin ready to start a new lil somethin up here in a few...
thanks for chimin in drdog
well be rollin along here real soon.\
Hey ton, everything alright bro? I see you may have had some issues with someone not liking you to grow, I feel ya; I will be doing this till I am old and gray myself!
Smoking cannabis is not addicting, but growing it is
I am here to see your new grow and I can't wait to see; you got skillz dude and don't let anyone else tell you other wise, but please please make sure you stay safe, don't want another brother getting busted you know?
jesus good to hear your ok man. brother t, if there's anything i can do lmk. then again, i totally understand if you are spooked by the fact that i suddenly have a new account around the same time your shit went down. let the world know this is khaleel, and i am not a cop. fuck the police and those that narc. leave us the fuck alone and go after the goddam rapists and meth-heads.
im good my friends,thank you for all ur concerns.
just relaxin a little while these things blowover yo,
nothing went down with me,other online friends were jeapordized but not me.
be on the lookout for a little somethin somethin i been workin on
i miss all of you and will be back with somethin to keep ur attention
leel,esbe,and everyone else ty for the good vibes,i can feel the love.
Good to see ya back round T...always loved your grows, always dank and proper ...Hope you and all the fam are stated before "security always comes first"...cant wait to see what you have goin on next...Peace